Pang Xin's face changed suddenly.

She really didn't expect that the other party would make such a request.

"Sunset, are you still human? I have been in love with you for so long, and a true heart has been placed on you, obviously it was a mistake you made, you actually said such things to me!

Pang Xin's voice was a little hissing, and his eyes became a little red at this moment.

"You don't tell me this, Pang Xin, what kind of goods are you in my heart, if it weren't for the fact that I have money, you would be with me?"

"A gold-worshipping girl, now pretending to be a bitch?"

"It's obviously your dirty heart, what's wrong with me asking you to pay back now? Lao Tzu has been in love with you for so long, I dare not say, there are still hundreds of thousands! Give me back the money now, or I'll go to court and sue you!"

Sunset sneered.

He is not a good person, but Pang Xin is not a good product in nature.

Pang Xin's face was a little pale, she bit her lip tightly, and her pretty face did not have a trace of blood at this moment.

"Okay, I'll give you the money, but now I don't have that much money, but don't worry, I owe you before, I will pay you back without leaving a penny!"

"If that's the case, that's the best, but I won't give you too much time, just three days, if you don't give money, you just wait for me!"

Sunset sneered, his eyes looked at Liu Ruoxue's body, and there was a bit of salivation in his eyes.

"Beauty, you should be Pang Xin's best friend! I am the son of the boss of Yunhai Logistics, my name is Sunset, don't worry, I can't treat you the same way I treat her!

"Do you want to add a WeChat and make a friend?"

"Get out!"

Qi Xueqin's beautiful eyes were a little cold.

"Don't be so repulsive! I'm really not a good person, but you don't need to worry, nothing else, I still have money, as long as you are willing to make friends with me, I guarantee that you can enter the rich circle of the magic capital!

"It doesn't matter if you are not with me, as long as you know me and have the opportunity to meet rich people in the magic capital, you should also want to find a rich boyfriend!"

Yu Hui has already seen through Qi Xueqin's appearance, for a rich second generation like him, there are more gold-worshipping women around him, and everyone is a gold-worshipping woman.

"Get out!"

Qi Xueqin's face became a little colder again.

"Yo, don't give a face! But don't be proud, do you think I'm a character to deal with?

"I tell you, you can refuse me, but there will be a price for rejecting me!"

Sunset said with an icy look in his eyes.

Pang Xin seemed to know what kind of face he was at this moment.

"Sunset, this is what you are, right? I was really blind before to look at people like you!

"Hahaha! Pang Xin, you don't have to be a virgin here, you think you're amazing! It's just a rotten thing left over from being played, and you talked about boyfriends when you were in college before!

"You don't have much cleanliness with me, but after being with me, you pretend to be a saint every day, who do you think you are!"

Sunset sneered.


Pang Xin couldn't bear it anymore at this time, and rushed towards Sunset with his bag.

That crazy expression gives people a hideous posture.


"I don't know if I'm alive or dead, and you still want to do it with me?"

Sunset suddenly slapped, Pang Xin was directly slapped to the ground, blood flowed from the corner of her mouth, and her eyes became a little soulless at this moment.

Many passers-by around felt a little distressed when they saw this scene.

Meet such scumbags.

Pang Xin is indeed too unfortunate.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing her girlfriend being beaten, Qi Xueqin immediately rushed up.

"Why, do you want to be beaten too?"

Sunset sneered.

"You can move her and try, I can guarantee that your hands and feet will be unscrewed off by me!"

An indifferent voice sounded at this time.

I only saw a figure slowly walking towards this side.

"What are you?"

Sunset looked over, and when he saw Qin Mu, he felt a little strange.

The man in front of him is dressed in a famous brand, and from the temperament point of view, he is not an ordinary person!

"I'm her boyfriend, I don't want to care about your broken things, how do you like to deal with it, but if you dare to touch my woman, I can guarantee that I will make you regret coming to this world!"

Qin Mu said in an icy tone.

"Qin Mu!"

Qi Xueqin looked at Qin Mu with a hint of joy.

"There was a bit of a traffic jam on the road, and it was late!"

Qin Mu smiled slightly.

"It's okay!" Qi Xueqin also had a bit of a smile.

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