


One after another dull sounds sounded, and the white tiger transformed into a killing machine and frantically output towards several people around him.

The white tiger who entered this state had at least doubled its combat effectiveness compared to before, and it was precisely because of this that these people in front of him were not opponents at all.

Although the electronic eye was destroyed, those gunmen were still staring at this side, but they could no longer find any trace of Qin Mu at this time.

They whispered to Suzaku on the walkie-talkie.

After learning the situation here, Suzaku's face was obviously a little indifferent, and his fist slammed on the table.

Under this circumstance, Qin Mu was even able to find life.

She took a deep breath, and the killing intent in her eyes became more and more obvious.

"If that's the case, then let the Xuanwu team act!"

Suzaku said indifferently.

"Leave some people behind, search for Qin Mu's traces, and the others are ready to retreat!"

Suzaku said into the walkie-talkie.

The people on the Qinglong side knew what was going on in an instant.

A young man staying at a high place had a somewhat indifferent look on his face.

He was a green dragon and a very powerful sniper, although it was more than five hundred meters away from where Qin Mu was, he almost hit Qin Mu with every shot.

"Is this sacrificing the white tiger? This Qin Mu is more difficult to deal with than some war gods!

Qinglong said with disdain.

Without hesitation, he turned around and left.

At this time, in a corner of the park, a middle-aged man in his fifties climbed over the wall, and his face had a somewhat indifferent look.

"It's not easy, to be able to do this, how long has it been since I made a move!"

"Let the world enjoy my masterpiece!"

A faint smile appeared at the corner of the man's mouth.

He is Xuanwu, his ability is relatively special, so there are fewer opportunities to shoot, but once he strikes, it is basically a big thing.

Just after some gunmen quickly retreated, there seemed to be some chemistry on some ground inside the park.

Some black qi slowly permeated out.

Qin Mu's figure was hiding somewhere in the woods, his face changed slightly, at this time, not far from him, the white tiger had already fought with the people of his squad, and several people had been killed by him.

Just wait a while, and the white tiger himself will kill all his teammates.

But at this time, the gunmen seemed to have disappeared a few, although some were looking for their tracks, but in this case, someone retreated, which did not bode well.

"The most difficult among these people is actually Xuanwu, that guy is a chemical genius!"

"If someone retreats, wouldn't that mean it!"

Qin Mu's face changed.

His figure moved, and he quickly ran to the side, but just as he was about to leave the jungle range, he saw layers of blurry yellow mist approaching this side outside the jungle.

Qin Mu was not a mediocre talent, and he naturally knew what these mist represented.

"Damn thing!"

Qin Mu's fists clenched, and the coldness in his eyes became more and more obvious.

However, at this moment, one after another gunshots continued to sound.

I only saw people outside the park using sniper rifles constantly shooting gunmen in the jungle.

At this moment, there was a faint smile at the corner of Qin Mu's mouth.

The person he had prepared before finally came.

"If that's the case, then break your killing game!!"

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