Taking a deep breath, Qin Mu adjusted his mentality.

That evening, the old man called him.

"Mr. Qin, what you want, my side has already sorted it out!"

Qin Mu was a little surprised: "So fast? The

old man explained: "We don't deal with each other in the first place, we will have evidence in each other's hands, this is a normal thing!"

"If it was before, they categorically did not dare to do such a thing, after all, the Bai family also has such a big industry, if they really make trouble, they will also pay a small price!"

"But now that they have the help of the Xuanyuan family, our Bai family has no ability to fight back at all!"

Qin Mu: "Okay, I know, you give me the information!" Old

man: "Good!

After hanging up the phone, Qin Mu walked towards where the old man was.

When I came to the villa, I was greeted by a large area of dossier material.

Qin Mu casually flipped through a few copies, which listed in detail what the Wang family had done over the years.

Qin Mu took a deep breath.

Suddenly, he understood why the Xuanyuan family could cause so much damage to the Bai family overnight.

The two families secretly collected a lot of evidence of each other's crimes.

It is precisely because of this that they contain each other.

But now that the Wang family has the support of the Xuanyuan family, it has naturally become unscrupulous.


He Qin Mu was not a person who swallowed his anger.

Taking some files casually, Qin Mu walked outside.

When he left the Bai family, he directly asked people to drive to Wang Rui's residence.

This leader of the Demon City, Qin Mu has always had a good impression, he is upright, and at the same time he understands people's feelings very well.

When Qin Mu came to the outside of the residence, several armed police officers looked at him alertly.

Qin Mu said to them: "I am Qin Mu, I want to meet the city leader!" The

armed policeman led by Qin Mu glanced at Qin Mu's eyes, and he knew that Qin Mu's identity should not be simple.

After announcing it on the walkie-talkie.

The armed policeman at the head said:

"Let him in!"

Qin Mu entered the compound with the file.

When he came to a study, Wang Rui was working at this time.

Qin Mu knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

The voice of the middle-aged man came.

Qin Mu walked towards the study.

"City Head!"

Wang Rui put his eyes on the table with a bit of a smile on his face.

"I already know about the matter, the fight between your families has caused many ordinary people to suffer!"

Qin Mu's face was also a little helpless: "I don't want to do this either!"

Wang Rui: "The four major families have been in a stable state over the years, although they have also done a lot of shady things, but after all, their existence can help the stability of the magic capital!" We didn't interfere too much with a lot of things!

"Only this time, you guys went a little too far!"

Qin Mu nodded.

"You came to me to expose the Wang family?"

Wang Rui asked.

Qin Mu nodded.

"I can help you deal with these things, but what are you going to do next?"

Wang Rui asked again.

Qin Mu's face was a little thoughtful.

He knew that even if Wang Rui was willing to help, the next thing was still very troublesome.

His power is not enough after all.

Moreover, the core industry of the Wang family is abroad, even if the industry of the magic capital is eliminated, they can still get away with it.

Looking at Wang Rui, Qin Mu arched his hand: "I still hope that the city leader will advise!"

Wang Rui exhaled lightly and said indifferently: "Cut the grass and remove the roots!"

Qin Mu's face changed slightly, and he understood what Wang Rui meant for a while!

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