They didn't know at all that this hotel had long been surrounded by the forces sent by Qin Mu.

Many of them were elites dispatched by Qin Mu.

At this time, Qin Mu was about five hundred meters away from this hotel, and his eyes looked towards the hotel.

"This old immortal thing, quite cautious!"

The man next to Qin Mu nodded.

"It is true that we spent a lot of time and energy on arranging, but many traps in many places were disposed of by him in advance!"

"On weekdays, he is a reclusive person, just like the emperors of ancient times, and now he appears in this kind of place! Already a rare thing!

Qin Mu: "No matter how cautious he is, he actually came here, then you have to give me an honest way, let those people prepare, as long as I send a signal, let them act according to the plan!" The

man nodded: "Understood!"

Qin Mu's figure walked towards the hotel.

When he came to the hotel, many people present became a little nervous.

At the same time, about a few hundred meters from here, a van was parked on the side of the road.

There were several figures in the car, and one of the women looked at Qin Mu.

"This guy is quite handsome!"

The eyes of the others were also looking at Qin Mu.

"It really has the potential to be a little white face, I can't imagine that a person like him would choose to go against the Bai family, it's a little interesting!"

A man with a somewhat arrogant face and a strand of yellow hair had a smile on his face.

"Seems like a good opponent, but I also admit that he looks a little better than me!"

Everyone else gave him a blank look.

If there is someone next to them, they will definitely recognize that these people in front of them are not ordinary people.

They are an internationally famous falcon combination.

Over the years, they have traveled abroad and done a lot of big cases.

Even the sensational theft was done by them.

It's just that two years ago, they disappeared, and no one knows where they've gone.

Now it seems that they should be included in the Bai family.

"What's next? This guy also has a lot of police forces nearby!

"If we don't do anything, we are likely to be preempted by them!"

The short-haired woman asked.

"Don't worry! What kind of existence the Bai family is, you still don't know, they have long had other preparations, and they will clean up those people!

"Today's goal is to get this man's head, and I don't know why the Bai family made so many preparations!" Even that one was invited!

A man in a black trench coat said.

When the words fell, the faces of several people present changed a little.

Although they are internationally famous.

But that doesn't mean there aren't more powerful beings above them.

If the top mercenary organizations in the world are king-level existences.

That is above the king level, and there is also the god level.

Those people belong to the existence of the divine dragon without seeing the end.

What the Bai family spent so much money to find was a god-level master.

Generally, such people rarely make a move.

Because their status and status are simply not something that ordinary people can use money to move.

Their faces were a little solemn.

It also costs a huge price for the Bai family to invite this kind of character.

And also made these preparations, that shows that Qin Mu is definitely a very dangerous figure!!

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