When he saw that Qin Mu was actually alive, everyone present had an incredible look on their faces.

"He, how did he survive?"

Someone asked in amazement.

At that time, they obviously saw Qin Mu flying out, and the ghost fire exploded, how could he survive.

You know, the ghost fire had a speed of two hundred miles at that time, and at this speed, even if he forcibly jumped the car, he would definitely die.

And after the ghost fire rushed out, an explosion occurred immediately.

Under this danger, even the most famous action superstars dare not guarantee that they will be alive.

But Qin Mu was different, he not only survived in this situation, but also unharmed, how could such a method not be shocking.

None of them knew that Qin Mu had a superhuman physique, and more importantly, he had a lot of god-level abilities on his body.

This situation must be a mortal situation in the eyes of others, but it is nothing in his eyes.

"Qin Mu!"

Before anyone present could say anything, Zhang Orange's figure rushed directly over and hugged Qin Mu, her face full of excitement.

Being suddenly hugged by Zhang Orange Orange, Qin Mu's face was stunned, and he could clearly feel Zhang Orange's amazing figure.

"What are you doing?"

"Although I lost the competition, I don't need you to sell yourself!"

Qin Mu hurriedly said.

"I, I'm just so excited, I didn't expect you to survive!"

Zhang Orange said excitedly.

Qin Mu was a little speechless.

"Do you want me to die so much?"

"No, it's not, I hope you can live, it's really good that you can live!"

"In the future, you will be the master of my Zhang Orange Orange! Whatever order you give me, I will obey!

Zhang Orange said with a red face.

Qin Mu's eyes almost didn't pop out.

Zhang Orange Orange actually said such a thing.

Is this still the rebellious girl?

Isn't her appearance too charming.

For a moment, Qin Mu was a little embarrassed.

Only he quickly recovered and coughed lightly.

"You like me, I know, but this slave thing, you still need to think about it, after all, I'm not that kind of person, right!"

It's just that Zhang Orange Orange didn't pay attention to Qin Mu's thoughts at all, and directly stretched out his hand to hug him.

The amazing elasticity brought by those twin peaks made Qin Mu's heart jump.

In the face of such a beautiful woman Zhang Orange Orange, making such a move, if there is no idea, it is definitely impossible.

Who is such a good woman in front of, who is not moved!

"Ahem, there are still people!"

Qin Mu hurriedly said.

Zhang Orange Orange looked to the side, and she found that many people were looking at her dumbfounded, and her face was full of red for a while.

Too! It's so humiliating!

She actually did such a thing.

Those melon-eating masses had a somewhat ambiguous look on their faces.

Can win the heart of the eldest lady, this Qin Mu is really awesome!

Long Yu's fists were clenched, and he couldn't wait to kill Qin Mu.

This bastard actually robbed his woman.

"Damn things, why isn't this dead?"

He roared inwardly.

But at this time, Qin Mu's gaze came towards him, and there was a cold look in his eyes.

"What's your name?"

Long Yu frowned, looked at Qin Mu, and immediately snorted coldly: "What is my name, is it related to you?"

But as soon as his voice fell, Qin Mu came to him instantly, the speed was amazing, and the faces of many people present changed slightly.

They didn't even see how Qin Mu made a move, but they saw a scream coming out of Long Yu's mouth, and his figure fell directly to the ground...

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