Codename 1 just glanced at him indifferently, and his figure walked up to the ring on the side.

There was a hint of madness in the eyes of the wild beast.

Many people looked at the two with incredible looks on their faces.

They all felt that the people on Qin Mu's side were too arrogant!

Such a provocative beast!

Isn't that looking for death?

When the two were in the ring, Codename 1's eyes were a little cold, and his gaze was constantly gazing at the berserk beast.

Observe his approximate strength.

This was what Qin Mu taught him.

No matter who you play with, you need to have a judgment on the other party in the first place.

The mad beast moved his body, and there was a rampant look on his face.

"I was supposed to kill you just now, but you are so arrogant, I still gave you a chance!"

"The next battle is a battle of life and death!"

"As long as you lose, you die!"

Codename 1's eyes narrowed slightly: "Are you sure?"

"Of course sure!" The wild beast sneered.


Codename 1 nodded slightly.

At this time, the wild beast moved its hands and feet, and its eyes were full of killing intent.

Before the referee announced the start of the competition.


A sound of breaking the air sounded instantly, and the berserk beast rushed directly towards Codename 1, and the speed was amazing.

Seeing the movement of the wild beast, the figure of Codename 1 retreated slightly.

But at the same time, the fist of the berserk slammed towards Codename 1, and the speed was amazing.


The two clashed their fists, and a dull voice came.

The power of the wild beast is great, and every shot is as if the air is about to be torn apart.

The huge force was like a heavy hammer smashing towards Codename 1.

Codename 1's face changed, and the fist in his hand continued to attack the wild beast.

At first, Codename 1 will also defend, but in the back, he will not defend at all, and powerful forces will continue to burst out.




The dull voice continued to sound, the two figures staggered, and various killing moves kept appearing.

Many people in the audience saw this scene, and their faces were shocked.

None of them expected that Codename 1 had such strength.

"Oh my God! I'm not mistaken! That young man could actually fight like this with a wild beast??

"Who doesn't know what kind of existence the berserk beast is, every punch of his can kill!"

"It was even possible to break the steel bars, but that young man was hit by wild beasts one after another, but nothing happened!"

"Not only that, you guys carefully observe the body of the berserk beast, and every time he is hit by that young man, his complexion changes significantly!"

"This shows that this young man's strength is also very strong, at least it makes the wild beast a little overwhelmed!"

"No wonder they dare to !! so rampant"


many people talked about it.

But when he said this, many people's eyes also looked towards Qin Mu.

Now it seems that Qin Mu is indeed rampant.

Their squad is also strong.


They are facing a wild beast!!

This group of people eats people and does not spit out bones.

If they lose, they can't leave!


They won't necessarily be able to leave!


The two in the ring clashed again, and the powerful fists collided fiercely.

The figure of the berserk beast retreated one after another.

Codename 1's figure also kept receding.

His eyes looked at the wild beast with a bit of indifference.

The berserk beast's fist also clenched slightly.

"A little skillful!"

He scolded, and his figure suddenly rushed towards Codename 1, and at this moment, he seemed to really turn into a beast, and the furious power burst out on him!

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