Many people are talking about it at this time.

Zhou Mu's face was also a little ugly, he couldn't look at Qin Mu, but what Qin Mu said just confirmed it.

"Coincidence, it must be just a coincidence, how old he is, how can he understand medical skills." Zhou Mu also wanted to deny it.

But the eyes of the people of the Bai family swept towards him.

"You quack, you don't have the ability, you still slander others there, I tell you, if something happens to my second uncle today, I can guarantee that you won't be able to leave the Bai family!" A young man next to him said with an angry face.

Zhou Mu was dumb.

"Okay, the priority now is to save the second master, Bai Qi, you go and find someone to invite Qin Mu back, although this young man is a little arrogant, but he can say the condition of the second master Bai in one word, it should not be a simple person, he may really have a way to save the second master!"

A middle-aged man who had never spoken said at this time, his status in the Bai family was not low, and after he spoke, the people of the Bai family all nodded one after another.

The young man known as the white instrument immediately nodded, and then walked quickly outside with a few juniors.

At this time, Qin Mu had already left the Bai family compound, and no one came to see him off, he left alone.

When he came, he took a Rolls-Royce, and when he went back, he actually asked him to walk back, this Bai family's hospitality, Qin Mu has experienced.

And just as he was about to leave the Bai family compound, a figure hurriedly ran towards him.

"Qin Mu, wait!" At this time, several figures quickly ran towards him.

"Is something wrong?" Qin Mu's tone was indifferent.

"We agree that you will go and treat my second uncle, come with me!" Bai Qiao looked at Qin Mu and said directly.

"You agree, let me save your second uncle?" Qin Mu asked rhetorically.

"That's right, now come with us, my second uncle's condition is not very good!" Bai Ji said again.

"Hehe, I'm sorry, I'm not waiting!" Qin Mu snorted coldly.

"What do you mean? Do you know how many people will stop at nothing to win over our Bai family, you are just a businessman with a little money, what is it in front of our Bai family? Bai Qi's face changed, it had been a long time, no one had spoken to him like this anymore.

"I'm really nothing, but if the Bai family really wants to do something to me, I can guarantee that it will definitely be you who regret it!" Qin Mu said indifferently.

Bai Ji's face was ugly, and the faces of the juniors behind him were also ugly.

"Qin Mu, you are looking for death!" Bai Ji scolded angrily.

"White weapon, don't be impulsive!" The junior next to him hurriedly pulled the white weapon, they knew very well that if the white instrument really made a move with Qin Mu, then the second master would really be helpless.

Qin Mu snorted coldly, the other party's attitude, he didn't want to save people even more.

Without bothering to say anything, Qin Mu left directly.

"Qin Mu, I know you are uncomfortable in your heart, but I hope you understand that this is the Bai family!"

"What is the status of our Bai family in the magic capital, you should know in your heart that going against our Bai family will not do you any good!" At this time, Bai Ling's figure walked out, and she was worried that Bai Qiu would not be able to convince Qin Mu, so she came to take a look.

Unexpectedly, this happened.

"If the Bai family wants to do it, just try, although I Qin Mu is not particularly powerful, but in the magic capital, there is no one who can easily bully me!" Qin Mu disagreed.

He hated this self-contained attitude.

"Do you really want to go against our Bai family?" Bai Ling took another step and stared at Qin Mu with blazing eyes.

"It's not that I want to go against your Bai family, it's your Bai family who wants to go against me!" An astonishing momentum erupted from Qin Mu's body.

Now he is different from the past, and if he looks at him head-on, Qin Mu's sense of oppression is no worse than the helmsman of the top giants.

Bai Ling and the others' faces changed drastically.

They didn't expect that the momentum on Qin Mu's body was so terrifying, and they had only experienced such momentum in their grandfather.

But their grandfather is the helmsman of the Bai family and the true master of the magic capital.

And Qin Mu!

How old is he?

Seeing their dumb appearance, Qin Mu snorted coldly, and then turned to leave.

Bai Ling's group had extremely ugly faces.

"What do you say? Qin Mu does not save? When they returned to the inner hall, Third Uncle Bai's face changed significantly.

Zhou Mu's face was also ugly, he had been stabilizing Second Master Bai's condition since just now, but he found that it was of no use at all.

Second Master Bai's condition was like a flood, and it would not be able to stop at all for a while.

"No, in this situation, brother will definitely have an accident, give me a car, I will personally go and ask him!" Third Uncle Bai said at this time.

"Third Uncle, just for the sake of a Qin Mu, let you personally invite it, this is not appropriate!" Bai Ji said quickly.

"Is my face important, or is your second uncle's life important, if this Qin Mu can really save the second uncle, even if I want to pour tea for him to apologize, I am willing!"

"But if you can't save it, it's just a deliberate bluff, then my Bai family is not a fool!" Third Uncle Bai snorted coldly, and after speaking, he walked outside.

Bai Ling's eyes were a little complicated, I don't know why, she always felt that Qin Mu was a little not simple.

Exactly where, she can't say.


"I said it, I won't save!" When he came to the bottom of the villa, Qin Mu was once again caught up by the Bai family, this time it was Third Uncle Bai who came personally.

And Qin Muzhi's location is still here because he is waiting for the car.

The mountain villa is not a short distance from the magic capital, and it is definitely not possible to walk back.

"Mr. Qin, I know that our Bai family was a little snubbed by your attitude before, but our Bai family is willing to compensate you!"

"Do you think this is okay? I personally apologize to you on behalf of the Bai family, if you still want anything, you can also say that as long as our Bai family can be satisfied, I will be satisfied!" Third Uncle Bai said humbly.

But Qin Mu just snorted coldly, and didn't put them in his eyes at all.

"Mr. Qin, here is a check for one billion, it can be regarded as a little bit of my care, and if Mr. Qin is willing to make a move, our Bai family can help you deal with the Starry Sky Enterprise without reservation!"

Third Uncle Bai said again.

"We also know that Mr. Qin's means are many, even if it is a starry sky enterprise, you did not put it in your eyes."

"However, I hope Mr. Qin understands that there is a lot of power behind the Starry Sky Enterprise, and if you want to take it down in a short time, you definitely need a very large force behind it!"

"Although our Bai family has a high status in the Devil, if Mr. Qin is willing, we can help!"

"I believe that with Mr. Qin's ability, in a maximum of one month, we can uproot the Starry Sky Enterprise!"

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