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Chapter 3: Fight against the devil

Chapter 3 Fighting against the Devil

 “Foolish mortals……”

The violent demon held a weapon in his hand and looked at Duanmu Huai in front of him with a bit of smug ridicule.

"You have no idea who you are about to face...I am..."

Who listens to your nonsense?

Duanmu Huai didn't bother to listen to the violent demon's opening remarks. Usually he just skipped the cutscenes before the boss battle, okay?

It's all about death anyway, so who wants to waste time on you?

Thinking of this, Duanmu Huai raised his left hand without hesitation. With a roar, the bursting flames spurted out instantly and hit the violent demon, interrupting its stupid behavior of continuing to recite the opening words.

"You **** bastard!"

The violent demon obviously did not expect that the human being in front of him was so bold and dared to interrupt his speech, and he suddenly became angry.

"I will smash your stupid tin can to pieces! Let you understand how mortals are in front of the devil..."

You told me who would listen to your nonsense?

Duanmu Huai naturally turned a deaf ear to the roar of the Violent Demon. As soon as he succeeded in the attack, he immediately grabbed the war hammer and rushed forward, rushed directly in front of the Violent Demon, and swung hard at the mechanical feet of its lower body.


The flashing war hammer hit the metal mechanical feet heavily, and thunder exploded in an instant. Even the violent demon's movements paused for a moment. But soon, it roared and brandished its long sword, slashing hard at Duanmu Huai.


The long sword burning with flames broke through the fragile shield and cut directly into the thick shoulder armor. However, Duanmu Huai did not choose to avoid it. He knew the weakness of this monster very well. The high mobility brought by the three pairs of mechanical feet is the biggest threat to the violent demon. If you can't destroy its mechanical feet in the shortest time, then it will be a lot of trouble for you to fight!

Thinking of this, Duanmu Huai clenched the war hammer again, swung it hard, and hit the mechanical foot again. This time, the mechanical foot, which had already withstood the heavy blow, finally couldn't support it and suddenly shattered. And taking advantage of the moment when the violent demon's body was tilted, Duanmu Huai struck out with another hammer blow!

Material dislocation!

The joints of the mechanical feet completely shattered under the bombardment, and the solid steel was twisted, deformed, and shattered under the violent impact. As the two pairs of mechanical legs in front were shattered, the violent demon's body also lost its balance, screaming and falling forward. Naturally, Duanmu Huai would not miss this opportunity. He dodged and while holding the war hammer with both hands, his whole body suddenly spun in a circle, and then he saw the huge, dark war hammer hit the violent demon hard. On the back of the head!

Critical hit!

For most creatures, the back of the head is the most vulnerable part, and the Violent Demon is no exception. It mainly relies on flexible mobility to fight enemies. Although it has the usual toughness of a demon in terms of defense, it also has its limits.

Under this attack that broke through the defense, the violent demon immediately fell to the ground, but even so, it still did not give up resistance. I saw the mechanical legs under the violent demon waving wildly, trying to tear apart any threat that dared to approach it. At the same time, the violent demon also tried to stand up again and fight with the cunning human in front of him.

But of course Duanmuhuai would not give it this chance. He walked around behind the violent demon, raised his war hammer again, and smashed it against the mechanical foot that the violent demon couldn't help but swing.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!!"

In the blink of an eye, the violent demon's mechanical foot was smashed into a pile of scrap metal, and without its legs, it was now like a fish that landed on the beach, and could only twist and jump desperately trying to escape. However, Duanmu Huai obviously would not give it this chance. He smashed the long sword out of the violent demon's hand with a hammer, then strode up to the devil, and stepped on the violent demon's hands.

For Duanmu Huai, demons like the Violent Demon kill a lot of people. In Xinghai OL, although there is also a setting that can resist damage with high levels, there is also a saying of weak point kill. As long as you can grasp the weaknesses of each enemy and carry out targeted attacks, even a level 1 player can destroy monsters that are many levels higher than him. Killing monsters by leapfrogging is not uncommon in Xinghai OL, and it is even more so for Duanmu Huai as a solo player. His most glorious deed was to expel the level 90 incarnation of the evil **** alone. It was after that battle that Duanmu Huai took over. After receiving many orders, I went from being a small-time swiper to becoming a high-end player who can really make money.

Compared to the incarnation of the evil god, the violent demon in front of him is just a drizzle...

"Foolish mortal! You can't kill me!"

Realizing that he couldn't escape, the violent demon roared angrily.

"I will return to my world and wait for the next arrival. At that time, I will tear you into pieces..."

However, before the violent demon finished speaking, the next moment a strong war hammer whizzed down and hit it directly on the head, smashing the tough head of the demon in front of him like a watermelon. Immediately afterwards, the violent demon's body was seen burning instantly, turning into black dust in the blink of an eye, and disappearing into the air.

"Huh, that's a lot of nonsense."

Duanmuhuai glanced at the decomposing demon corpse and snorted coldly. Of course he knew that what the violent demons said was true. As demons, they could not be killed. Even if these demons were killed here, they would just return to their own world. And even if you track these demons and kill them in your own world, these demons will not be completely destroyed. Instead, they will become low-level demons and be resurrected through reincarnation.

But what does this have to do with Duanmuhuai?

Anyway, no matter how many come, just kill them.

Just as Duanmuhuai killed the demon in front of him, a system prompt appeared in front of him.

[Mission "Intrusion" completed]

[Task evaluation: quite good]

[Reward: 1500 experience, additional 1000 experience, upgrade to level 8, attribute point +1, specialization point +1, obtain "Maintenance Device - Repair Skull"]

[Trigger of the follow-up mission "Guardian"]

[Task introduction: You defeated the followers of Chaos and rescued the sacrifices. But this is just the beginning, you can choose to take her out of here and send her back safely. Or leave her here and let her fend for herself. No matter what, it’s your choice]

not bad.

Regarding mission completion, Duanmuhuai is not surprised. Basically, every mission has similar settings. When you start a mission, you don’t just follow the mission to eliminate the target. Your actions in the mission cause Influence, even because of the people implicated, will affect the evaluation of the task and thus the task reward.

This is also a very attractive point in Xinghai OL. Many players will even study each task carefully to ensure that they can get the best rewards.

Obviously, rescuing the girl was the reason why his mission evaluation was so high. If Duanmuhuai ignored the girl, his mission evaluation might not be so high.

As for the specialization points obtained, Duanmu Huai put them on (attack weak points) to increase explosive damage. This was also Duanmu Huai’s upgrade plan before time travel. Although he was designing a cute girl character at the time, in fact he was still Duanmu Huai. Style of violent melee combat - well, you can tell from his ID.

For the next attribute points, Duanmu Huai continued to add strength, raising the strength to 11 points, and at the same time upgraded the Space Marine combat training to LV4 - anyway, the charm is locked and cannot be added, so that's all.

Thinking of this, Duanmu Huai turned around and saw the ragged girl sticking her head out and looking here uneasily. After seeing him, the girl shrank in fear and didn't know what to do. Duanmu Huai didn't care about this, he just strode forward and glanced at the girl as he passed her.

"Follow me if you are willing." After saying these words, Duanmuhuai left this dirty and evil place. The girl hesitated for a moment, but she still followed Duanmuhuai - she couldn't Let her stay here with the charred corpses of the evil god's followers!

Of course, this group of evil **** believers would not choose a busy urban area as a place to summon demons. In fact, this is an inaccessible wilderness. Of course Duanmuhuai doesn't know where this place is, but it doesn't matter. After all, there is a local next to him. Aboriginal.

The girl followed him, and also told her origin. Her name was Alyssa, and she was the daughter of the lord of this territory. Although this was a deserted territory on the border, it was also their home for them. Not long ago, after attending a banquet held by merchants in the city, they were about to take a carriage back to the castle. As a result, they were hijacked by followers of the evil **** on the way. Their father and guards were killed by those ferocious followers of the evil god, leaving only Put her down as a sacrifice... Obviously, if Duanmu Huai hadn't arrived, I'm afraid she would have become a victim of those evil **** believers.

Alyssa burst into tears when she spoke, while Duanmu Huai seemed very calm. Any player has done similar tasks one thousand eight hundred times. Although he sympathized with this young lady, it was a pity that the dead end was done. He had nothing to say other than condolences and resignation. of.

You can't resurrect the dead.

"You know where this place is"

"Of course!"

Hearing Duanmuhuai's inquiry, Alyssa nodded vigorously.

"This is the wilderness beyond the borders of the empire..."

"do you know how to go?"


"Then let's go."

Duanmu Huai decisively decided to complete the follow-up tasks first. After all, searching for sacred objects is a very complicated matter. Each planet's sacred objects have different story lines. Some are buried deep in the ruins. Players need to investigate a large number of clues first. Then lock the location of the ruins, then go in to explore and take out the sacred artifact.

This is not bad. Some holy weapons will even be enshrined as artifacts on local planets. Then it will be troublesome. Players will either have to fight to lose reputation and rush in to grab it, or they will have to follow the plot to see if there is a way to bring peace to it. Get it. Of course, this also depends on the level and level of civilization on each planet.

It's okay to say that the civilization of a "newbie planet" like this is at the medieval level at best, but the starry sky civilizations in the later stages are different - which is why players need to build fleets.

You can't fight a space fleet alone.

Although it comes to the later stage, this is not completely impossible.

Although Alyssa was anxious to leave as soon as possible, she was also exhausted, and it was getting late, so after escaping from the evil god's believer's stronghold and temporarily evading the other party's pursuit, she could only find a random place first Rest and wait until the next day before rushing on.

Duanmu Huai didn't care about this, after all, his power armor was also damaged in the previous battle with the violent demon, and it also needed to be repaired.

Huddled next to the fire, Alyssa carefully looked at the tall black figure not far away. She walked with him all the way, but she didn't see this mysterious knight take off his helmet and reveal his true face in Lushan.


However, just when Alyssa mustered up the courage to strike up a conversation, she was surprised to see the metal box behind the knight suddenly open, and then, a white skull flew out of it, wandering around the black knight, and... From time to time, a strange light emanates from the black eye sockets, shining on the black knight's armor.


Alyssa was immediately startled when she saw this weird thing.

This, what is this?

Could it be a dead man's skull? Could he be the legendary Death Knight?

Speaking of which, he has skull symbols on his shoulders and waist... isn't that the Necromancer's favorite symbol?

Did he save me because he wanted to turn me into an undead creature?

Could it be that the skull surrounding him now was also his former victim?

Alyssa looked at Duanmuhuai uneasily, but didn't know what to do. Although I really want to run away now, what if I leave here? If you get lost in the wilderness like this, you may become prey for wild wolves.

But staying it really okay?

"What's wrong?"

Sensing Alyssa's gaze, Duanmu Huai turned to look at her. He had just activated the repair device and was repairing his power armor. As a heirloom piece of equipment, this set of power armor can not only increase in power as players upgrade, it can even have unique abilities by installing various plug-ins. Basically, this set of equipment can be used by Duanmu Huai until it reaches full level.

After all, it is equipment used to help the alt pass the plot...

"Um...please ask..."

Hearing Duanmuhuai's words, Alyssa hesitated and asked timidly.

"Excuse me... Sir Knight, are you... human?"

"Sure, what's the problem?"

"I'd like to see your face if I could."


This request is truly speechless.

Hearing Alyssa's question, Duanmuhuai rolled his eyes, then he opened his helmet and looked at Alyssa.

"That's it."


Alyssa didn't speak, she just stared at Duanmuhuai blankly, and then...she fell to the ground and passed out.

Seeing this scene, Duanmuhuai shrugged his shoulders and put on his helmet silently.

I knew it would end like this.

(End of chapter)

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