Those people all nodded, and then followed Qin Mu towards the front.

Qin Mu gave them a good car and took them to the Twin Mansions quickly.

After arriving there, Qin Mu drew a formation map with paper and marked each mark, allowing them to go to the designated place in order and do the designated things.

"These people are not very good! But after so many years of swaggering, it can be regarded as entering the industry, borrowing the worldly qi on their bodies to set up the array, I am afraid that tomorrow's Lin Xiao will not return!

Qin Mu's eyes narrowed slightly.

He stood outside and observed, making sure that everyone had done as he had ordered, and then he let them down, and each of them gave a sum of money and sent them all away.

Stretching his waist, Qin Mu turned and left, and then waited for tomorrow's handover meeting.


A day passed in the blink of an eye.

When Qin Mu opened his eyes, a systematic sound sounded in his mind.

"Ding! Do you want to check in? "

Sign in!"

Qin Mudao.

"Sign in successfully, congratulations to the host for successfully obtaining the reward million straw array!"

A system sound came.

Qin Mu's face changed slightly, and he opened the system reward to take a look.

Million Straw Array: The host can urge the opponent to enter a special formation, in the formation, the enemy will not know your position, and will be attacked by the scarecrow, the number of uses, 1 time.

Qin Mu smiled indifferently: "Good thing!" His

figure walked outside, and after some washing, he rushed towards the twin buildings.

At this time, Wang Anfu and others had already arrived there, he and his wife handed over, and some reporters interviewed them.

A reporter asked curiously: "Before urban beauty and dazzling beauty have always been bitter rivals, why will they merge this time?"

Wang Anfu said with a smile: "We are all making better products for the people, before competing with each other, but also brought each other a lot of trouble, and many technologies can not be circulated, after discussion, our two companies still decided to merge, so that we can also bring better goods to customers!"

Another reporter asked: "Then the merger of the two companies, what will be the next strategy?"

Wang Anfu said: "Next, we will develop a new product, which is the result of the technology merger of the two companies, and Director Zhang and I have already discussed, and in the next time, the two companies will not distinguish between you and me, and there will be no differences in decision-making."


by one, the reporters kept getting up and asking questions of Wang Anfu.

Wang Anfu also responded politely, and on the whole, the entire merger meeting went quite smoothly.

However, before the merger meeting was over, a figure slowly walked towards the venue.


He suddenly struck, and the main door was kicked open fiercely, and the eyes of the figure with a faint coldness scanned the people present.

Many people's eyes are looking at him, and some cameras have also fallen on him.

"It's Lin Xiao, didn't you pass on his escape from prison some time ago?"

"Why is he here?"

"He looks so fierce, he won't want to come over and cause trouble!"


some people commented.

Wang Anfu and the others' faces changed, and they looked at Lin Xiao a little alertly.

Lin Xiao sneered: "The two companies merged!"

"Did you ask me?"

"Or do you think you can decide the direction of your company on your own?"

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