Wang Zhentian's eyes had a bit of disbelief.

"I can't imagine that Qin Mu still has such a person to help, so what should we do?"

Xuanyuan Litian's face was a little indifferent: "Wang Rui has simply suppressed your Wang family now, and has not interfered with the core industry of the Wang family!"

"This shows that Wang Rui is just watching the tiger fight from across the mountain, and he is not too involved in the things on this side, which is a good thing for us!"

Wang Zhentian nodded slightly.

Wang Rui himself has a lot of power, plus there is the Long family behind it, if he really wants to do something to the Wang family, then the Wang family will definitely not be just like this.

Xuanyuan Litian's eyes also had some thoughts in his eyes.

He knew that it was definitely no accident that Wang Rui helped Qin Mu.

As the head of the magic city, he knows the pattern of the magic city very well.

Xuanyuan also carefully read the information of the four major families several times during this time.

He understands that today's four major families form monopolies in many industries.

If it was before, the demon needed to develop at a high speed, and Wang Rui would definitely turn a blind eye.

After all, for a city to develop, it must be promoted by someone.

But now the development of the magic capital has entered a relatively stable trend.

The way of continuing to maintain the monopoly of the four major families is simply not suitable for the long-term development of the magic capital.

If this continues, only the rich will become richer and richer, and the people without money will become richer, which will not meet the goal of common prosperity advocated now.

"In two days, it will be the dinner day we agreed with Qin Mu, let's meet with him first, I also want to see what skills this stormy figure has!"

The corner of Xuanyuan Litian's mouth was a little sneering.

Wang Zhentian nodded slightly.

He knew that their meeting with Qin Mu would definitely make Qin Mu pay.


The other side.

In a certain factory, there were many people standing in front of Qin Mu.

"Guys, there is something to order to call you here!"

Those people's eyes looked at Qin Mu with loyalty in their eyes.

They themselves were cultivated by Qin Mu, and even if Qin Mu asked them to die, they would agree.

"Next I will have a party, this party, there will be some danger, I need you to prepare in advance!"

After speaking, Qin Mu put a piece of information in front of them.

The man at the head nodded: "Understood!"

Yang Chen nodded: "Go!" The

man left quickly with the group.

Qin Mu stretched his waist, and there was a bit of helplessness on his face.

If he could, he really didn't want to do this, but no way, if he didn't, some people would take his life.


Two days passed in the blink of an eye.

Qin Mu also spent some time preparing for this day.

He got dressed and walked outside.

He has more than a dozen top-of-the-line luxury cars in his garage.

Qin Mu chose the most luxurious one.

Sitting in the car, controlling the accelerator, Qin Mu left quickly.

Almost ten minutes later, Qin Mu came to the door of a large hotel.

The entire hotel is closed today.

With Qin Mu's appearance, many people's eyes were looking towards him.

Qin Mu walked down from the car disapprovingly, and the figure walked towards the inside of the hotel.

At the same time, Xuanyuan received news from the other side.

"He came alone?"


Xuanyuan Litian's eyes narrowed slightly, he was quite surprised, Qin Mu dared to come alone.

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