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Chapter 266: Fright at the Airport

When Duanmuhuai opened his eyes again, he was standing at the exit of the airport, obviously, he had just got off the plane not long ago. At the exit of the airport, a group of people were holding signs and protesting there.

It's pointless.

Looking at the slogans and slogans such as Get out of our land and Back to hell on the sign, Duanmuhuai snorted. He never thought that this kind of protest was useful. Protests and demonstrations on the streets can change and reverse the situation, but in fact what they do is meaningless and will not be taken seriously by those in power.

To put it bluntly, this is just an excuse for the people to vent their emotions. When they finish shouting and get tired of shouting, they will leave. In a few weeks, they may even forget why they protested.

If you want to stop all of this, you must use more immediate means, and Duanmuhuai came here for this purpose——According to the mission goal, Senator Davis, who supports Triple Pharmaceuticals today, will come here, and Duanmuhuai wants to What they did was to kill this idiot in public, and let other potential Triple Pharma supporters know that anyone who dares to come into contact with the G virus will only have a dead end.

This is much simpler, clearer and more effective than any demonstrations and protests.

Well, let me wait here.

Thinking of this, Duanmuhuai let out a cold snort, straightened his coat, then turned and walked towards the other side of the airport, passing by the passers-by who picked him up.

Auntie, look at how tall that man is!

The little girl was pulled by the woman next to her with one hand, pointed at Duanmu Huai curiously with the other hand, and said to the woman beside her.

Well, I see, Rainey, well, we have to pick up the plane.

The woman also glanced at Duanmuhuai, then quickly looked away, and led the girl to the airport pick-up gate. Not long after, the gate opened, and a young woman with a suitcase appeared there. Seeing her appearance, both of them waved their hands excitedly, and the woman also saw the two of them, hurried out of the pick-up gate and came to them.

Hey, it's been a long time!

Yeah...Claire, long time no see.

The young woman was none other than Claire. At this moment, she was greeting the woman in front of her affectionately, and at the same time waved to the little girl.

After escaping from that nightmarish city, Claire didn't completely forget about it. On the contrary, she was doing what she could to prevent the scene she experienced from happening again. This time, she finally finished her work and came here to rest.

After exchanging pleasantries for a while, the woman went to hail a taxi, while Claire stayed in the airport lobby with the girl, watching the crowd of demonstrators on TV. The little girl looked at her curiously and asked.

Are you also with the Land Rescue Department?

That's right, just like your aunt.

As he spoke, Claire patted the little girl's head, who also had a smile on her face.

I like everyone at Land Rescue because they're so cool. You beat the bad guys, right?

Bad guy?

Yes, just like that person!

As she spoke, the girl stretched out her hand and pointed to the video with big ears on the screen—that was the interview video of Senator Davis, who supported Triple Pharmaceuticals.


Looking at the interview broadcast in front of her, Claire couldn't help but smiled wryly, and at this moment, the girl spoke again.

Ah, by the way, I saw a very powerful person just now!!


Yeah, he's tall and big, and he's bald, and he looks fierce...


Hearing the girl's description, Clareton was startled and looked at the girl in surprise.

Are you sure? What about others?

Hmm...should it be going that way?

The girl pointed to the other side of the hall, and Claire hurriedly turned her head to look, but there... was empty.


Looking at the empty corridor somewhat disappointed, Claire couldn't help but sighed. Of course she would not forget that man, but unfortunately, after leaving that city, the other party parted ways with them, saying that he did not want to be discovered and investigated. Of course, considering that the big man was wearing a prison uniform at the time, it was not impossible for Claire to understand that he might be a fugitive, so she naturally didn't want to be investigated, so she and Sydney didn't say anything about Duanmuhuai after that.

After that, Claire and Sydney were detained by the military for a period of time, and after a series of inspections and inquiries, it took a long time before they were released. Since then, Sydney has lived with the Claire family under the care of Claire and her brother.

After that, Claire also searched for traces of Duanmuhuai, but without any results. However, Claire and Sydney were not the only ones who escaped from the city, but also the policeman named Leon. whether survived.

Later, when the two sides met again, it was after leaving that city, under the control of the military, that Claire learned that Leon also escaped from that city.

After the investigation was over, Claire went to work, while Leon seemed to be sent to participate in special training because of his special status. After a long time, I got in touch.

When Claire received the contact from Leon, she wanted to use Leon's help to find Duan Muhuai, but what Claire didn't expect was that Leon said that he had heard of this man, and he was very likely to be related to the mission he had carried out before. . In fact, Leon was also looking for him.

Although Claire thinks that the person they are looking for is not the same person, but... tall, bald, and fierce-looking... Uh... this feature is a little too obvious...

Since it was a confidential matter, Leon didn't say much to Claire, he just said that the man was probably working for a mysterious organization, and he didn't know the specifics.

In fact, Claire didn't know why she wanted to find Duanmu Huai. If she wanted to say thank you, she had already thanked Duanmuhuai when she parted. But Claire just felt that she couldn't let it go—it seemed that if she didn't have to take care of the children here, Claire might even plan to go over there to look for it.

After all, Duanmuhuai's features are too obvious, anyone who is not blind can see it.

At the same time, Duanmuhuai was standing on the high-level viewing platform of the airport, staring at the crowd of protesters below.

He is now waiting for that senator to appear, as soon as that fat man with big ears appears, he will immediately bring justice, and directly tear him in half in front of everyone, and then he can go to Triple Pharma, completely Destroy the virus and data stored there, and declare the punishment of the Inquisition to everyone.


However, at this moment, Duanmu Huai suddenly saw a commotion below, many people ran out of the airport passage, yelling while running.

What's the situation?

Seeing this scene, Duanmuhuai frowned. He remembered that there should be no problems at this time in the game. He just needs to wait for Senator Davis to appear, kill him, and then rush into the triple pharmaceutical company under the hail of bullets Raze it to the ground, and this mission will be over... What's wrong with this?

However, before Duanmu Huai could figure out the situation, suddenly there was a loud boom from behind him, and immediately afterwards, the entire airport hall began to tremble as if it had exploded. At the same time, before Duanmuhuai's eyes, a line of system prompts also popped up.

[Conform to the conditions, activate the reward task——Airport Cry]

[Task objective: Eliminate the source of infection as much as possible, investigate the situation]

Source of infection?

Why do I have a very bad premonition...

Duanmuhuai walked down the stairs and came to the airport hall again. At this moment, the airport hall was in a mess, and a crashed passenger plane could be seen not far away——obviously, the plane lost control and finally crashed. Into the waiting room, it caused the disaster.

But that's not important, what's important is that at the moment, the zombies are wandering back and forth in the airport hall, staggering, whimpering.

Well, I sort of guess what's going on.

Duanmu Huai complained silently. Obviously, this flight was infected, and then the entire flight turned into zombies. The out-of-control plane crashed into the airport building, which finally caused this unexpected disaster.

It's just... Where did the source of infection on the plane come from?

This is the part that I need to investigate as a judge.

But before that... let's get rid of these damn zombies first.

Thinking of this, Duanmu Huai clenched his fists, let out an angry roar, and rushed towards the group of corpses in front of him!

At the same time that Duan Muhuai rushed into the crowd of corpses and opened Wushuang, Claire also took a few survivors and ran to the VIP lounge at the end of the airport. They locked the door and stayed inside, panting heavily. .

Damn...why, this is impossible...

Recalling the terrifying monsters she saw just now, Claire's face turned ashen. At this moment, the nightmare in her heart seemed to be awakened again. Could it be that this city will become like the place where her brother worked before? Is it a city of the dead?


Claire shook her head, trying to put her inner anxiety behind her. This place is different. At least for now, it seems that only the airport has been attacked. The airport is far away from the urban area, which means that as long as the blockade is timely, the further spread of zombies can be controlled.

Thinking of this, Claire hurried to the window and looked out. Soon, she saw military vehicles approaching, blocking and surrounding the entire airport. Seeing this, Claire was somewhat relieved. At least for now, there should be no problem here, at won't spread to the entire city.

Although Claire also hopes to be able to fight, it is a pity that she is currently unarmed and has no weapons on her body. Apart from hiding here, Claire has no way to act. Although she also called the police, Claire herself was not sure if there would be support.


Suddenly, Claire keenly caught the sound of heavy footsteps coming from a distance. This sound of footsteps sounded familiar to her, or...she had heard this sound of footsteps before!

Thinking of this, Claire hurriedly put her ears on the door, listening carefully to the movement from outside. At this moment, almost everyone had either left the airport or had been killed by zombies, and the entire airport was dead silent. Only the occasional disgusting voice of zombies still echoed in it.

However, in addition to this, there is a heavy, regular footsteps, which are constantly ringing.

Boom... Boom... Boom...

This, could it be......

At this moment, Claire immediately remembered that under the cover of night, that terrifying strange man in a black coat, according to Leon, it should be a biochemical weapon named Tyrant, developed by the umbrella—could it be said that that terrifying The guy is here too!

How can it be? Obviously the umbrellas have been closed down! Wait, is that the plane?

Thinking of this, Claire's hairs were about to stand on end. She had always wondered why the plane suddenly crashed. Could it be that the tyrant got into the plane and caused all this?

What's the matter, Claire?

Sensing that Claire's expression was wrong, the girl named Reni also asked curiously, but Claire hurriedly covered her mouth and shook her head at her.

Don't talk, don't make any noise!

Although I don't know why Claire is so nervous, the other people in the lounge also shut their mouths at the moment, not daring to take a breath. Soon, they also heard the heavy footsteps --- obviously, the other party was getting closer and closer to them.

Then, what is that...

The senator who was paralyzed on the sofa was sweating profusely, and the stewardess next to him was also pale at the moment. Obviously, normal people can imagine that when the zombies are raging, they can take a leisurely walk outside. Same... definitely not ordinary people.

Or, it may not be human at all.


Just when everyone was afraid to make a sound, the footsteps stopped at the door. At this moment, Claire's heart almost rose to her throat. She stared at the door in front of her, not daring to move. And the little girl in her arms is also stiff right now, not only them, but the other two survivors are also afraid to move at the moment, as if there is a man-eating tiger outside, which may rush in and eat them at any time Like falling.


I don't know how long it has passed, maybe less than a second has passed, but in Claire's view, it is extremely long.

Just when she was almost out of breath, suddenly——


The locked door was suddenly pierced through, and a black, huge hand stretched in from the outside!

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