Qin Mu's eyes looked at him, and the cold look in his eyes was extremely obvious.

"Now you still have the opportunity to think about it, maybe you may not think about it in the future!"

There was a hesitant look on the old man's face, his gaze looked at Qin Mu, and when he saw his extremely cold eyes, he took a deep breath.

"I can hand over the Wang family to you, but I have one condition!"

Qin Mu's gaze had an indifferent look: "If it's just to save your family's life, I can do it!"

The old man's face changed a little, and he nodded slightly: "Then as you said, I will hand over the Wang family to you!" The

corners of Qin Mu's mouth had a somewhat indifferent look.

With the power of the Wang family, he has no opponent in this demon capital.

The old man's face had a bit of hesitation.

"There's something I still need to tell you!"

Qin Mu's face had a somewhat puzzled look.


"Although you have the power of the Wang family, in this magic capital, you still can't cover the sky with one hand!"

The old man said seriously.

"What do you mean?"

The old man's tone was indifferent: "The water of the magic capital is too deep, if you really want to completely eat the power of the magic capital, just now, it is far from enough!"

"Do you know why the Demon Capital has developed for so long, and it can't compare to the Dragon Capital?"

"Do you know why Xuanyuan Liantian is just a young master of the Xuanyuan family, so I can be afraid of this?"

Qin Mu's face changed a little, and he also felt very strange before.

Now that he heard this, he also felt that something seemed to be wrong.

"I'm not afraid to tell you that the magic capital is more terrifying than you think, and there are some more powerful characters behind us people!"

"You can check the accounts of our royal family, the size of our royal family is as high as one trillion, but how much money is on the books!"

"How much money was taken by someone else!"

"When you take over the Wang family, you have to carry more things than you think!"

The old man's tone had a somewhat cold look.

His fists clenched unconsciously.

He has also carried a lot of things over the years.

Qin Mu took a deep breath and looked at the old man: "Tell me everything you know!" The

old man said indifferently: "I'll tell you the truth, there has always been a force behind the magic capital that is secretly manipulating!"

"Wang Rui can make Xuanyuan feel afraid from the sky, and it is also because behind him, there are people with this force!"

"Have you ever heard of Kunlun Void?"

Qin Mu's eyes had a puzzled look in them.

"Kunlun, what is that place?"

"It's normal that you haven't heard of it, many people in the magic capital have not heard of their names, and they themselves have abilities that are unimaginable to ordinary people!"

The old man said slowly.

"In fact, this world should be divided into two halves, half is the Kunlun Void World, and the other half is the Secular World!"

"There are many powerful characters in Kunlun Void, they have been passed down for thousands of years, and some abilities are unimaginable to us!"

"In the world, a god-level expert can crush those of us to death, but these people are nothing in Kunlun!"

"The reason why the Dragon Capital has always been able to become the capital of Shenzhou and suppress other cities at the same time is that the strong people in the Kunlun Void are installing some people in the Dragon Capital, and these people are the eight major families of the Dragon Capital!"

The old man's words carried a cold look.

Every word, it seemed to open a new world for Qin Mu.

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