When he saw these people, Qin Mu's face had a somewhat indifferent look.

The coldness in the eyes of the old man in the front was extremely obvious.

Qin Mu's appearance did bring a lot of trouble to their Wang family.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "You are Qin Mu!" The first time you meet, you should know who I am!

Qin Mu's face had a somewhat indifferent look.

"Of course I know, you have caused me a lot of trouble during this time, and I don't know how to thank you!"

"Each other, you didn't give me less trouble!"

There was a faint smile on the old man's face.

"I've never liked to trouble others, under normal circumstances, it's others who trouble me, that's why I trouble him!"

"By the way, I look at you like this, your body should not be good, you have to be careful, otherwise, how long you can live in the future, it's hard to say!"

Qin Mu's face had a faint smile on it.

The gloomy look in the old man's gaze was extremely obvious, and Qin Mu's words were undoubtedly cursing him.

But a little smile soon appeared on his face: "This doesn't bother you to worry about, although I heard that you are a god-level master, but in this world, there are still some god-level experts!"

"If the strength is not very strong, even a god-level expert is prone to problems!"

The smile on Qin Mu's face became more and more obvious: "You are right, if the strength is not very strong, but I don't seem to be in this category, my strength seems to be quite powerful!" The

smile on the old man's face became extremely obvious: "I heard before that the current young man is very thick-skinned, but I didn't expect it to come to such a point!"

Qin Mu shrugged, with a somewhat indifferent look on his face, he didn't pay too much attention to the old man at all.

"The party will start immediately, I wonder if Mr. Qin is interested, accompany me to get something?"

The old man asked with a little smile on his face.

Qin Mu's face had a bit of a puzzled look: "What?"

"Just come with me! Mr. Qin is so bold, he won't dare! The

smile on Qin Mu's face became extremely obvious.

"It's not true, it's just that I've never liked to be called on, but if you say so, then I'll go and see what it is, I need to get it myself!"

The old man nodded slightly, and he turned and walked to the side.

Qin Mu followed behind him.

The eyes of the other people looking at Qin Mu were a little gloomy.

Today's Qin Mu is not only the enemy of the Wang family, but also the enemy of the Xuanyuan family, and they can't wait to kill such a person immediately.

Following the old man all the way, Qin Mu soon came to the side room, and the old man lifted the things in the room.

Qin Mu's face changed significantly.

There were many children in the room, their faces were a little immature, but they all had some wounds on their bodies.

Qin Mu's gaze looked at the old man: "What do you mean by this?" The

corner of the old man's mouth had a faint smile: "As a god-level master, some things should be clear, there is cause and effect for people who have reached your cultivation, if they all die in front of you, will the karma in your body be affected?"

There was a faint smile at the corner of Qin Mu's mouth, although he didn't know what the old man meant by this, but he knew that the old man couldn't say this for no reason, and if he said it, there must be something that Qin Mu didn't know.

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