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Chapter 1290: Professionals (looks like it’s going to rain and feel comfortable)

Chapter 1290 Professionals (Looks like it’s going to rain and feel comfortable)

 “Well done, Mr. Maraniss.”

 When he met Maraniss again, Duanmuhuai showed a smile.

"Although I don't know why you made this decision, it seems that you at least really know what to do and what not to do."

That's right, Duanmu Huai deliberately left the Indominus Rex not because it couldn't be killed, but because he wanted to see if Maraniss was willing to kill it. If the businessman felt sorry for the investment and wanted to keep it no matter what, then Duanmuhuai would naturally turn around and leave. Any trouble he would cause in the future would be his own trouble and had nothing to do with Duanmuhuai.

 But now it seems that although Maranis is a capitalist, he at least has some bottom line.

 “Stop teasing me, Mr. Duanmu.”

Hearing Duanmuhuai's praise, Maraniss smiled bitterly.

"I can't help it, after all... I still want to drive into this park, and that dinosaur..."

As he spoke, Maraniss also shook his head.

“I have talked to people from the development department. It is indeed my negligence. It seems that the management will be more strict in the future. Fortunately, thanks to you, it did not cause too much harm this time..."

Although it is said that the arresting team will definitely have to pay pensions, this does not worry Maraniss too much. Because of the special nature of Jurassic Park, the arresting team here has already signed a similar life and death agreement. . After all, the dinosaurs here are too dangerous. Even if you are not eaten by the Tyrannosaurus rex, you may be trampled to death by a Brachiosaurus, knocked away by the Iron-headed Baby, or penetrated by a Triceratops...

 So although a few people were lost, it would not have a big impact on the park. On the contrary, if the dinosaur really broke out, the losses would be huge.

As for why he didn't keep the dinosaur but killed it directly, Maraniss also had his own ideas. He was a businessman, and he was quite wealthy, so his vision was naturally good. In fact, Maraniss had not thought about this before, but after coming back to his senses, Maraniss immediately discovered a problem.

This kind of dinosaur is smart, can avoid heat induction, and can change color - it seems to be very valuable in the military!

 Holy shit!

Thinking of this, Maranis suddenly became frightened.

Although Maraniss International has a wide range of business operations, he does not want to deal with the military, no matter which country's military. Especially with this kind of biological weapon, if something happens, wouldn't you be the one to take the blame?

 So Maraniss directly fired Dr. Wu and his team who originally built this dinosaur, and sent them away. Whether you leave or not, I don’t care who you work with in the future, but don’t bring trouble to us. We still want to live for two more years!

As for the Indominus Rex, it has been sieved and cremated, and all data has been cleared, leaving the main one clean.

In this way, Maraniss is not afraid of anyone coming to find him. If anyone asks, he can just tell him that the body has been burned, the research team has been disbanded, and the data has been cleared. Anyway, you can’t find what you want here. If you want to find what you need, please go to Dr. Wu and his team, not me!

From this point of view, Maraniss is quite self-aware. If he were another bloated one, even if he said he was going to kill this dinosaur on the surface, he might still have a hand behind his back, and then start making biological weapons in private... …and then there’s another story.

Of course, Maraniss was also shocked that Duanmu Huai was able to defeat a dinosaur weighing dozens of tons with his bare hands, but he was too knowledgeable and did not ask any more questions. The origin of the other party was already mysterious, and there were high-level officials or nobles from various countries who endorsed him. There must be something extraordinary about it,'s just a little too scary.

 “Anyway, you seem to be pretty good.”

Duanmuhuai smiled and patted Maraniss on the shoulder, then took out a badge of the Tribunal and handed it over.

"This is?"

Looking at the skull and warhammer emblem that the other party took out, Maraniss was a little confused.

"You entertain me here, and this is a gift in return. If you encounter any trouble in the future, you can take this to the Gremory family and show it to them. If they can't solve it, you can ask them to notify me. "

Gremory is Rias's family. Duanmu Huai came through this line when he came out to play this time, so he naturally reported the other party's name directly.

 “Then I’m not welcome!”

Although he thought this emblem was a bit strange, Maraniss immediately accepted it with a smile. Just kidding, although in the end, he didn't know who Duanmu Huai was, but at least from now on, he didn't seem to offend the boss, but made him very happy.

Maraniss originally thought that if something like this happened in his park, the boss would blame him for not entertaining him well - but he turned out to be quite happy?

  Could it be that fighting with dinosaurs is so interesting?

Maraniss didn’t understand, so he simply didn’t think about it. The boss’s preferences were all kinds of weird, who could say for sure?

After going to Jurassic Park to play around, Duanmu Huai finally fulfilled his dream. Fortunately, Kiba Yuto was also very capable. He had just come back from the park, and there was a call from Kiba Yuto, saying that the Emperor Organization Preparations have been completed over there, and everyone will gather at the southeast base in two days to head to Skull Island!

Hearing this, Duanmu Huai suddenly became interested.

  Dinosaurs are just a little fuss after all, and the main course is finally about to begin!

 Two days later, southeast base.

This is a military airport, with people coming and going everywhere, and vehicles coming and going from time to time. It is very lively.

“Kiba-kun, are we all here?”

 A man in a suit stood on the edge of the runway, staring around and asking. He is Professor Serizawa, the leader of the Imperial Organization's research on monsters, and Yuto Kiba's boss. That is to say, he asked Kiba Yuto to be responsible for the plan of finding some mercenaries to protect the imperial organization. After all, Professor Serizawa knew very well that at the previous review meeting, the Imperial Organization and the country's top officials had not been very happy. The marines sent to him and others this time actually had the intention of spying on them.

 That's why he wanted to find some of his own people. Although mercenaries are not very reliable, but... at least they only care about money!

“Don’t worry, Professor Serizawa, I have contacted you just now, and the remaining people will be here soon.”

 “Why do you have to wait for us? Who is so shameless?”

Hearing Kiba's report, a black mercenary next to him was immediately unhappy. He was dressed like a standard military mercenary. These mercenaries were hired by Kiba Yuto from a military security company. Generally, they were like this. The company is basically composed of retired special forces soldiers, and this time Kiba Yuto specially found the elite among them. These people naturally have quite bad tempers. They were very unhappy when they heard that someone was competing with them for business, but they didn't expect that the other party still didn't show up?

Soldiers all have bad tempers, and they naturally start complaining when they feel unhappy. "Please wait a moment, they will be here soon, oh, here they come!"

As he spoke, Kiba Yuto raised his head, looked at the plane in the sky, and suddenly his face lit up and he spoke. At this moment, everyone also turned their heads and looked in the direction he pointed, and then couldn't help but be stunned.

In front of their eyes, they saw a strange-shaped transport plane piercing the sky, flying here, and then landing on the platform. The appearance of this fighter plane was quite strange. It looked rough and bulky, not like anything they had ever seen before. But this is not surprising, because many arms dealers in this world have the ability to develop their own vehicles. The "Black Sea" that Kiba Yuto found also has their own unique vehicles, so this is not surprising.

 But when the helicopter landed, everyone was stunned by the figure that came out.

The person walking at the front was a tall man wearing heavy armor and a helmet. Behind him were two slender figures, also wearing strange armor and helmets. Judging from their stature, the two at the back should be women, while the one in the front is a man.

 “FUCK…what the **** is this?”

 Seeing the appearance of these three people, both the marines and the mercenaries stared blankly and were speechless.

The reason is very simple, that is, the equipment of these three people - it looks too sci-fi!

 As for ordinary soldiers, they just wear camouflage uniforms, a tactical vest, a body armor helmet and so on.

 Look at the results, what are the people here wearing?

 Hey guys, aren’t we filming a Hollywood science fiction blockbuster?

 “Boom, boom, boom!”

Duanmu Huai strode over, his thick power armor making a dull sound with every step he took. Seeing the other person approaching, Professor Serizawa was so frightened that he even wanted to hide back - he was just an ordinary researcher. Officer, where have you seen this posture before?

"we are coming."

Duanmuhuai walked over, glanced at Professor Serizawa, then withdrew his gaze, looked at Kiba Yuto and said in a deep voice.

 “You’re not late.”

 “No, no, you guys came just in time.”

As Kiba Yuto spoke, he took out his ID and handed it over, while Duanmuhuai also took the ID and nodded.

“Kiba-kun, who are they?”

At this moment, Professor Serizawa also regained his breath. He approached Kiba Yuuto uneasily and asked in a low voice. However, before Kiba Yuto could answer, he heard Duanmu Huai speak.

 “We are a hazardous biological treatment company.”

  “……hazardous biological treatment company?”

Professor Serizawa was stunned for a moment when he heard this unfamiliar name.

“Yes, our company’s main goal is to protect humans and eliminate all dangerous creatures that try to harm humans. You can rest assured that we are professional in this regard!”

I have to say that although what Duanmu Huai said sounds ridiculous, it looks like he is professional no matter how he is dressed.

 “Then, I’ll leave it to you.”

Professor Serizawa is just a useless scholar. He has never heard of any dangerous biological treatment company, but he is not surprised. After all, the mercenary circle is too far away from his own, and he has never heard of it. normal. So he just nodded and said nothing more.

As for the mercenaries of the Black Sea Company, they stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, looking confused.

“Hazardous biological treatment company?”

 “Have you heard of it?”

"we do not have."

"Is the scope of processing different? We don't do this business either..."

"Maybe, look at their equipment, hey... I want them all..."

Looking at the power armor on Duanmu Huai, many mercenaries were almost drooling. As veterans who had experienced hundreds of battles, of course they could see how awesome this power armor was at a glance. This thing is like a humanoid tank on the battlefield, who wouldn't want it?

 It’s a pity... not everyone can have this thing.

Hey, why not wait until this mission is over and go inquire about this dangerous biological treatment company?

 If the pay is good, they might as well change jobs!

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