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Chapter 1284: Don't be cowardly! (It’s so hot that my brain can’t think straight.)

Chapter 1284 Don’t be afraid! (What to do when the weather is hot and your mind can’t move)


Out of the school gate, Huangmae Kumiko lowered her head and looked listless. She sighed blankly, as if she had no energy left in her body.

 In other words, she really can't muster the strength now.

 For Kumiko Huangzen, now is an extraordinary time. Not only must she consider her future after graduation, but she must also prepare for the finals of a national competition. However, because of her own problems, the atmosphere in the entire music club is now quite tense. Kumiko Huangzen understands everyone's thoughts, but to be honest, she doesn't know what to do.

 “Long time no see, Miss Kumiko.”

Just when Kumiko Huangzen walked out of the school dejectedly, a voice rang in her ears. Hearing this voice, Kumiko Huangzen was shocked. Then she raised her head and looked around, and saw a man with long blond hair and wearing a dress. A beautiful girl with gold and blue eyes was standing there holding an umbrella, looking at her with a smile.

 “Mary! Long time no see!”

 Seeing Mary, Kumiko Huangmae walked over excitedly and hugged her.

 “Are you back? Does that mean the teacher is back too?”

"Yes, we heard about the situation here, so we wanted to come back and have a look... Let's go to the church and sit."

As she spoke, Mary made a gesture, and Huangmae Kumiko had no objection and nodded vigorously. Then the two of them walked side by side along the way to school.

“I didn’t expect that this would alarm you, I just complained to Mio...”

"Mr. Duanmu is quite interested. After all, it is a club he has guided. By the way, you should be almost ready to graduate. Do you want to enter the tribunal?"

"Well, everyone thinks so, and I think we should do it. By the way, have you seen the report I submitted before? Together with Rias-senpai and the others, we defeated the God of Disobedience..."

As he spoke, Huangmae Kumiko also danced happily and talked about the situation at that time. Although he returned to his own world, the power of his calling has not disappeared. And after learning that this world is not that safe, people like Kumiko Huangzen and others who have experienced battles in other worlds also want to continue fighting.

It's a coincidence that almost half a year after Duanmu Huai and others left, another God of Disobedience appeared. Kumiko Huangzen and others also attacked with Rias and other demons, and successfully defeated the God of Disobedience. Kill.

Hmm... If Duanmuhuai listens to Huang Qian Kumiko's report, he will know where the soul of the **** comes from.


 However, as she spoke, Kumiko Huang's expression became much more depressed.

 “Rena doesn’t seem to be planning to stay.”


"Well, she said she wanted to go to the United States to study English. I'm not saying it's not good. After all, this is the dream that Rina has always pursued. But she also hopes that I can go with her, because she said that this kind of fighting is too dangerous. If you don't do it right, you'll die."


Walking beside Huangmae Kumiko, Mary said nothing because what Reina Kosaka said was right. The battles in the Inquisition are indeed ferocious and dangerous. It might be okay if you come from a world with constant war, but for students like Kumiko Huangzen who live in a peaceful era, it may be another option.

"I also know it's dangerous, but... I think I should be able to do something. Rina wants to study in Yin University, and I'm very envious. But I don't think I have Rina's talent. Even if I study in Yin University, I There is no way to be like Rina..."

 “Speaking of which, where are the others?”

"Hmm... Xiuyi seems to be planning to enter the trial court. He is confused by the skeleton now. Oh, by the way, Miss Mary, you don't know, right? Xiuyi's vocation seems to be able to restore the skeleton after it is upgraded. She is as she is. And she is a very beautiful girl. I really don’t know how he is going to explain it to his family.”

 Speaking of this, Huang Qian Kumiko chuckled, obviously happy to see her childhood sweetheart suffer a loss.

"Xiaotiao Yu also plans to enter the Tribunal. Her saintly ability is really powerful, and she can recover as before no matter how severe the injury is. In fact, she said she wants to be a doctor, but this ability is really hard to explain. And Iwanaga-san seems to be planning to study law at university..."

Kumiko Huangzen was obviously very familiar with everyone's situation, and she explained each one with her fingers. Basically, most members of the combat group chose to join the Tribunal, but members of other groups basically chose to go to college or return to their hometowns to find jobs. Their abilities themselves are not combat-based, so it is normal for them to make this choice.

After finishing speaking in one breath, Kumiko Huangmae looked at the dusk ahead again and sighed.

"How should I put it...Actually, I am a little hesitant. It is true that I have the vocation of a brave man, and I also feel that I should protect the world I live in. If I don't have power, there is nothing I can do, but since I have this Strength, then I also want to do my part to protect this world..."

 Speaking of this, Kumiko Huangmae turned her head and looked at Mary.

 “Mary, what do you think?”

“Actually, my situation is similar to yours, Miss Kumiko.”

 “Huh? Really?”


Mary nodded.

"In the world I live in, I am just an ordinary student. At that time, like Miss Kumiko, I was thinking about what job I should do after graduation and what I should do in the future. But I met Mr. Duanmu , and then my life changed.”

“Speaking of which, Mary, how did you meet the teacher?”

Hearing this, Kumiko Huangmae suddenly became interested and stared at her curiously.

"Actually, it's very simple. At that time, my friend Charlie... was involved in a conspiracy between the old rulers and the cult, and she fell into a coma. No matter how the doctor diagnosed it, it was ineffective, and at that time, I also The monsters created by those cults targeted my right eye. Just when I was escaping from their pursuit, Mr. Duanmu appeared and rescued me, and then helped me solve the trouble my friends encountered. "

As she spoke, Mary turned the umbrella in her hand.

"At that time, I realized that my world was not actually that peaceful. There were many evil monsters and monsters peering into our world, and they were also eyeing my eyes. So, in order to protect myself, I also wanted to protect me. Friends, I chose to join the Tribunal and fight to protect the world.”

 “Miss Mary, have you ever regretted it?”

"'s hard to say. Some of the methods of the Tribunal are actually very cruel. Although I can understand why Mr. Duanmu did this, it is still somewhat unacceptable. However, I will not object."

 Speaking of this, Mary looked at Huangmae Kumiko.

"Miss Kumiko, please remember that joining the Tribunal is not as simple as becoming a hero of justice. Mr. Duanmu also said that the Tribunal is the guardian of mankind, but we are not the messengers of justice. If necessary, for the sake of mankind We will even do things that seem cruel and evil, so I hope you can think carefully before making a decision."

 “’s really hard to decide.”

"If you regret joining the Tribunal, you can quit. Mr. Duanmu is not such a harsh person. The prerequisite is that you do not become an enemy of mankind."

“The enemy of mankind... this scale is too big, I don’t even dare to think about it.”

Hearing what Mary said, Kumiko Huangmae smiled bitterly, and then changed the topic.

"Actually, I've been thinking, it would be great if you were still here, Mary." "Huh?"

“Because in this way, wouldn’t the solos be decided to be you and Rina? Then others will not become independent because of this, and our bass group can continue to quietly serve as our background...”

Kumiko Huangzen raised her head and looked at the dusk in front of her. What she said was true. The reason why there were no conflicts in the club in the past two years was that Rina and Mari were superior in skills to the others. The entire performance of the wind club revolved around them, and no one felt there was anything wrong.

 But this year, the situation changed.

 Although Kuroe Mayu is a transfer student like Mary, she does not have the absolute dominance that Mary does. Kumiko Huangzen admitted that she had been threatened, but that was just it. Therefore, Mayu Kuroe feels a bit threatening to Kumiko Kumizen Komae, but if it were Mary - Kumiko Kumiko Kumizen has no idea of ​​comparing with her at all.

This is wider than the gap between street ball players and NBA championships.

This is also the problem. No one thinks that they have the ability to compete with Mari or Reina Kosaka for solo rights. But as for Mayu Kuroe, everyone just thinks that she is indeed capable, but she is not strong enough to replace Kumiko Huangzen. situation.

 So the contradiction arises.

But what should we do?

As they spoke, the two of them had already arrived at the door of the church of the Tribunal. Huangqian Kumiko was also a little nervous, not knowing what Duanmu Huai would think of her thoughts.

But based on her understanding of Duanmu Huai, the teacher would definitely not comfort her... Well, from this perspective, Huang Qian Kumiko really guessed it right.

 “If you’re a coward, just go straight up, you’re afraid of being a chicken!”


Looking at Duanmu Huai sitting in front of her and roaring loudly, Huang Qian Kumiko said nothing, while Mary next to her silently shook her head.

 “I finally understand.”

Duanmu Huai leaned back on the chair.

"Kosaka Rina's idea is that everything the pretty boy says is right, everyone just needs to shut up and listen to him. Tsukamoto Shuichi's idea is to maintain the atmosphere of the club, because wind music is a group activity, so the team must be maintained. A cooperative atmosphere, right?”


 “So what do you think?”


Facing Duanmuhuai’s inquiry, Huang Qiankumiko was immediately speechless.

“You are now the director of the Musical Instruments Department. Have you forgotten that no matter how powerful that boy is, he is only a consultant. In terms of your position, you are qualified to make the final decision on the direction of the entire Musical Instruments Department.”

Duanmu Huai waved his hand fiercely.

“So, your opinion is final, so what is your opinion?”


Hearing Duanmuhuai’s inquiry, Huangqian Kumiko suddenly broke into a cold sweat and was speechless.

"Minister, to put it bluntly, a leader is the one who leads his subordinates forward. Just like in that other world, as a brave man, don't you lead the way in every battle? Don't you have to hide behind others? The truth is, just do it and get it done. , in short, as long as you are strong enough and can overwhelm that person named Mayu Kuroe, then nothing will happen? What? Do you think you will lose?


Kumiko Huangqian said nothing and lowered her head silently.

"Looking ahead and looking back, what is it like? You haven't even started the war, but you are already thinking about what to do if you lose. Whether you win or lose, you will know after the fight. A knife to extend your head is also a knife to shrink your head. Do you think that you only need to With your eyes closed, you can dodge this knife?"

 “You can’t hide...can’t you?”

 “Nonsense, you definitely can’t escape it!”

 Duanmu Huai slammed the table, which made Huang Qian Kumiko tremble in fright.

“You came from that world too, so why are you so scared? Could this be more dangerous than facing an army of angels and demons?”

"I would rather face angels and demons..."


 “No, it’s nothing.”

  Seeing Duanmu Huai staring at her with wide eyes, Huang Qian Kumiko also shook her head hurriedly.

"The problem now is not with Reina Kosaka, nor with Mayu Kuroe, but with you. Because you are the minister, and your statement is the most important. It is because you have not Express your stance, that’s why there are so many messes. You should express your attitude in public, and then ask who is in favor and who is against, and that’s it!”

 “I, I understand……”

 “That’s good, go home, I’ll wait to see you get the gold medal.”

After Duanmuhuai finished speaking, he waved his hand, and Huangqian Kumiko hurriedly lowered her head, saluted Duanmuhuai, then glanced at Mary, then turned and left.

 Looking at Huang Qian Kumiko walking out of the church, Mary blinked and looked at Duanmu Huai.

“Mr. Duanmu, you seem to like Kumiko very much.”

“The little girl is quite cute, but she is a little timid. It’s time to take care of her and make her wake up.”

 Duanmuhuai shrugged his shoulders.

“So, Mr. Duanmu, do you think the instrumental club can win the gold medal this time?”

 “I don’t know, I hope I can get it.”

As he spoke, Duanmuhuai snorted coldly.

"If you can't get it...then don't blame me for giving them some color."

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