Thinking of this, Qin Mu's face was a little helpless, unexpectedly, his bounty could not be canceled, then he had to go to meet this Lin Xiao for a while!

This guy, I'm afraid it's not so easy to deal with.

Taking out his mobile phone and dialing a few numbers, Qin Mu also made some preparations.

After all, it is the number one killer organization in the world, and you still need to be cautious when dealing with them.

Fast forward to the next day.

Today is the big day of the Wang family, and their eldest son is going to marry the daughter of the Liu family.

For this wedding, the Wang family also spent a lot of financial resources and connections, the purpose is to give their children a beautiful wedding.

In front of the six-star hotel Xihai Grand Hotel in the magic capital, luxury cars were parked, and for this wedding, the Wang family directly contracted this hotel.

Qin Mu was naturally also invited, under normal circumstances, he would not actually come, because with his identity, to participate in the Wang family's party, the Wang family was definitely not qualified.

But for Lin Xiao's affairs, he still came.

When Qin Mu's car just came downstairs, the Wang family got the news, and a group of people quickly came out to greet them.

The head of the Wang family, Wang Lincheng is over fifty years old this year, but he is quite well maintained, his face is rosy, and when he saw Qin Mu, he had a little smile on his face and strode towards this side.

"I didn't expect that Mr. Qin would also come to attend the wedding of the dog, and it was really brilliant!"

Wang Lincheng said with a smile on his face.

"Newlyweds, come and rub the joy!"

Qin Mu said with a smile.

"Okay, Mr. Qin's side, please!"

Wang Lincheng said quickly.

Qin Mu's status in the Demon Capital is not low, even if he is the head of the family, he must be entertained.

After entering the hotel, many people also greeted Qin Mu.

Several of the daughters of the Wang family were shining with their eyes after seeing Qin Mu.

Women who have reached their level have no shortage of suitors around them, but Qin Mu's appearance and family lineage are enough to crush them.

They were naturally very interested in Qin Mu.

After seeing them, Qin Mu had a faint smile on his face and responded politely.

One of them, a beautiful woman, also took the initiative to step forward and wanted to increase Qin Mu's prestige, but Qin Mu only politely refused, and the other party did not entangle.

When a group of people took their seats, there were still many people who kept walking towards Qin Mu's side.

"Mr. Qin, I didn't expect to see you here today!"

"Mr. Qin, I am the boss of Senhai Group, Lin Guanxiu, this is my business card!"

"Mr. Qin, I'm Galaxy Investment Company!"


the face of their greeting, Qin Mu also responded politely, and then received all the business cards they gave in his hand, as for whether they will be contacted after going back, that is a later story.

And as the wedding slowly progressed, the two protagonists also appeared in everyone's sight.

The eldest son of the Wang family, Wang Linlin has a height of one meter eighty-five, and his face is quite handsome, and today he is wearing a suit, revealing his perfect figure.

And the daughter of the Liu family, Liu Ruomin is about one meter and seven meters tall, and she is also very beautiful, today she dressed up to attend, belongs to a first-class beauty, when the two appeared in the hall, the atmosphere of the entire banquet was pushed to an extreme.

Qin Mu sat on the seat not far away, looking at the scene in front of him, with a faint smile on his face.

Not to mention, the Wang family's wedding is really good, if there is a chance, it seems that she will also get a fight for Qi Xueqin, and she should look better than Liu Ruomin in a wedding dress!!

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