For these unaware Qin Mu, he drove Chen Meili away at this time.

Along the way, Chen Meili said relatively little, and her beautiful eyes would glance at Qin Mu from time to time, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"About your husband, I'll tell you when I get to the place!"

Qin Mudao.


Chen Meili nodded.

It's just that the car keeps moving forward, and suddenly, two cars in front of it rush towards this side.

Seeing this scene, Qin Mu's face changed.

Originally, he thought that the two cars were driving normally, but now it seems that the other party is coming at him.

"It's coming pretty fast!"

Qin Mu's face was a little indifferent, he suddenly stepped on the accelerator, the car accelerated instantly, and the two cars also quickly chased over, directly colliding with Qin Mu.

Faced with such a scene, Qin Mu did not panic in the slightest, his car skills themselves were god-level, with his technique, even in this situation, he could escape.

For! For! For!

Suddenly, the white lights came on, and I saw a few more cars rushing towards this side not far away, like a wild bison.

Qin Mu directly stopped the car, then quickly untied the safety rope and grabbed Chen Meili out.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Several cars crashed into Qin Mu's car at the same time, and the sports car worth tens of millions of dollars turned into scrap iron just like that.

"This gang is crazy enough!"

There was a trace of coldness in Qin Mu's eyes.

His car skills are indeed good, but there are too many people coming, and the road is blocked all of a sudden, and he can't leave.

But the other party actually wanted him to stop so much, then he wanted to see what the other party wanted to do.

With Chen Meili, the two ran directly towards the deserted countryside.

The road itself is quite remote.

But Qin Mu's figure hadn't run a few steps.



Several gunshots rang out, and bullet holes were shot out one after another in the lot near Qin Mu.

"Damn thing!"

Qin Mu couldn't help but scold, and his eyes looked not far away.

There were about seventy or eighty people on the other side, and there were snipers with accurate marksmanship.

In order to kill himself, the other party is very well prepared!

The figure kept absconding, and Chen Meili was a little physically exhausted.

"No, I can't run!"

Chen Meili said.

"They're catching up, so be it! You hide here first, I'll deal with them!" Qin

Mu said.

Chen Meili nodded.

Qin Mu's figure left quickly.

Not far away, there were some figures approaching this side, these people were well-equipped and trained.

It is no exaggeration to say that with these people, even a small detachment will be annihilated by them.

With the dagger in his hand, Qin Mu cautiously approached in one direction.

When several people happened to walk towards this side, his figure shot like a cheetah.

Laugh at!

The blade penetrated a man's throat, and before he could react, he was directly killed by Qin Mu.

The others reacted, but Qin Mu's movements were faster.

Laugh at! Laugh at! Laugh at!

In less than a few seconds, Qin Mu killed three people, quickly grabbed their weapons, placed the firearms of one of them on a tree branch not far away, and set a trap, while he walked towards the other side.


Suddenly, gunshots rang out, fierce shots rang out, only to see gunfire not far away, and several people were hit.

"That guy is in the west!"

There is humanity.

For a moment, most people's attention was drawn to the west, but they didn't notice that Qin Mu was crouching on the other side like a demon, and the gun in his hand was ready to attack!!

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