"I don't know, I just know it's a group of people, come in and do it!" Brother Hai explained.

Bai Xuan's face was a little ugly: "Come in and do it, it looks like you came prepared!"

"Check it for me, be sure to find them!" Even our Bai family's territory dares to smash, and the courage is indeed not small!

Brother Hai nodded: "Understood!" There

was a hint of killing intent in Bai Xuan's eyes, breaking ground on their Bai family's territory, and the other party was afraid that he didn't want to live.

But while he was dealing with things here.

On the other side, Codename 1 has already brought people to another KTV, they go in and beat people as before, and after beating people, they set fire to the venue.

And then go away.

Bai Xuan himself was in a bad mood, the mobile phone rang again, after connecting the call, his face became more and more ugly, suddenly smashed the steering wheel, and scolded angrily: "Wang Baegg, fuck me!"

With that, he drove towards the police station.

After coming there, Bai Xuan reported the case directly, and the other party also attached great importance to it, and soon launched an investigation.

But the group of people trained by Qin Mu were relatively clever, and they would not be able to find where they were for a while.

Two days passed in the blink of an eye.

Qin Mu also signed in some things in the past two days.

His subordinates were also wreaking havoc on the Bai family's territory.

In just two days, they destroyed at least seven or eight entertainment venues in the Bai family.

Let Debai's family jump like thunder.

Qin Mu has been paying attention to things here.

Liu Ruoxue's phone called: "Qin Mu, I heard about the things in the past few days, you found someone to get it?"

Qin Mu: "That's right, but it's almost done, those people from the Bai family should not be able to sit still!"

Liu Ruoxue: "Be careful, the Bai family's gang is not so easy to mess with!"

"Don't worry! The power I have in my hands now is not weak!

Qin Mu said with a smile.

Liu Ruoxue: "Okay, I know!"

Qin Mu didn't say much after hanging up the phone, his figure walked outside, he knew that after these few days, the Bai family would definitely send a master, since this was the case, he would take someone over to toss it well.

That night, Codename 1 led a few people to a certain bar again, but when they arrived at the door of the bar, a group of people rushed out.

Bai Xuan's figure also appeared.

"Is that why a few of you have been looking for trouble with our Bai family these days?"

"It's really not a small guts! You dare to find the trouble of our Bai family, and it took me so much time to find you, what should you do about this matter!"

Bai Xuan said coldly.

Codename 1 looked indifferent, they knew that the Bai family would definitely find them, they were too presumptuous these days!

The faces of the others did not change much.

"If you do it here, it's not good, why don't you find a remote place?" Codename 1 asked.

Bai Xuan: "No problem, it's hard for you to leave alive today anyway!"

Codename 1 looked indifferent and led the group towards a relatively remote park.

After coming there, Bai Xuan's eyes had a bit of killing intent: "Say, who is behind you?" Codename

1 had a faint smile on his face and did not speak.

"If you don't say it, I have countless ways to keep you honest!"

Bai Xuan said coldly.

Codename 1 looked indifferent: "Of course I know, but our master will come soon, as far as you people are concerned, it may not be enough!" "

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