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Chapter 1327: Intermission (the weather is too hot and

Chapter 1327 Intermission (The weather is too hot and I have lost my energy)

With Abaddon's death, the Black Legion's Thirteenth Expedition completely failed.

The remaining black legions quickly withdrew and hurriedly disappeared into the depths of the Eye of Terror. On Cadia, the soldiers cheered for this hard-won victory. Only Duanmu Huai stood there, looking at the eyes of fear in front of him, without joy or sorrow.

From the empire's perspective, this time they achieved a complete victory. Not only did they kill Abaddon, the empire's most important enemy, but they also thwarted the other party's invasion, once again protecting the empire's frontline against Chaos.

But in Duanmu Huai's view, this is considered a tie.

Because Duanmu Huai knew very well that in the dimension of time, stopping the Thirteenth Black Expedition was nothing. The Chaos Evil God can find Abaddon, and then he can find a Warmaster. It is only a matter of time. After this there will be the fourteenth, the fifteenth, the sixteenth... and then one day, Cadia will be exploded, and the Eye of Terror will tear the universe apart.

History will not change, it will only be revised.

From this point of view, the Chaos Evil God's purpose of using a given period of history to test his power has been achieved. Because during this period of history, it was impossible for Duanmu Huai to kill the Chaos Evil God, so they could commit suicide in various ways. Anyway, unless Duanmu Huai chose to destroy this timeline, they would not die.

And now, they have obtained information about Duanmu Huai's power and characteristics, especially the Sixth Heaven Demon King... This will be very helpful information for these evil gods to plot against Duanmu Huai in the future.

On the other hand, Duanmu Huai was not at a loss either. Through this fight, he had completely verified the strength of the Chaos Evil God, and also verified the restraint of his priesthood on the opponent.

From this point of view, Duanmuhuai is quite satisfied with the result.

No matter which Chaos Evil God they are, their power and strength are based on life itself, and Duanmu Huai's destructive power is almost impossible to defeat them. After all, once it is destroyed, nothing will be left, whether it is wisdom, life, courage or desire.

No more, just no more.

Any living being fears destruction, and the Chaos God is no exception. From this point of view, Duanmuhuai is their nemesis.

Moreover, although Duanmuhuai exposed the power of the God of Destruction and the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven, he also concealed the power of the God of Joy and the Old One. Not to mention the God of Joy, Duanmu Huai, the power of the Old Ones, was intended to be used as a trump card.

The specific performance is that if you can't beat it, just rush into the Eye of Terror and summon Azathoth to let it eat it.

Or it would be a good idea to summon the black goat to give the obsessed sinner a loving hug...

Of course, the true strength of the Chaos Evil God is more than this, and they must also have hidden trump cards. Therefore, in Duanmu Huai's view, this battle is a draw.

Everyone leaked part of their strength, but they were not able to get to the bottom of it. It could only be regarded as the first time that opponents who had originally fought against each other in the air actually faced each other, and they had a little understanding of each other's strength.

Duanmuhuai thought that this time the battle was just a draw, but Lord Creedberg obviously didn't think so. When he saw Duanmuhuai again, he seemed extremely respectful.

This is also normal, although Duanmu Huai used soul cards to enhance the strength of the Cadia defenders, greatly improving their efficiency and attack power. And everyone was indeed having a great time fighting at the time, but after the battle was over, many people were actually mentally prepared to die. After all, they know very well that this kind of power is not normal, and even burning their own souls to obtain this kind of power is not unreasonable.

However, after Duanmu Huai put away the soul card, everyone was surprised to find that except for a little fatigue and loss of strength, they had no problems!

Not to mention that because Duanmu Huai has been receiving treatment through [Yela's Prayer], almost most of the patients on the battlefield are lightly injured.

Only those unlucky ones who were unlucky enough to be involved in the confrontation between Duanmu Huai and the Chaos Evil God did not escape.

There was no body mutation, no soul death, and the soldiers were only somewhat tired. This was completely different from the ending they had imagined.

Everyone attributed this to a miracle, and they thought it was the power of the Inquisition (nonsense, Duanmu Huai cut off anyone who called the God Emperor) to protect them. In fact, most of the soldiers did not know what happened. What happened, I don’t know where those strange things came from.

But Lord Creedberg knows.

As a pragmatist, Lord Creedburg would not be as stupid as the fanatics of the State Church. He also personally felt the effect of Duanmuhuai's enhancement magic. To be honest, if it were not for the responsibility of a battlefield commander, Creed would Lord Deborah even wanted to go to the battlefield and kill the devil himself.

But it's a pity... Lord Creedburg was also a little disappointed when he felt that this powerful force in his body was gone.

It is estimated that he will never have a second chance to experience all this in his life.

Lord Creedeborg originally tried to retain Duanmuhuai, but Duanmuhuai rejected Lord Creedeborg's request. If Duanmuhuai was a cowardly person like Aikote, then he could have stayed in Cardia and tightly restrained the Eye of Terror until his original timeline.

After all, Duanmu Huai is a **** now, and time is meaningless to him.

However, Duanmu Huai is not willing to do this. On the one hand, he is impatient and cannot do such things as waiting for something to happen. He was impatient when it came to fishing. If the fish didn't take the bait, he would just throw melta bombs into it. Letting Duanmu Huai do such a thing was no different to him than going to jail.

In addition, Duanmuhuai knows about the revisionism of history, so what if he stays here? You never know when you have something to do—for example, you go to another planet to use the toilet or something, and when you come back you find that Cardia has exploded. Isn't this a waste of time?

Duanmu Huai's fight against the evil **** was enough of a headache, but he didn't want to fight against the correction power of time at the same time. This would simply make himself uncomfortable.

Moreover, Duanmu Huai felt that he had done his best this time.

In the original game history, Cadia was bombed because humans didn’t know enough about the black stone obelisks of the Necrons and didn’t know the true purpose of these alien creations. By the time they reacted, it was too late and there was no more left. Power to protect it all.

But things are different now. Humanity has understood the importance of the obelisk on Cadia to the Eye of Terror, and the warp storm has dissipated, and Imperial reinforcements are on the way. If they still lose, there is nothing Duanmuhuai can do.

This is life, what else can be done?

After all, the Inquisition protects humanity, not the Empire.

As for another reason why Duanmu Huai doesn't plan to stay here for a long time - he plans to catch up with old friends. Although Abaddon was dead and the main force attacking Cadia retreated, the Black Crusade did not end here. Duanmuhuai knew that in the history of the game, Abaddon also sent a huge fleet to Macragge to launch an attack on the Ultramarines. Macragge is currently in crisis, so Duanmuhuai plans to go to Macragge.

Of course, he couldn't go alone, but Duanmu Huai had already thought of taking a ride.

So he found... the great sage Dora Kaur.

"...You want me to take you to Macragge?"

The mechanical sage's scarlet eyes stared at Duanmu Huai, looking him up and down with a bit of surprise. The great sage's role in this battle was not big, but it was not small. In fact, one of the reasons why the black fleets evacuated was that the great sage successfully repaired and activated the black stone obelisk, isolating it again. The influence of subspace. This left the Black Legion completely without assistance from the warp, and with Abaddon dead, they could only flee in panic, leaving Cadia and hiding in the Eye of Terror.

Caul, who crawled out from the ground, did not witness the battle on the front lines with his own eyes, but he also heard about Duanmu Huai's heroic deeds - not to mention anything else, just killing Abaddon, an enemy of the empire, with his own hands was enough to shock people. .

"That's right."

Looking at the mechanical sage in front of him, Duanmu Huai nodded.

"I plan to go to Macragge to see my old friends. Don't you happen to be going to Macragge too? Then give me a ride on the way."

"This...why do you know that I am going to Macragge?"

"you still need to ask?"

Duanmu Huai rolled his eyes.

"Aren't you going to send the Armor of Destiny to Macragge so that Guilliman can get up? I'm just going to watch this show, what? You're not taking me with you?"

"How did you know-!"

Hearing Duanmuhuai's casual answer, Kaur's whole body was shaken so much that he almost burned his CPU!

A long time ago, Caul made an agreement with Guilliman. Guilliman once told Caul that he would one day sleep on the battlefield (which shows that Guilliman still has a clear confirmation of his strength in single combat. (Knowing), so he hoped that Caul could wake him up, so for the next ten thousand years, Caul used all the methods he could think of, and finally created the Armor of Destiny.

In fact, Caul's original trip was to go to Macragge to awaken Guilliman. This time he came to Cadia to support him completely by accident. After all, compared to Guilliman's awakening, containing the Eye of Terror was obviously more important. So Caul decided to let Guilliman sleep in the stasis field for a while, and wait until he solved the trouble in Cadia.

Kaul has always kept his secrets very carefully, but what he didn't expect was that the secret he had hidden for ten thousand years would be casually revealed by the great inquisitor in front of him!

"Okay, just tell me whether to take it or not. Macragge is still being attacked by the Black Legion. Time is urgent and the task is urgent. I don't think we have time to waste here."

Duanmuhuai snorted and stared at the mechanical sage in front of him. The reason why he intervened in this matter was that on the one hand he planned to reminisce with Guilliman, and on the other hand, Duanmu Huai also planned to slightly change history.

According to the plot in the game, after Cadia was exploded, Caul fled with the Armor of Destiny, and the Black Fleet was in hot pursuit. However, a group of Eldar appeared later, helped Call fend off the pursuers, and led them to escape through the webway and came to Macragge.

However, in fact, this group of Eldar are not good birds. Their only purpose of saving Caul and others is to hope that humans will be the targets of the Eldar and help them withstand the increasingly fierce waves of chaos. It was after this that the Eldar participated in Guilliman's resurrection and successfully established a relationship with Guilliman.

Even Efreni, the divine envoy of the Eldar Death Army, was nicknamed the Princess Regent by players because of her many collaborations with Guilliman after that - well, she was disloyal and was to be killed.

As a friend of Guilliman, Duanmuhuai would certainly not allow Guilliman to embark on the path of blasphemy and heresy by cooperating with aliens.

The Eldar are not demi-humans!

Although in the game, players often associate elves and elves together, and the two sides do have certain things in common, they are not exactly the same.

Take Fulilian for example. Except for her ears being a little longer, her skull is basically the same as a human's.

But the Eldar are different. Their skulls are flattened and elongated, slender and elongated like a horse's face. They don't have the sanctity and purity of human skulls at all.

Therefore, the Eldar are completely aliens, not the demi-human race of elves who just have longer ears.

That's why Duanmu Huai decided to follow Caul this time to avoid the Eldar's attempt to win over Guilliman.

As for that Evelyn?

Just smash it into Renee-chan when you see it.

Of course Kaul didn't know what Duanmuhuai was thinking. He stared at Duanmuhuai and fell into silence. But his flashing electronic eyes showed that the great sage was deep in thought at this moment.

Refuse, accept, and calculate the probability of action based on the target's actions and personality, as well as the possibility of using force to suppress the opponent's violence...

The probability of suppression failure is 98%, and the probability of suppression success is less than 1%.

The conclusion has been reached.

In the end, the great sage stared at Duanmu Huai and lowered his head silently.

"You are welcome to come along."

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