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Chapter 1294: Skeleton Lizard (I have been bored playing GTAOL for the past two days)

Chapter 1294 Skeleton Lizard (I have been bored playing GTAOL these past two days)

 After this, everyone continued to move forward and encountered some huge creatures along the way. It was obvious that the huge creatures on Skull Island were not just the gorilla. They even saw spiders that were taller than trees, buffaloes that were as big as cars, and so on. All in all, this island is full of huge creatures, but not all creatures are huge. There are also some deer and other creatures, which are no different from ordinary ones.

“To be honest, I really can’t imagine how such an ecosystem can be maintained in the environment of Skull Island.”

Dr. Serizawa took a breath and whispered.

"We all know that the reason why dinosaurs were so large in the past was because the air density in that era was higher and the oxygen content was different from now, so it could support the existence of dinosaurs. But the monsters here - how do they maintain themselves in the modern environment? In this form?”

 “Is this weird?”

 A mercenary curled his lips.

“Aren’t the dinosaurs in Jurassic World pretty big? I think they live quite well, right?”

 “That’s different.”

Professor Serizawa shook his head.

"The dinosaurs in Jurassic World have been genetically modified. Strictly speaking, they are speciously different from the dinosaurs in ancient times. In fact, from an academic point of view, many dinosaurs are not what they are now... okay, There’s no point talking about it now, let’s move on.”

Professor Serizawa did not answer the question of why the monsters here can maintain such a huge size, and maybe he himself does not know the answer.

After passing through the forest, everyone arrived at the wasteland with the skeleton of the gorilla monster that the Argonaut had discovered before.

 But the situation here is not very optimistic. The entire wasteland is shrouded in a brownish-yellow smoke. Although the concentration is not high, it has a strange smell of rotten eggs. Duanmuhuai had been wearing a helmet, so naturally he didn't feel anything. Lorena and Kisara also hurriedly put on their helmets. Others did not have such good equipment, but fortunately they still prepared gas masks, so the soldiers and researchers also hurriedly put on their masks.

 After all, this place doesn’t look normal at first sight.

“Although there is no deadly poisonous gas, the concentration of flammable gas here is very high!”

 After conducting the test, another researcher quickly gave the answer.

 “Attention everyone, do not use open flames and be careful!”

 Soon, the commander of the Marine Corps gave the order, and the others nodded. Duanmu Huai also clenched the war hammer in his hand, squinting his eyes and staring around. At the same time, he quietly gestured to Lorena and Mu Geng. The latter quickly slowed down and then came to the periphery, alert. looking around.

It didn't take much effort for everyone to find the two huge gorilla skeletons lying in this strange area. Although the Argonaut, which was already in the air, had already conducted detection, after seeing the two gorilla skeletons in person, they still Everyone was quite shocked, and after field measurements by researchers, they found that the skeletons of these two gorillas were larger than the ones they had encountered before!

This can also be preliminarily determined that the gorilla is not yet an adult, and it can grow bigger.

“So, it’s possible that they are King Kong’s parents?”

 “King Kong?”

Hearing Professor Serizawa’s emotion, Duanmuhuai was stunned for a moment and looked at him curiously. The latter noticed Duanmuhuai's gaze and shrugged with a wry smile.

“That’s the name I just gave to the gorilla. After all, we always need a name to label it, right? Just like Godzilla, we can’t call it a big lizard.”

 Speaking of this, Dr. Serizawa gave a wry smile and then frowned.

 “But then, the situation may change.”

 “What changes?”

“We originally thought that King Kong would take us to its hometown, and that it would return to its original location under threat. But we may have overlooked one thing, that is, its home may not be underground, but in..."

As he spoke, Dr. Serizawa pointed to Skull Island in front of him.


"So you want to say that it is not it that comes out of the center of the earth, but its parents?"

 “That’s pretty much it.”

Dr. Serizawa nodded.

"I studied these two skeletons, and they have very obvious male and female characteristics. I very much suspect that these two gorillas came to the surface from the center of the earth for some reason, and then stayed here. What happened next? King Kong died for some reason... If this is the case, then King Kong may not know whether there is really a passage to the center of the earth. "

 “But these two skeletons are not the only ones here.”

Duanmuhuai glanced around. In addition to the two gorilla skeletons, there were also various skeletons, big and small, and everything.

Could this be a garbage dump or a cemetery? Just like what some natural science books have written, animals will have an instinctive reaction before dying, and then they will take the initiative to find a cemetery to wait for death?

For researchers, this place is obviously a treasure trove. They happily held their bags and began to collect the skeletons. After all, these are animals on the island. Currently, there are no living large monsters, so they use the dead monster skeletons for research. Also a good choice.


While everyone was immersed in their work, suddenly, a strange cry appeared, startling everyone.

However, before they could come to their senses, they saw this weird sound coming from all directions, one after another, weird and unpleasant sounds coming one after another. Just listening to it made people shiver!

 “Leave this to us, you hide quickly! Hurry!”

Duanmuhuai clenched his war hammer and shouted to Professor Serizawa, who also hurriedly stood up and crawled to his feet, quickly joined the members of the Marine Corps and mercenaries, and hid in the gorilla's skull—— The skull was almost as big as a house, enough to fit most of the members inside. The researcher hid inside, while the Marines and mercenaries leaned against the gap with weapons in their hands, staring around vigilantly.

Duanmu Huai, Lorena and Ki Geng spread out around the skull, staring at the yellow smoke that filled the surroundings.

 Shortly afterwards, strange figures emerged from the mist. Their appearance looks very weird, just like a big lizard, but there is a strange thing, that is, these "lizards" only have forelimbs and no hind legs. In other words, they move entirely with their two forelimbs. Moving forward on the ground, it looks particularly weird.

They are all pitch black except for their heads, which look like skulls. They feel awkward no matter how you look at them.

 “This, what kind of monster is this...”

Looking at these skeletal lizards, the researchers trembled involuntarily, and the soldiers held their breath and held the weapons in their hands tightly, for fear of making any noise that would alert them.

 However, there are some people who don’t take the usual path.


A whistle broke the silence here, and Duanmuhuai raised his hand and shouted at the monster over there.

 “Hey, Thief Sun!”

Hearing this sound, those weird skeleton lizards turned their heads suddenly. After seeing Duanmuhuai, they immediately accelerated and rushed toward him!


 Seeing this scene, the soldiers and researchers were stunned. They knew you were a tiger, but they didn't expect you to be so tiger! This time it’s a group of people! Are you really that brave?


At this moment, those skeleton lizards had already rushed in front of Duanmuhuai, and they kept tapping the ground with their only pair of forelimbs, but their speed was not slow at all.

 However, this scene looked extremely weird to others. It's like a person walking without feet but having to stand up and crawl with two hands. No matter how you look at it, it feels awkward.


The leader of the skeleton lizard rushed over, opened its **** mouth, and bit Duanmu Huai in one bite.

But this time, Duanmuhuai will not give it a chance. The reason for releasing water on King Kong before was out of necessity, but now these monsters... naturally do not need to be taken care of!

"go to hell!"

Facing the skeleton lizard rushing toward him, Duanmu Huai roared angrily, swung the warhammer in his hand suddenly, drew an arc in the air, and then hit the skull lizard directly on its head, smashing its open mouth. Towards the ground, the skull lizard's head exploded instantly under Duanmuhuai's blow!

 But this is just the beginning!

 “Whoa ah——!”

Other skeleton lizards seemed to be stimulated by the death of their companions. They made that ugly cry again and rushed towards Duanmuhuai!

 “Die, you bastard!”

The skeleton lizards rushing over were not only about the same size as a double-decker bus, but also densely packed in number. At first glance, there were at least hundreds. Just looking at this scene made one's scalp numb. However, Duanmu Huai was not afraid. Facing these skeletal lizards, he strode forward with the war hammer in his hand swinging like a fan.


Duanmu Huai blasted out with a hammer, hitting the head of a skull lizard that was charging directly into the sky like a golf ball. Then he took a step forward, and the warhammer in his hand changed direction and swept across suddenly, hitting the skeleton lizard running from the other side, knocking the opponent away like a home run like a baseball. The latter flew out with a wailing sound and hit the companion who rushed behind him, and then the two of them turned into a pile of meat paste at the same time.


The third skeleton lizard took this opportunity to suddenly open its mouth and bite Duanmuhuai's body. However, Duanmuhuai refused to dodge. He stretched out the free hand left beside the skeleton lizard's mouth. Grab the skeleton lizard's mouth and pull it down!

 “Go to hell!”

The mouth of the skeleton lizard was pulled off by Duanmu Huai, and he raised his foot and stepped out suddenly towards the other lizard that he knocked to the ground, with blood spurting out. , the huge body of the skeleton lizard also became silent.

Nearly all the skeleton lizards who dared to rush towards Duanmu Huai and get close to him were directly smashed into pulp by the swinging war hammer. The other two were also not far behind.

Lorena shuttled among the lizards, holding the thick and huge sacred book in her hand like a fly, and swatted the lizard's head directly, smashing the lizard's head into pulp. Then, when another lizard rushed over, he immediately dodged away, and then threw the holy scripture out. He saw that the holy scripture, which was as thick as a brick, penetrated the head of the skull lizard with its mouth open like a cannonball, killing the latter. It turned into a slumped corpse.

On the other side, Ki Geng seemed to be transformed into a ghost. His sword and his body turned into a flash of light and passed through the group of lizards. Blood spattered everywhere he went, and each skeleton lizard was killed without even having time to avoid it. Mu Geng was chopped into pieces of meat and chopped into minced meat, without any fat in it.

 “Fire, fire!”

With Duanmu Huai and the other three people in the front, the Marines and mercenaries in the back also took the opportunity to launch an attack. After all, they are also soldiers, and fighting is their bounden duty. There is no way they can sit back and watch like those researchers. Others were beaten to death, so soon someone set up a machine gun and started shooting at the monsters.

 However...the result shocked everyone.

When they saw Duanmuhuai hammering a child, they thought that the defense of these skeleton lizards was not very good. It was not until they did it themselves that they discovered that the defense of these skeleton lizards was terrifying. Their machine gun bullets hit the opponent. No defense at all!

Not only did they not break through the defense, a skeleton lizard even diverted its attention and pounced directly towards them!


 Seeing the skeletal lizard charging towards them, the soldiers screamed and pulled the triggers, pouring bullets as hard as they could. However, when their bullets hit each other, they were completely unable to slow down the skeletal lizard! In the blink of an eye, the other party had already rushed in front of everyone and bumped directly into their hiding skulls!


   It was late and then fast, but at this moment, Mu Geng was holding a magic sword, falling from the sky, and then rolled on the spot. The magic sword in his hand suddenly swung up, and with a wisp of sword light, it turned into a full moon and was thrown forward. Then I saw that the skeleton lizard that was rushing towards everyone was cut in half directly from the middle, and the body that was chopped into two parts almost flew past everyone's bodies, scaring everyone. A shiver.

Ki Geng flicked the blood drops on the magic sword and without even looking at the crowd, he directly joined the battlefield again.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers turned pale and could not speak a word.

It took a long time before one of the mercenaries murmured.

“Perhaps, I should learn how to use a sword...”

 In OL, I went directly to the security deposit mission, specifically to catch criminals, which was pretty cool.

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