Looking at the incoming call on the mobile phone, Qin Mu's face had a look of doubt.

He quickly dialed back.

"Hey, Mr. Qin, something is wrong, just now I sent someone over to guard the supercomputer, but what I didn't expect was that a group of people directly used human bombs!"

Jaylen's voice came over the phone.

Qin Mu's face changed: "What did you do?" I said let you keep a supercomputer, that's how you do things for me?

"It's my fault!"

Jaylen said.

"I'll be right over!" Qin Mu scolded and hung up the phone directly.

"What's wrong?" Lisa asked.

Qin Mu: "The supercomputer has been blown up!"

Lisa's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a smile on her face: "It's not a big deal."

Qin Mu was puzzled: "What do you mean by this?"

Lisa: "Although the computer was bombed, but the chip developed by our company is resistant to high temperature, if nothing else, the chip should still be there, as long as the chip is still there, you can restore some core data!"

Qin Mu: "What do you mean, it can be retrieved?"

Lisa: "You can't get it all right, but if nothing else, you can get some of it, and this part is often very important information."

Qin Mu was delighted: "Good!"

After that, he took Lisa and rushed towards the place where the supercomputer was.

When I came there, I saw only a man reprimanding several mercenaries, with obvious anger on his face.

After Qin Mu hung up the phone just now, Jay Lun also knew that something big had happened, so he blamed them.

Such an organization is like that.

One level presses one level.

Above scolds below, below scolds even below.

Qin Mu walked towards them with Lisa.

"Boss!" Seeing Qin Mu, they immediately stood upright.

"Okay, things have already happened, there is no need to shirk responsibility, you guys go down first!" Qin Mudao.


The men nodded and turned to leave.

After they left, Qin Mu walked inside, the fire had been extinguished, but the wreckage still emitted high temperature.

Qin Mu searched for a while, and soon found a palm-sized chip.

Lisa nodded: "It's this thing!"

Qin Mu: "Then let's go!" The

two left quickly.

Coming to a villa, Qin Mu cleaned the chip and handed it to Lisa.

Holding the chip, Lisa expertly inserted it into the computer.

A set of data is quickly presented.

Qin Mu's eyes looked at the data on the computer.

After a while, Lisa stopped moving, and just then, the computer entered a brand new page.

"This is the data inside, you see!"

Qin Mu looked at the computer, and soon he saw several files.

X God will!

Seeing the contents of the file, Qin Mu's complexion changed slightly.

He had never heard of this organization.

But judging by the archives, this organization seems to be rather not simple.

Click on the first profile information.

"Name: Li Ying. Hometown: Shenzhou. Position: God of War.

Although there were only a few brief pieces of information, Qin Mu's face changed drastically.


You know, the Hades Hall was famous before because they killed a god of war.

And this X God Society, the first member turned out to be the God of War.

Those who can reach the God of War are all one in a million elites.

They have great combat strength and willpower beyond ordinary people.

It is precisely because of this that the name of the God of War resounded in all directions.

Under normal circumstances, the God of War will not join any organization, it is all officially controlled, but the file in front of him seems to be telling Lin Ping some other information.

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