Qin Mu took a deep breath, and his eyes looked towards Qi Xueqin on the side.

"I'm sorry to frighten you!"

Qi Xueqin's face had a smile: "It's okay, I actually chose you, no matter what happens, I will be by your side!"

Qin Mu's face had a hint of thought: "Are you interested in practicing martial arts?"

Qi Xueqin's face had a hint of surprise: "You want to teach me to practice martial arts?"

Qin Mu: "I think it is still necessary to learn some means of self-defense when going out, what do you think?"

Qi Xueqin nodded: "It's okay!"

Qin Mu's face had a little smile on his face: "Let's go!" I'll take you to get something to eat!

Qi Xueqin's face also had a little smile on it, and he followed Qin Mu towards the car on the side, and some passers-by saw them as if they saw death.

Just now, they saw a person die in front of them, but they didn't seem to care at all.

Driving to the restaurant, Qin Mu ordered a lot of things, and the two pushed cups and exchanged cups and chatted with each other about some interesting things, and time passed quickly.

When they finish eating and intend to leave.

Several figures in the restaurant walked towards this side.

The man at the head looked a little defiant, almost thirty years old, and the waiter saw him hurriedly step forward, and did not dare to snub in the slightest.

"Prince Wang, you are here!"

A middle-aged man in a suit walked over with a flattering look on his face.

The man's eyes were a little indifferent: "I know I'm coming, but I don't know to go out to greet me?" Your service attitude is not good! The

middle-aged man hurriedly said, "I didn't pay attention to my stomach just now!" The

man snorted coldly: "Okay, the excuse is that you don't have much!"

His gaze swept over, and soon fell on Qin Mu and Qi Xueqin, with a faint smile in his eyes.

"The woman looks good, let him come and drink with me!"

The middle-aged man nodded, and he walked towards Qin Mu and Qi Xueqin.

"Hello, the second son of the Wang family has just returned from abroad, he has taken a fancy to your girlfriend, I don't know if you can let her go over to have a meal with the prince!"

"Don't worry, Wang Gongzi has always been generous, as long as you agree, he will definitely not treat you badly, and our restaurant can also give you a lifetime free ticket!"

Qin Mu's eyes were a little indifferent: "It's the Wang family again, or the subordinate of the Wang family, it's a little interesting, let him roll over!"

The middle-aged man's face changed: "Don't say this nonsense, Wang Gongzi is a member of the Wang family, if you offend him, the consequences will be very serious!"

Qin Mu sneered: "How serious can it be?" You think I'll be afraid of him? Seeing

Qin Mu's eyes, the middle-aged man's complexion changed a little, and he didn't understand where the young man in front of him came to be confident.

This one is the subordinate of the royal family.

Who in the magic capital does not know what the Wang family represents?

Today's Wang family is like the sky, and it is not a little more powerful than other families.

The man also heard the words from this side, his face became extremely ugly, and his footsteps walked towards this side.

"You kid is not small!"

He had a somewhat defiant look on his face.

Qin Mu's eyes looked at him: "You came to trouble me and said that I am not timid?" The

man snorted coldly: "Do you know who I am? This is the magic capital, the world of our royal family!

Qin Mu sneered: "It's a little interesting, I want to know if you can represent the Wang family!" "

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