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Chapter 1288: This looks good (the only enjoyment of iced sparkling water)

Chapter 1288: This is beautiful (the only enjoyment of ice-cold sparkling water)

 It took a lot of effort to show off in front of Duanmuhuai, but in the end, such a safety problem occurred. Maranis obviously lost face. But he didn't say much, and instead took Duanmu Huai and others to the next stop - the control center of Jurassic World.

“This is our control center, Mr. Duanmu.”

Standing in this rather high-tech control room, Maraniss seemed to come to life again and began to introduce Duanmu Huai excitedly.

“We control every corner of Jurassic World here, and no one else can…”

"Jingle Bell……"

But as if to oppose him, just as everyone stepped out of the elevator, they heard a rapid ringing. Then the staff in front picked up the phone and immediately got busy.

"Feel sorry."

Maraniss reluctantly apologized to Duanmuhuai, and then walked towards the console. Duanmu Huai, Mu Geng and others also followed curiously to see what was going on here.

"What happened?"

  "Claire called and asked us to track down the whereabouts of the Indominus Rex..."

As he spoke, the staff member tapped the keyboard again, and soon, a red dot appeared on the screen. Looking at this red dot, the staff was in a daze.

 “What the hell? It’s still in the cage.”

 “What? This is impossible! I was there just now! I didn’t see it at all!”

Even Duanmuhuai could hear the hysterical voice of the woman on the other end of the phone.

 “Claire, seriously, it’s in the cage. Wait a minute…”

At this time, both the staff and Maraniss and Duanmuhuai and others next to them saw three men wandering near a wall in the surveillance camera screen.

 “Is there anyone inside?”

 “Let them leave immediately!”

Hearing the order from the woman opposite, another staff member also hurriedly opened the communication.

“Pad 11, this is the control room, you need to evacuate to the outside!”

Hearing the communication, the people on the surveillance side hurriedly turned around and tried to leave. However, at this moment, a huge dinosaur suddenly appeared behind them, blocking their way.

Seeing this scene, the fat man among the three hurriedly turned around and opened the door, and then slipped through the crack in the opened door, while the other two also ran towards the opened door. Seeing this scene, Maranis was shocked.

 “Close the door immediately!”

 No wonder he was so frightened. You must know that this door is used for dinosaurs to enter and exit. Doesn't opening this door now mean that the dinosaurs are released? !

 “But we can’t…”

 “Close the door quickly!”

Maraniss was too lazy to say anything more and stretched out his hand to press the button. Then the door began to close slowly. Seeing this scene, the other two people also quickened their pace. One of them ran relatively slowly and was grabbed by the dinosaur behind him and stuffed into his mouth. The other person took advantage of this opportunity to accelerate quickly and rushed towards the door that was about to close again.

Hmm... Seeing this reminded Duanmu Huai of a joke.

 What should you do if you and your friends encounter a bear in the wild?

 It's very simple, just run faster than your friends.

It seems that the same principle applies to dinosaurs.

 And because of the sacrifice of that "friend", the former finally took the opportunity to get out through the crack in the door that was about to close. However, the dinosaur rushed over immediately and thrust its head into the crack of the door. Then... the door that was about to close only lasted a few seconds before being knocked open by the dinosaur.


Seeing this, Duanmuhuai glanced at Maraniss with a strange expression.

What kind of inferior materials did you use to build the gate? Are you cutting corners like this?

 What you told me before about not sparing no effort, is this the result of not sparing no expense? Have you made money? Is all the money in your company dirty? So cruel?

And Maraniss's face was equally ugly, because at this moment, the dinosaur also ate the fat man who had escaped before. Then it searched for a long time, but it didn't seem to find the third survivor, and ran away. .

 “Wow, it’s just like a movie.”

Mu Geng next to him opened his eyes wide and looked excited, while Ojis, who was sitting on Duan Muhuai's shoulder, yawned and looked bored.

With the departure of the dinosaur, the drama came to an end, but for everyone in the control room, the stimulation was not small. Some timid girls even cried out loud and were led away by their colleagues. Go aside to comfort. Others were also lifeless and panicked, not knowing what to do.

At this moment, the elevator door opened again, and then a woman with an egg **** head walked in. She glanced at the people in the control room with a complicated expression, and then spoke.

 “Everyone stay calm.”

As she spoke, the woman walked to the main console.

“We implanted a tracker in its body, and once it gets close to the border, the chip will stun it.”

 “But it moves very fast...”

 At this moment, the staff nearby also took action.

“This is the control center, issuing a warning to the whole park...”

 “Hey, wait a minute!”

However, at this moment, Maraniss raised his hand and pointed at the staff member.

 “Hang up that broken phone.”

  …Sorry, I received new news, everything is fine.”

Of course the latter did not dare to disobey his boss's order and hurriedly changed his words. Maraniss also turned his head at this time and looked at Duanmuhuai. "Mr. Duanmu, I'm really sorry to let you see such an accident. But please don't worry, we can handle this matter..."

As he spoke, Maraniss gave the order.

 “Let the capture team hunt it down.”

 “That’s right.”

The woman with the egg **** head also nodded.

“That paddock is four miles away from the nearest scenic spot, and the capture team can solve it..."

 The words she muttered to herself were more like prayers than affirmations.

But no matter what, as soon as the order was issued, the capture team in the park quickly dispatched and began to move forward according to the location of the sensor implanted in the dinosaur's body.

 “What kind of monster is that?”

Just as the arresting team started to take action, the man who was lucky enough to escape from the dinosaur's mouth came to the control room angrily and started a big fight with the egg-tart woman. From this man's mouth, Duanmu Huai and the others learned the situation. It turned out that the reason why the three of them entered the cage was because they did not see the dinosaur in the cage at all. Not only that, all the thermal imaging monitoring systems covering the entire cage found no trace of the dinosaur. In addition, the paw prints they saw on the wall made everyone mistakenly believe that the dinosaur had escaped over the wall, so they went in. Check.

What they didn't expect was that instead of leaving, the dinosaur actually stayed hidden in the woods in the cage. When they realized something was wrong, it came out and launched an unethical sneak attack!

Hmm, for Duanmuhuai, maybe they shouldn’t have planted so many trees in that cage just to beautify the environment?

 Why do you plant so many trees in cages? This dinosaur is not a monkey, nor does it sleep in trees.

You spare no effort, but are you spending a little bit in the wrong place?

And the most interesting thing is, this thing actually escaped thermal imaging?

 How could such a big dinosaur escape?

Duanmuhuai is also very curious about this question. After all, this thing looks alive no matter how it looks, how can it escape thermal imaging? This is a bit interesting...

However, soon, something more interesting happened.

The capture team followed the signal and arrived at the location. They were surprised to find that the dinosaur was not there at all. On the contrary, the signaling device originally buried in its body had also been dug out!

Not only that, while the capture team and others were stunned, this dinosaur actually came out of the woods, and until it appeared, no one else noticed its existence at all.

 Because it changes color!

 Hey guys, is this still a hexagonal warrior?

Although this dinosaur was still not a threat to Duanmu Huai, it had to be said that it did make him whistle involuntarily. After all, this dinosaur is too flashy. It can avoid thermal imaging, change color, and knows how to dig out its own transmitter. It even knows the concept of a transmitter and can use it to fish!

 Hey, will this thing be able to sing next?

Duanmuhuai regarded this as a good show, but now the people in the control room were frightened and the arresting team was all wiped out. What are they going to do next?

 Soon, the keeper who had escaped from the dragon's mouth gave advice.

“In an emergency, the capture team can use live ammunition. There is an M134 machine gun in the mechanical depot, mounted on a helicopter, burn this thing to death!”

However, the egg-tart woman obviously disagrees with this.

“There are tourist families here, and I won’t turn this into a battlefield.”

 “This is already a battlefield!”

The two sides stared at each other for a while, and then the egg **** head spoke again.

“We have invested twenty-six million dollars in it, and we cannot just kill it. Mr. Brady, if you are not going to help, then please leave.”


Hearing what Dan Tutou said, the breeder angrily slapped away the model on the table next to him, and Duanmu Huai also sneered at this time.

“He has given a way, hasn’t he? Or do you have a better way? By the way, I will be very curious whether the amount of the claim will be higher than 26 million.”


Hearing Duanmu Huai's taunt, Dan Tutou took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and issued the order.

“All attractions north of the resort are closed. It is now the first level of alert and all personnel are withdrawn.”

"really interesting."

 Duanmu Huai chuckled, then turned to look at Ojis and Mu Geng.

"Is this interesting?"


 “I think it’s quite interesting.”

“That’s good, I’ll show you something more interesting next.”

Hearing the answers from the two men, Duanmuhuai looked at the keeper again.

“Hey, you, I remember you just said that this dinosaur is figuring out its place in the food chain, right?”

 “Yes...that’s right.”

Although he didn’t know who Duanmuhuai was, the breeder still nodded.

"very good."

Duanmu Huai clenched his fists and moved a bit.

“Take us to find it, and I will let it know its place in the food chain.”


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