Looking at these people in front of him, Qin Mu directly performed hypnosis, and the pocket watch in his hand kept swinging.

They themselves were loyal to Qin Mu, and every word Qin Mu said was a holy will.

Coupled with hypnosis, his heart developed thoughts of absolute obedience to Qin Mu.

"From today onwards, you will be my dead soldiers, and no matter what happens, you will absolutely obey my orders!"

Qin Mu said softly.


The twenty people present responded.

After Qin Mu finished this, he looked at the twenty people in front of him, and he knew that these twenty people he would train them into the strongest combat weapons.

"Come with me!"

Qin Mu led them to the side.

As if they didn't have their own emotions, they followed Qin Mu to the side.

After coming there, Qin Mu taught them a rather complex set of gymnastics.

This was a set of alchemy techniques given to him by the system before.

It can greatly improve the physical fitness.

After teaching this, Qin Mu found someone to get some medicinal liquid.

After his preparation, the liquid emitted a relatively strong smell.

The figures of those people also walked towards this side.

After previous gymnastics training, their bodies were covered in sweat and there was a look of pain on their faces.

"Let's go inside!"

Qin Mudao.

They nodded and got into the liquid.

With the soak, they clearly feel the obvious changes in their bodies.

After the immersion, Qin Mu personally taught them practical combat skills and firearms.

These things are not easy, because Qin Mu himself is very strong, and their progress is also very fast.

In time, they will surely become the top killers.

"They are not enough, although I have a certain power in business now, my own heritage is still too small!"

Qin Mu thought secretly in his heart.

At this time, Liu Ruoxue's phone called: "Qin Mu, the shares of Starry Sky Enterprise have been acquired by my side, and we can earn at least tens of billions this time!"

"It's just how I feel that these things come too easily!"

Qin Mu was silent for a moment: "You come to my house at night!"

Liu Ruoxue: "Good!" "

That night.

Qin Mu sat in his home, and Liu Ruoxue came to his home.

Looking at Qin Mu, Liu Ruoxue's face had a look of doubt: "Is there something important to tell me?"

Qin Mu looked at Liu Ruoxue: "Do you want to know about the matter of the Starry Sky Enterprise this time?"

Liu Ruoxue nodded: "Think." Qin

Mu roughly said the previous things, but did not say the things about the X God Society, but only told Liu Ruoxue that he was because of the God of War's move, and the Starry Sky Enterprise became like this.

Liu Ruoxue's heart was a little shocked: "I said why the Starry Sky Enterprise fell so easily, it turned out to be this kind of character!"

"The power of the God of War is indeed incredible, if he makes a move, it is normal, but you use him, it is estimated that he will retaliate!"

Qin Mu nodded: "So I have to do everything to increase my power now!"

Liu Ruoxue took a deep breath: "Then what are you going to do?"

Qin Mu: "I plan to expand some of the underground forces first!"

Liu Ruoxue's eyes looked at Qin Mu: "If it is an underground force, I have a way here!"

Qin Mu: "What way?"

"Do you know why the Bai family's power is not strong, but it can become one of the four major families in the magic capital?

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