
A dull voice sounded, and the figure of the tyrant rushed directly towards Codename 2, and his strength and speed were extremely amazing.

Codename 2's figure retreated one after another, and did not stop until the edge of the ring.

One foot against the pillar of the ring and one foot forward.

His eyes had a bit of a cold look.


A roar came out of the tyrant's mouth, blood-red streaks appeared on his body, and powerful power erupted from him.

It is no exaggeration to say that if there is a steel plate in front of him, he can hit the deformation.

In the face of this power on the tyrant, Codename 2's figure also retreated one after another.

When Qin Mu saw this scene, his eyes narrowed slightly.

He knew that the power of the tyrant was terrifying, and the effect under this potion could completely burst out a person's potential.

"Good! There is such a thing!

Qin Mu said indifferently.

"Do our line of work, nothing else! However, there are not so many rules in life and death battles, as long as you can beat the other party to death!

"It looks like you've lost!"

The wolf god smiled slightly.

Qin Mu shrugged: "That's not necessarily!" The

wolf god's eyes narrowed slightly, I don't know why, he always felt that Qin Mu was a little unusual.




The two people in the ring kept colliding with their fists and feet, dull sounds kept coming, the two figures kept staggering, and powerful forces burst out.

Codename 2 and the tyrant are locked in a fierce battle.

The power of the tyrant is extremely terrifying, and he is not afraid of pain at all.

Although the code 2 is very strong, he also feels a lot of pressure in the face of this kind of opponent.

At this moment, the tyrant, under the effect of drugs, his overall strength is at least three or four times stronger than before.

Even if it is a lion and tiger in front of him, he needs to weigh it.

Just the punch power that he burst out just now has a thousand pounds.

Codename 2 knows that he is completely overdrawing a person's body in this way.

Now the more violent the outbreak, the more terrifying the side effects will be after the effect of the drug.


Another dull figure came, and the figure of code 2 retreated one after another.

The tyrant's mouth let out one roar after another, and there were many wounds on the code name 2 at this time, and although the tyrant was also hit by him several times, he could not feel the pain on his body at all.

The two clashed again, and a dagger appeared in the hand of the era No. 2 and quickly stabbed towards each other.

The power of the dagger is extremely amazing.

The tyrant noticed this scene and dodged, but the speed of codename 2 was fast, and it was a sneak attack, or it stabbed the tyrant's body fiercely.

Laugh at!

Blood flowed down, the tyrant's figure trembled slightly, and his face was full of pain.

There was a hint of indifference in Codename 2's eyes.

"Wang Baegg!"

The tyrant let out a growl and once again threw himself at Codename 2.

His eyes also had a cold look.

He knew it was a battle of more endurance than endurance.

He fought with the tyrant, his strength was not comparable to the opponent's, and every time he was hit by the other party, he felt that his body was about to fall apart.

And the tyrant is already on his hands, and under the action of drugs, his blood flow is accelerated.

Now it's about seeing who can't hold it first.




One after another voices kept coming, the two staggered, and many wounds appeared on the body of code 2.

The tyrant also had quite a few wounds on his body, and both of them were extremely embarrassed.


At this moment, the blood in the mouth of Codename 2 was vomited, and his breath became extremely weak.

The tyrant's eyes were still feverish, and although his flesh and blood were blurry, he didn't feel the slightest pain!

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