A sneer appeared on Qin Mu's face: "Kill you? You seem to be thinking things too simply.

"Do you really think that I made such a big fuss with you that things would end so simply?"

There was a hint of despair in the wolf god's eyes, and he knew very well that he was finished.

Qin Mu came to him, took out a few silver needles in his hand and quickly landed on him.

"I know you don't want to rebel against the Bai family, but I have many ways to control you!"

"These few needles will make you understand what the end of disobedience is!"

When Qin Mu's voice fell, the wolf god's complexion changed greatly, his figure was constantly trembling, and his face was full of pain.

He felt as if there were countless insects crawling in his body.

The tearing sensation almost suffocated him.

Qin Mu looked at him coldly.

He could clearly feel that the wolf god at this moment was very desperate.

But he is here to mingle, and the lives in his hands are not hundreds or thousands.

It doesn't deserve sympathy at all.

"I, I was wrong! I do, listen to you!

The wolf god cried out in pain.

Such pain is a hundred times worse than killing him.

Qin Mu's eyes were a little indifferent, and after waiting for a while, he slowly pulled out a needle on the wolf god's body.

The wolf god gasped.

"How does it feel?"

Qin Mu asked.

"I, I know it's wrong, I will be loyal to you in the future!"

The wolf god said weakly, at this moment he had no idea of resisting at all.

But at this moment, blood spat out from his mouth, and his face was painful.

Qin Mu gave him a pulse, and soon found that the wolf god's body had an adverse reaction.

"It looks like the side effects of banned drugs have broken out!"

"But his body is poisoned, and this Bai family actually uses this method to control him!"

Qin Mu soon discovered the situation on the Wolf God.

But yes!

People like the Wolf God are ruthless, and it is certainly not so easy to hope that this kind of person is obedient and obedient.

The silver needle in his hand fell quickly, slightly stabilizing the wolf god's situation.

"Let your people stand down first!"

Qin Mudao.


The wolf god nodded and stood up weakly: "You guys retreat first!" Those

armed with firearms did not dare to slacken, turned around and left.

Qin Mu's eyes looked at him: "The poison on your body is not simple, it seems that the Bai family has not treated you well over the years!"

The Wolf God's face was a little bitter: "A family like the Bai family only believes in its own people, how can it possibly believe me!"

"I'm just lucky to be chosen by them, otherwise, I'm just a punk now!"

Qin Mu's face was indifferent: "Your luck is indeed good, this time you met me, I can help you unravel the poison on your body, but you need to listen to me!"

"In addition, what I can give you is something that the Bai family can't give you!"

The wolf god's face was still a little bitter: "It's not a secret, even if you make me obey, I can't help myself in many things!"

Qin Mu's face had a hint of doubt: "What do you mean?"

"Although I control this area, the Bai family has set up many means, one of which is to check and balance each other!"

Wolf God explained.

"Is there anyone else in this area who can balance you?"

Qin Mu was puzzled.

The wolf god nodded: "That's right, there is a person in this area whose strength is equal to mine, but he hides deeply, usually does not show up at all, and no one knows about him at all!"

"But he is from the Bai family, and I am also controlled by him!"

Qin Mu said, "Who is he?"

"Bai Yuan! is a very powerful character, he has a group of dead soldiers on his hands, and the means are extremely cruel!! "

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