Qin Mu's face was a little indifferent, and the long sword in his hand faintly seemed to have a luster flickering between the swings.


The sound of breaking the air followed, and Qin Mu's figure rushed straight towards Wang Jian.

Looking at the sword shadow that instantly expanded in his pupils, the long sword in Wang Jian's hand quickly blocked it.




The crisp voice continued to sound, and the two figures continued to stagger, and more than ten moves passed in a blink of an eye.

There was a dignified look in Wang Jian's eyes, "What kind of person are you?" Why is there such a skill?

Qin Mu's face had a faint smile: "It's also the first time I've fought with someone so hard!" "


Qin Mu's figure rushed towards Wang Jian, his speed was very fast, and he came to Wang Jian almost instantly.

The figures of the two were staggered again, and the tricks between each other became more and more fierce.

The Bai family not far away had an incredible look on their faces.

This Qin Mu's skill turned out to be so powerful?

"How is this possible? Wang Jian is a god-level master, and he has practiced hard for decades to achieve such results!

"How old is Qin Mu, what kind of freak is he?"

A Bai family questioned.

"It's simply against the sky, a god-level master of this age, there are not a few in this world, if Wang Jian is not his opponent, wouldn't our Bai family be finished!"

Another person also said.

"God-level masters have absolute commanding power, if they really trouble us, it is indeed impossible for us to resist!"

Someone said.

The old man's face was also ugly, and he didn't expect things to turn out like this.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, how can he be so powerful?"

"Wang Jian can definitely kill him!"

But as soon as his words fell, the long sword in Qin Mu's hand tore through Wang Jian's defense in an extremely abrupt way, and fell fiercely on Wang Jian's body.

Laugh at!

Wang Jian's figure retreated one after another, there was pain in his eyes, and a blood flower appeared on his shoulder.

His gaze looked at Qin Mu: "I can't imagine that there is a master like you in the Demon Capital!"

Qin Mu's face was a little indifferent: "If you still want to do it, you will die at my hands!"

Wang Jian exhaled softly, he put away the long sword in his hand, and looked at the old man on the side: "I'm sorry, I can't help it this time!"

The old man's face changed a little: "What do you mean by this?"

Wang Jian: "Can't you see it yet?" I am not his opponent at all, continue to fight, it will only be me who is unlucky!

"You Bai family still don't resist! Such a person is not something you can provoke! "

There are obvious changes in the pupils of the old man.

Wang Jian couldn't have lied.

When he said that, it showed that he really had no choice.

Qin Mu's eyes also looked towards them.

"If your Bai family doesn't have other means, then I'm welcome!"

The old man's face was a little hesitant, but he was not an ordinary person, and he quickly understood the pros and cons of this.

"Qin Mu, our Bai family can surrender!"

When the words fell, the faces of many Bai family members changed.

"Grandpa, no!"




many people shouted.

But the old man didn't seem to hear it at all, his gaze looked at Qin Mu: "But I have a request!!" If you can promise, I can give away all the properties of the Bai family! "

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