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Chapter 1045 An unexpected reunion

Soon, winter turns to spring.

When Duanmuhuai and others returned to school, it was already the beginning of a new school year.

But for Duanmuhuai...

Women are trouble. I will never take you on a trip again!

It's all your fault, uncle! Why are you so cruel!

I just want to taste it.

What displeased Duanmuhuai most during this trip to Antarctica was that he failed to achieve his goal of eating barbecue.

Yes, he originally planned to catch a few penguins and seals to have a try.

In other words, there are no polar bears in Antarctica, otherwise it would be nice to taste bear paws.

As a result, those girls tried their best to stop him, saying, Why should Baobao eat it if it's so cute?... So in the end, until Duanmu Huai set out on his way home, he couldn't eat it.

Why can’t we eat cute rabbits? Rabbits are also very cute. Doesn’t the spicy rabbit head taste delicious?

Besides, there are so many penguins, seals and so on in Antarctica, what’s the point of eating one or two by yourself? It’s impossible to eat them to extinction, right? It’s not like those people who became spirits in the world of Journey to the West...

Even Mary didn't stand on her side, which made Duanmu Huai really sad. In the end, she had no choice but to bake the frozen chicken brought from the interior... Penguins are also poultry, why can't they eat them? Fresh, don’t eat frozen!

However, he still found an opportunity to take a few penguin eggs and make an omelette to try it out.

…………Okay, I have to admit, wild penguin eggs do not taste very good. Just like ostrich eggs, they look big and scary, but they taste just like that. They are just fresh. Thinking about it carefully, if penguins were really delicious, they would probably have become poultry raised in captivity like chickens. How could they still run around freely on the Antarctic continent?

When you walk into the school, the first thing you see are the new students and the clubs that are recruiting new students. Of course, there is also the wind band club that is playing. With the graduation of the original third grade, the members of the wind band club have also changed. I don’t know how many students will join this year—of course, this is not Duanmu Huai’s concern.

Ah, Teacher Duanmu, you are back from Antarctica.

How is Antarctica? Is it cold?

Did you bring any souvenirs?

Entering the staff room, other teachers also greeted Duanmu Huai one after another. After all, they also knew about Duanmu Huai going to Antarctica. It is impossible to say that there is no envy, jealousy and hatred, but most people also have self-knowledge and know that they have not He had the ability to go to Antarctica, so I wasn't particularly envious - after all, it was Antarctica, not Hawaii.

I really wanted to catch a penguin and bring it back, but it's a pity that I won't let you.

Facing the questions from his colleagues, Duanmu Huai spread his hands, and everyone laughed.

If I were caught, would I be able to keep him in school?

Penguins should be afraid of heat. It's still very hot here in summer.

Of course, Duanmu Huai couldn't bring back any souvenirs from Antarctica, but fortunately those girls were careful and had already taken a lot of photos of Antarctica and animals, and now they directly distributed them to other teachers, who satisfied themselves Out of curiosity, he took these photos and dispersed. Only then did another teacher come over.

Teacher Duanmu, the principal wants to see you for something.

Principal? Okay, I understand.

Why does it seem like I've seen this rhythm before?

With doubts in mind, Duanmu Huai came to the principal's office. The old principal sitting behind the desk still had the same smile. After briefly chatting with Duanmu Huai about the Antarctic situation, the old principal smiled and got to the point. .

Teacher Duanmu, I came to you this time because I have something to ask of you.


Yes, you may not know it yet, but Teacher Matsumoto has gone on maternity leave, so her position is currently vacant, so——I hope you can take over her position and become the class teacher of Class 2, Class 3.

Class teacher? Me?

I have to say that Duanmu Huai was also stunned when he heard the news when he came back. To be honest, he had never thought that someone who taught physical education could also be a class teacher. In Duanmu Huai's memory, this kind of job as a class teacher was basically reserved for teachers of the three major courses besides language and mathematics. Yes, can I also be a class teacher?

That's right. Didn't you do a good job in the wind band club? The students all respect you.

The Wind Band Club is the Wind Band Club... Okay, I get it.

Duanmu Huai shrugged his shoulders, what else could he do? Being a class guide can be regarded as a teacher's job, just like a club consultant. Anyway, he teaches physical education and has more time... At least he doesn't need to mark test papers like he does in language and mathematics.

Hahaha, I'm very optimistic about you, so please. Oh, by the way... there's another thing...

Dong dong dong.

Before the principal finished speaking, there was a sudden knock on the door, and then a strange female voice came from outside the door.

Sorry to disturb you.

Oh, you came just in time, come in.

As the principal spoke, Duanmuhuai saw the door to the principal's office open, and then two girls walked in. One of them looked to be an adult and was wearing a regular work suit. The other one stood behind her, wearing the uniform of Kuoh Academy.

The woman in front seemed startled when she saw Duanmu Huai, but the principal smiled and comforted her.

Don't worry, although Teacher Duanmu looks fierce, he is actually a highly rated teacher.

Ah, yes... I'm so sorry, I'm so rude.

As she spoke, the woman lowered her head and saluted Duanmuhuai. At this time, the principal also stood up, walked in front of the woman, and introduced Duanmu Huai with a smile.

Let me introduce, this is Teacher Tachibana Haruna who came to us this year, and her sister Tachibana Ruyi, who will transfer to this school. Oh, Teacher Tachibana Haruna, this is Teacher Duanmu Huai, He will be responsible for being the class tutor for Class 2 and Class 3, so you can be his deputy for the time being. After all, you just came to school and are not familiar with these things.

Having said this, the principal also looked at Duanmu Huai.

So, Teacher Duanmu, can I ask you to help me?


Duanmuhuai looked at the two people in front of him with a complicated expression and nodded slightly. He didn't know the woman in front of him, but the sister Duanmu Huai behind her was very familiar... Isn't this Xiaoru? !

Xiao Rui——Rui, good fellow, your pseudonym is too casual.


Tachibana Ruyi was also obviously confused, looking at Duanmu Huai speechless. Obviously, she never thought that she would meet an acquaintance in the new school.

And it’s the kind that’s too familiar to be cooked any more.

After the introduction, everyone left the principal's office, and then in the corridor, Duanmu Huai watched the two of them fall into silence - in the end, he coughed and stretched out his hand.

Hello, Teacher Ju, I am Duanmu Huai, please give me your advice.

Ah, yes, I also ask for your advice.

Looking at Duanmu Huai's outstretched hand, Tachibana Haruna hurriedly took it, while Duanmu Huai glanced at Tachibana Ruyi who lowered his head and said nothing, and withdrew his gaze. your sister?

Yes, she is in her first year of high school this year. She came to study here because she had something to do at home.

There is something going on at home...

Hearing this, Duanmu Huai looked a little strange. Even if Tachibana Harina didn't say much, he could still guess what the other party was talking about when he said there's something going on at home.

After all, what is the situation in this family? He has already heard from Xiaoru—no, Ruyi said it, okay? I remember she said before that her mother had a new boyfriend and said she planned to remarry. Now it seems that she has remarried? And then you move here? If that's the case... I have to say, this is really a big joke.

But then again, you are only a freshman in high school this year.

Looking at Ju Ruyi, Duanmu Huai was speechless.

He hadn't thought about it before, that is to say, last year...well, forget it, the past has passed, and it doesn't mean anything to talk about it now, right?

After that, Tachibana Rui went to the first-grade classroom to report, while Tachibana Harina came to the staff room to greet other teachers. It has to be said that a young, beautiful and energetic female teacher can really arouse everyone's emotions, and many people also say hello to Kikyo Harina. There are also many young teachers who seem to be very enthusiastic, and they are obviously very fond of this teacher Tachibana Hina.

But sitting on the chair and looking at Juyangcai in front of him, Duanmuhuai's mood was somewhat complicated. No matter how you look at the Kikyo Hina in front of you, she is an optimistic, cheerful, enthusiastic, generous and beautiful woman, and it is indeed easy to attract the attention of men. However, if her sister is right, this person is currently working as a mistress.

He really knows people but doesn't know their hearts... Just looking at her appearance, who would have thought that this person is a mistress? Having said that, the appearance is not necessarily different. For example, Rui looks like a good child. Looking at her sister's appearance, she probably would not have thought that her sister would work other part-time jobs outside.

Duanmuhuai shook his head silently, and then picked up the student list. After all, if he wanted to be a class teacher, he couldn't do as much as he did in physical education class. All in all, take a look at the students in your class.

After looking at the results, Duanmu Huai finally understood why the principal named him to be the class teacher of Class 2 and Class 3. Many of these students were from the wind and band club. Then Mari and Naruse Mio were also assigned to this class, as well as Tacheng Koneko and Maria... No wonder he was asked to take care of it. It wouldn't be easy for others to take care of it, right?

Forget it, a flock of sheep is easy to herd.

Ding dong.

Just when Duanmu Huai was looking at the list of students, his cell phone rang. He opened it and saw that what appeared in it was the text message Xiaoru sent to him.

[Uncle, I have something to tell you]

Looking at this text message, Duanmu Huai was silent for a moment, and then replied with a text message.

[See you at the same place after school]

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