"It's not because Qin Mu is too good!"

Qi Xueqin stuck out his tongue and said a little helplessly.

"For many women, being able to marry into a wealthy family must be a very good thing!"

"But when you really enter the giants, you will find that whether it is your qualifications or vision, there is no way to match the other party!"

"What's more, I haven't seen Qin Mu's parents yet, and I don't know what is the situation with Qin Mu's parents at all!"

"As far as a girl like me, apart from beauty, it seems that there is really nothing worthy of Qin Mu, and in the future, I may not be able to catch Qin Mu!"

Pang Xin exhaled and nodded slightly.

"You're right!"

"It seems that I should also take care of my heart and find a man with a suitable personality and two people who can progress together!"

"If only you could think this way, I was worried that you would sink deeper and deeper!"

Qi Xueqin said with a smile.

"Sunset's story tells me that the richer a man, the more he cares, unless you have the same strength, otherwise, you will always be at a disadvantage in this family!"

Pang Xin seemed to see away at this moment.


Qi Xueqin nodded.

"Let's go! I'm going to slaughter you today!

Pang Xin said with a smile, her mood at this moment was much more stable than before.

"No problem!"

Qi Xueqin nodded.

Then the vehicle started, and not long after, the figure of the two came to the restaurant, this restaurant is not too luxurious, but it is also a restaurant with a per capita consumption level of two or three thousand.

Those who can come here to dine have some value.

When Qin Mu entered it, he quickly noticed that there was a piano in the middle of the restaurant.

Think about it, although I have obtained god-level piano skills, I have not played the piano for a long time.

"Calculate the time, I have been with Qi Xueqin for three months!"

Qin Mu suddenly thought, with a slight smile at the corner of his mouth.

Although everything has already happened to the two.


Men, sometimes, just need to know some romance.

Qin Mu's figure slowly walked towards the piano, and then sat in front of the piano.

Qi Xueqin and Pang Xin, who were a little slower than Qin Mu, slowly entered the restaurant at this time.

Their eyes looked at Qin Mu sitting in front of the piano, and there was obviously a hint of surprise on their faces.

"Xueqin, he won't want to play the piano!"

Pang Xin asked a little surprised.

"It should be! Qin Mu's piano level is very high, anyway, he is the most powerful piano master I have ever seen!

Qi Xueqin said with a smile.

"Che, he looks like he is only in his twenties, even if he starts practicing the piano when he is young, he is at most a master level, and there is still a big gap from the master!"

"Those world-class pianists are basically thirty or forty years old, and they practice for at least eight hours a day!"

"Even the youngest piano master Venelson is now thirty-six years old!"

"The Chopin music he played has made those who have listened to it unforgettable to this day!"

Pang Xin said slowly.

She studied music, and she knows much more about these things than Qi Xueqin.

Qi Xueqin smiled mysteriously and didn't say anything.

At this time, the radio in the restaurant slowly sounded, and a pleasant voice came.

"Next, Mr. Qin Mu will present a piano song to Ms. Qi Xueqin, and I also wish Ms. Qi Xueqin a year and a future!"

After these words fell, Qin Mu's fingers began to beat continuously on the piano keys.

The faces of the people who were still eating in the restaurant changed slightly.

So beautiful!

These people did not expect that Qin Mu's piano technology was so powerful.

"I heard you right! This piano level has definitely reached the level of a master! How old is this guy?

"Awesome! I have only heard such piano performances in top concerts abroad, but I didn't expect to hear them here!

"Sounds good!"


many people whispered, and when their eyes looked towards Qin Mu, there was some appreciation.

Even people who don't know the piano seem to have become calmer when they hear the music played by Qin Mu, and their good impression of Qin Mu has obviously improved a lot.

Pang Xin, who was standing at the entrance, was stunned, and her whole jaw was shocked.

A red cloud appeared on a pretty face.

Before she also questioned Qin Mu's strength, but she didn't expect that Qin Mu's piano technique had reached this point!

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