After the figure left here, Qin Mu's eyes looked at his subordinates: "To make things bigger tonight, the Bai family only dispatched this force, obviously not paying so much attention." "

Yes!" Codename 1 nodded and left quickly with his men.

That night, Bai Xuan was killed, codename 1 led a group of people to destroy everywhere, and overnight actually destroyed one-tenth of the Bai family's industry.


The next morning.

The Bai Family Council Chamber.

The old man of the Bai family clenched his fists, and his face was livid.

How many years, how many years have it been, no one has come to provoke their Bai family.

But now someone has come to the door!

"Before, it was Bai Xuan's area that was responsible, but now Bai Xuan has been killed, and other industries have also been destroyed, this matter is not for Bai Xuan, but for our Bai family!"

A middle-aged humanitarian.

"Dare to offend our Bai family so much, it shows that the forces behind this person are not simple, I just found someone to investigate the cause of Bai Xuan's death, the other party's equipment is excellent, and it is not easy to deal with!" Another humanity.

"Dare to make such an action against our Bai family, it means that this person has planned to start a war with our Bai family, if this is the case, then let our Bai family's descendants be ready, the other party actually wants to start a war with us, then we will come up with the means!" Old man Bai scolded.

"Yes!" Several people present nodded.

They left quickly, and Old Master Bai's eyes became more and more cold: "I don't care who you are, if you dare to provoke our Bai family like this, then you must pay the same price as blood." "


Qin Mu stayed at his home, with a somewhat indifferent look on his face, he looked at the computer with a slight smile on his face: "If nothing else, the Bai family should be in chaos!"

He took out his phone and dialed a number: "Let them all come back!" In the next few days, the meeting will be stopped, and I want to see how powerful the Bai family really is!" "

Yes!" Codename 1 responded.

Qin Mu was lying on the sofa, his face was a little indifferent, he knew that in the next time, the Bai family would definitely use all means to find his traces.

It's just that they want to find Qin Mu, it's simply impossible.

The forces that the Bai family has been hiding are likely to erupt at this moment.

In the magic capital, there are many people who know about this, and all forces are also paying attention to this side.

The other three major families are also eyeing the tiger.

"Someone dares to trouble the Bai family, and do things to this point, it seems that this person is going to war with the Bai family!"

"It's best to start a war, the Bai family has been in the tiger for so long, we also want to see how many forces the Bai family has!"

"Hahaha, Old Master Bai estimates that he can't sleep in the past few days!"

"..." The

voices of discussion continued to sound in the magic capital.

And the law enforcement officers in charge of these cases are in a hurry at this time, they get a lot of pressure, but for a while they will not find where the other party is.

At this time, in a building, more than ten figures gathered, and their faces were indifferent.

A Bai family member stood in the front, with a somewhat indifferent look on his face: "You should know, what did the Bai family gather you for?" During this time, a lot of things happened to the Bai family, the industry has been greatly impacted, you are all masters of solving cases and tracking, I ask you to give me the answer within three days! "

Yes!" The men nodded, and the figure left quickly.

In addition to this, there are many Bai families who have taken action....

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