When he saw them, Qin Mu's face was a little smiling.

"Hello! Little trash! When

those people heard this, they all had a bit of a smile on their faces.

A man at the head looked at Qin Mu: "Hahaha, you are right, we are indeed rubbish!"

"As a GGT esports club, you should be very good!"

"I've heard about this club for a long time, and it's really surprising that you can come here!"

Qin Mu shrugged: "I'm also very dish, in fact, I don't understand e-sports at all!"

"It's just that I was lucky enough to join this organization, so if you calculate it, I should be a little more powerful than you!"

A man with long hair narrowed his eyes slightly, and a trace of hostility was clearly revealed in his eyes.

"Geniuses are very arrogant, you give people a feeling, it is indeed very different, it just so happens that my hands are itchy, why don't you play with me?"

Qin Mu looked at him and was slightly stunned: "Play?"

"Play what? Trash like you also deserves to line with me? "

Hahaha!" A stout man laughed.

"Genius is genius, personality is really different, not bad!"

"You are right, the gap between us people and you is too big, you can come here today, it is already very face-saving for us!"

"Zhou Lihua came over to apologize!"

"You also don't look at what identity you are, and you are also worthy of confronting the Three Trees God!"

The man with long blond hair snorted coldly and came to Qin Mu: "I'm sorry, I said the wrong thing just now!"

Qin Mu waved his hand, and his face was a little indifferent: "It's okay, I can't see you in general!"

He looked towards the wolf god: "Go and see their technical level, just give proper guidance!"

The wolf god nodded, looked at a few people not far away, and immediately reprimanded: "A few of you, bring the computer over and fight in front of me!"

They all nodded and moved the computers over, and the wolf god sat on the couch, drinking tea, eating snacks, and watching them play games.

These things are very boring things for the wolf god.

Qin Mu's eyes glanced at the remaining people: "What about your boss?" Call him over!

A man said, "The boss is not there!"

Qin Mu shrugged: "It's a pity, I originally wanted to play with him, but if I wasn't there, forget it!" The

man hurriedly said, "Don't, I'll call him back right away!"

Qin Mu: "Then hurry up, I don't have that much time!" The

man nodded, took out his mobile phone and dialed Bai Yuan's number.

"Hey, boss, there is a big god in our club, yes, it's the club you like very much, he wants to practice with you!"

"Well! Good! After

hanging up, the man came over.

"Our boss will come right away!"

"Don't you know, our boss is a big fan of your club, and every time your club plays, he will go to see it!"

"We people adore you too!"

Qin Mu nodded.

"I know, get out of the way, don't block me from watching TV!"

The man nodded.

A series was playing on the TV ahead.

Qin Mu's face was a little pleasant.

Time passed minute by minute, and not long after, Bai Yuan came to the club, and when he saw Qin Mu and them, his face was full of excitement.

"Hello, I'm the owner of this club!!"

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