Looking at the data in front of him, Qin Mu saw that there were tens of billions of beautiful swords on the account of the Hades Hall.

It would definitely feel incredible in the eyes of other people.

But Qin Mu's eyes narrowed slightly: "The Hades Hall is the number one killer organization in the world, and there are countless people who die at their hands every year, and the Hades Hall is staring at some rich businessmen, tens of billions of US dollars seem to be a lot, but with the strength of the Hades Temple, these money are too little!"

"It seems that most of the money in the Hades Hall should have been given to some people!"

With a few quick clicks of his finger, the money on the account of the Hades Hall was quickly transferred to Qin Mu's account overseas.

With this money, Qin Mu can show his strength.

But not long after Qin Mu's side had just completed the transfer, a window popped out on the web page where he was.

"What are you? Why is there a USB stick, and all the money is transferred!

Qin Mu was slightly stunned, "Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am and what you are, where is Lin Xiao now?" Aren't you afraid of the anger of adults when you transfer the money away? Another line appeared on the window.

Qin Mu quickly typed on the keyboard: "Adult, who is it?" The

other party was silent for a while, obviously not expecting Qin Mu to reply like this.

"How is Lin Xiao now?" The man asked.

"Dead!" Qin Mu said directly.

There was no message from the window to reply to Qin Mu.

But Qin Mu clicked quickly with both hands and began to track the ID, and after a while, Qin Mu found that the ID was abroad.

He took out his cell phone and dialed the number of the Black Panther mercenary.

"Hey, I'm Qin Mu, there is something I need your help with!"

"Boss, you say!" Jaylen's voice came on the other end of the phone.

"Give me a trip to Liuzhou Area C of the Lighthouse Country, I will send you the address, and control the people inside!" Qin Mudao.

"Well, we just have two of our men over there, we should be able to catch him in ten minutes!"

Qin Mu hung up the phone and sent them the location directly through the network.

Ten minutes later, Qin Mu's mobile phone rang, and it was Jay Lun who connected the call.

"How's it going?" Qin Mu asked.

"That guy is very cunning, when we arrived, he directly poisoned himself, but we found something interesting in his house!" Jaylen said.

"What?" Qin Mu asked.

"I posted the video on your communication device, you see!" Jaylen said.

Qin Mu hung up the phone and turned on his communication device, which had a video on it.

Open the video, and the scene inside seems to be in a detached villa.

As the video moves forward, you'll see a lot of disks, and a few supercomputers.

The computer seems to be encrypted and cannot be turned on, but from some scenes in the video, it can be seen that the owner of the house seems to have joined some organization and is engaged in some kind of activity.

"It seems that the man hiding behind Lin Xiao is more terrifying than I thought!"

Qin Mu said softly.

He took out his phone and dialed Jaylen's again.

"You let your subordinates control there first, there should be something I want in the supercomputer, I'll go over tonight!"

Qin Mudao.

Jaylen: "Good!

After hanging up the phone, Qin Mu directly called and booked a ticket.

For him, even if it is a temporary arrangement of a plane, it is no problem, but when he first goes to Lighthouse Country, it is better to keep a low profile!

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