After being silent for a while, the man said directly: "Mr. Qin, I don't want to talk nonsense with you here, you have already come here, then what I want, you should know in your heart!"

Qin Mu's face turned cold: "I don't know, what do you want!"

"Mr. Qin is indeed the number one person, not only can we make Starry Sky Corporation's years of hard work go to waste, but also make Wang Anfu obey you!"

"But Mr. Qin, I hope you understand that fighting against our stick country will not do you any good!"

The man said coldly.

"It's not that I want to fight you guys from beginning to end, it's that you've been staring at me!" Qin Mu said indifferently.

"Hahaha! That's true, but the matter has come to this point, then naturally there is no possibility of mediation, Mr. Qin, it's better to do this, my side can give you a way to live on behalf of the stick country!

"As long as you agree to hand over Wang Anfu to me and compensate us with 100 billion yuan for Starry Sky Enterprise, this matter ends here!"

"Otherwise, I can't guarantee that you will not be able to walk out alive!"

Qin Mu's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the man, a smile appeared on his face: "Why, do you think I'm a fool?" The

man's eyes became fierce: "It seems that Mr. Qin is planning to toast and not eat and punish wine!"

Qin Mu shrugged: "I also want to know, what are you going to do!"

Wang Anfu's face had a hint of trepidation.

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Qin is so faceless, then don't blame us!" The man clapped his hands.

At this time, a group of people downstairs rushed up, all holding hot weapons in their hands and with cold looks in their eyes.

"It's not just here, Mr. Qin look downstairs!" The man said again.

I only saw dozens of cars coming here under the tea house, and people armed to the teeth got out of the car.

A network of hundreds of people.

Wang Anfu's face changed drastically.

"I didn't want to make it like this, but Mr. Qin is so ignorant, then I can't help it, I know that Mr. Qin is a powerful character, even the Hades Hall can't kill you!"

"But today is different, not only have hundreds of people prepared on my side, even the entire tea house, I have arranged explosives, Mr. Qin can look above you!"

"So, we are alone this time, if Mr. Qin does not agree, then the next step is to do our best to let Mr. Qin stay here completely!" The man said.

Qin Mu looked up at the ceiling, and he found that a lot of explosives were tied to the ceiling, all of which were detonated, and a radius of two hundred meters would definitely be blown up.

"It's a little interesting, I didn't expect the country of sticks to be so ruthless!" Qin Mu laughed lightly.

"No way, we don't want to make it like this, but without the urban beauty, we can't make a difference here, instead of going back in shame, it's better to fight with Mr. Qin here to the end!"

The man said.

"Good, lonely, but alas! You can't keep me at all! Qin Mu shook his head slightly.

"Faced with this situation, does Mr. Qin still want to leave alive?" There was a hint of doubt on the man's face.

"That's natural, your preparations this time are very perfect, if you change to someone else, you definitely can't leave, but unfortunately, I'm not someone else, this bureau, it's not impossible to solve!"

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