But soon Zhang Shuzhi adjusted, and there was a little smile on her face.

"Mr. Qin can really laugh, there is so much age difference between us, how can it be suitable!"

"Mr. Qin, let's go back to accompany your little girlfriend!"

"It's not too early!"

Qin Mu's face also had a little smile on it, he knew that it was not Zhang Shuzhi who was not interested in him, on the contrary, Zhang Shuzhi was very interested in him.


Zhang Shuzhi is a very rational person, she knows very well that she doesn't know the details of Qin Mu now, if she is confused and something happened to Qin Mu.

I don't know what will happen yet.

And there is!

Qin Mu, this guy is not ordinary ruthless, in order to be able to make Wang Anfu pay, such a plan can be formulated.

As Wang Anfu's wife, it was necessary for her to tell Wang Anfu about this plan.

Qin Mu knew her thoughts very well, but he didn't poke through it, but he had a little smile on his face, which seemed to have some pity.

"That's really a pity, if that's the case, then I'll go back first, and there is a chance that we are in contact!"

After speaking, Qin Mu stretched out his hand and slapped Zhang Shuzhi's butt, turned around and left.

Zhang Shuzhi's pretty face was a little rosy, but after Qin Mu left, her complexion quickly returned to normal.

"This Qin Mu, when he is really not a simple color, he seems to be a womanizer, but it seems that this is not the case to me, and I don't know what will happen if An Fu provokes such a character!"

Zhang Shuzhi exhaled softly, turned around and walked to the side, after coming to his room, Zhang Shuzhi took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

At this time, Wang Anfu had just fallen asleep, and when he received a call from Zhang Shuzhi, he also quickly got up from the bed.

"What happened?"

Wang Anfu quickly asked, he knew his wife very well.

If it hadn't been for something, she wouldn't have called herself.

There must be a reason for calling yourself.

"Qin Mu came to me just now and said something that has something to do with you!"

Zhang Shuzhi said a little indifferently on her face.

She really loves Wang Anfu, but the two haven't seen each other for a long time.

Because of each other's identity, they gather less and leave more.

As a woman, how can there be no complaints in her heart.

"Qin Mu!!"

Wang Anfu's face changed.

"What did he go to you for?"

"Having said a plan to deal with you, this guy is quite ruthless, in order to bring you down, anything can be done!"

"You have to be careful!"

Zhang Shuzhi said seriously.

"In order to deal with me, it's kind of interesting, it seems that this guy still doesn't have a dead heart!"

"But he asked you to deal with me, isn't that a joke? What plan did he give you?

Wang Anfu asked again.

"I'll pass it on to you later!"

"There's one thing I have to tell you!"

Zhang Shuzhi took a deep breath, and her expression looked a little serious.

"What's wrong?"

Wang Anfu was a little puzzled.

"Zhang Orange Orange has become more and more difficult to discipline recently, and she joined a motorcycle club some time ago, you find someone to investigate, she is also your daughter after all, I don't want her to become worse and worse!"

"I don't expect her to make much money, but I don't want her to continue to be so degenerate!"

Zhang Shuzhi said seriously.

"I see!"

Wang Anfu nodded, with some thoughts in his eyes.

For his daughter, he also has a bit of a headache, because of his identity, he has always been able to help Zhang Orange in the dark.


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