Qin Mu knew that today was the day when he agreed to see a doctor with Second Master Bai, and he did not hesitate to walk directly towards the woman.

"You are Qin Mu?" The woman's eyes glanced at Qin Mu, and faintly, her brows frowned slightly.

"That's right!" Qin Mu nodded.

"Is it that you told my second uncle that you will heal?" The woman asked again.


"It's simply ridiculous, the second uncle is really sick and rushed to the hospital, just like you, how can it be possible to cure the disease!" There was a thick disdain in the woman's eyes.

Qin Mu touched his nose and didn't explain much, people can't do it, what else can he do.

"I really don't know what method you used to make my second uncle believe you so much, but if you can't cure him this time, you better leave quickly, otherwise, if you enter our Bai family and want to leave, it won't be so easy!"

The woman reminded that although she didn't trust Qin Mu a little, she also knew very well that those people in the Bai family were not simple.

If Qin Mu didn't have real skills and entered the Bai family, it would be looking for death.

"Don't worry! I'm measured! Qin Mu smiled slightly.

"Arrogant!" The woman snorted softly, and no longer said anything, and after getting into the car, she sat directly on the side, her eyes looking to the side, as if she didn't want to look at Qin Mu more at all.

Qin Mu was also happy and quiet.

The vehicle left the complex and drove all the way in the direction away from the magic capital.

Almost half an hour later, the vehicle came to a beautiful scenery and fresh air mountain village.

This villa is some distance from the center of the magic capital, but the environment is very good and covers a large area, which is also a treasure of feng shui.

After Qin Mu got out of the car, his eyes looked around.

This place!

Not bad indeed.

"Bai Lao Er has found a good place!" Qin Mu whispered.

"This is our Bai family's ancestral land, and it is also the place where our Bai family made its fortune, do you actually want to cheat money, can't you do your homework at the beginning?" Bai Ling said in an indifferent tone, and when he spoke, his eyes scanned Qin Mu with a little disdain.

"This is your Bai family ancestral land, no wonder feng shui is so good, it seems that your Bai family ancestor is also a person who knows feng shui!" Qin Mu nodded slightly, this place is a rare treasure land from the perspective of feng shui.

If it is the ancestral land of the Bai family, then it is indeed natural that the Bai family can make a fortune.

"Let's go inside!" Bai Ling's tone was still cold, and his figure walked forward.

Qin Mu followed behind and entered the mountain villa all the way.

This villa covers a large area, from the entrance to the first building is a hundred meters, and there are many guards in the villa, roughly calculated there should be about a hundred people.

After passing through several buildings, Qin Mu and Bai Ling came to a main room, where many people were standing.

And the person sitting not far away was Second Master Bai, at this time, his body was half lying down, and an old man who looked to be about sixty years old, with a gray beard and hair, was treating Second Master Bai.

After some treatment, he reached out.

"Second Master's disease is not simple, although I don't know Tai Yi Shen Needle, I can use the Tuina method to help Second Master relieve his pain!" At this time, the old man said.

As he spoke, he wanted to reach out and push Second Master Bai's chest.

Qin Mu's eyes saw his movements, and his brows frowned slightly.

"If you push this hand down, in a moment he will spit out blood in his mouth and his face will turn black!"

"What are you?" Many people around noticed Qin Mu's figure.

Bai Ling's brows also frowned slightly.

This Qin Mu!

So presumptuous!

You know, the person who treated her second uncle was a famous doctor who was famous in the country and the owner of Jirentang, and his medical skills were also ranked first in the whole of Shenzhou.

Such a character, even if the Bai family invited him over, it would take some effort, and Qin Mu dared to speak out to stop it.

"His disease itself is related to old injuries, there are bruises on his chest and all over his body, if you directly massage him with your hands, not only will it not make him better, but it may also backfire!" If it's for the good of Second Master Bai, it's better not to push him!

Qin Mu explained.

"Mr. Qin!" There was a hint of surprise in Second Master Bai's eyes.

The surrounding gazes were all focused on Qin Mu in an instant.

"You are Qin Mu?" The gray-bearded old man stopped moving, looked at Qin Mu, and asked rhetorically.


"I can't imagine that the descendant of the Taiyi Divine Needle is so young, I Zhou Mu has practiced medicine all my life, and I can be regarded as having achieved something in this Dao, even I dare not say that I know the Taiyi Divine Needle, why do you say this?"

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