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Chapter 1341: Intermission (sparkling mineral water is

Chapter 1341 Intermission (Sparkling mineral water is a good choice)

There is actually nothing much to say about what happened after that.

When the sun rose again, Duanmuhuai had gone down the mountain and returned to the town, where he met Shajiuye. The latter was obviously panicked by the terrible earthquake and even wanted to go up the mountain again to find Duanmuhuai. Fortunately, Duanmuhuai came back in time and comforted Shajiuye.

As for other people asking about what happened on the mountain, Duanmuhuai said that I don’t know. I originally planned to go to the cave to have a look, but then there was an earthquake suddenly, so I ran and ran all the way. It was not easy. Just came back.

No one had any doubts about this. After all, the earthquake was so strong that the situation on the mountain must be even worse. If Duanmu Huai came back alive, he would be lucky, and they didn't particularly care about the rest.

Duanmu Huai is not worried about betraying the gang. Although the traces of his battle with the earth-boring demonic insects are all over the mountains and plains, so what? The real owner has completely melted, not even a hair is left. And those traces can be said to be caused by the earthquake. It is impossible for ordinary people to think about it anyway, right?

What if someone finds out?

Are you kidding me, a confrontation between two mythical creatures is something mortals can watch? I will turn you into a lunatic without any explanation.

The next step was easy. The outside world naturally discovered the situation here, and soon opened the road to start transporting supplies and post-disaster reconstruction. Of course, this had nothing to do with Duanmu Huai and the others. After the road was opened, Duanmuhuai drove Shajiuye away and returned to their residence.

Shajiuye was exhausted physically and mentally after going out this time. After returning home, he went directly to his room to rest. Duanmuhuai also returned to his room, closed his eyes and began to review.

Frankly speaking, let Duanmuhuai himself evaluate it, he felt that he did not do well this time.

But Duanmu Huai also felt aggrieved. After all, this problem became more serious. In fact, the cause was not his own.

As an old ruler, Duanmu Huai currently has only a few abilities. Reading the past he obtained when he went to Mary's world, shadow copying and manipulation obtained from the old ruler devoured by Ridu Island, and the old The unique tentacles, mental pollution, and then the Thousand Roar, Thousand Eyes and Thousand Beards obtained by the three ancient gods including C'Thun who were devoured in Azeroth.

Among these abilities, Duanmu Huai uses shadow copy more often, because it can be used to directly read other people's intelligence memories. For the other abilities, Duanmu Huai basically uses them casually. So from this point of view, Duanmu Huai is not actually a qualified old ruler.

But he didn’t originally think so!

If that idiot Magnus hadn't taken the initiative to send it in with a sliding shovel, he wouldn't have put Duanmu Huai's old priesthood through an enhanced trial, right?

Proving once again that the red-skinned, one-eyed Ogryn is a fool who succeeds only in failure.

Although that thing has always been like this.

By the way, since it is an intensified trial, it is naturally beneficial. In fact, Duanmuhuai received the prompt after he eliminated the earth-boring demonic insect and obtained an essence of the past. Duanmuhuai has three options for how to use this ancient essence.

One is to use the essence of the past to strengthen the old abilities you originally had, such as Thousand Roars, Thousand Eyes, Shadows, etc.

Another way is to absorb the essence of the past and gain its abilities. Because what Duanmuhuai defeated this time was the Earth-boring Demonic Insect, if Duanmuhuai absorbed the essence of this old time, he would have the same ability to dig holes and cause earthquakes as the Earth-boring Demonic Insect.

The last method is to sacrifice the essence of the past, then choose to learn a skill and increase its value to the maximum. Also add a background

These skills are basically the skills of investigators, such as stealth, lock picking, anthropology, etc.

But what excited Duanmu Huai the most was that he actually saw the charm skill in it, and the bonus could be increased to 95%!

Oh, if this were another world, Duanmu Huai would be dancing with joy and charm. Doesn't that mean he is a handsome guy? The kind that women can’t take their eyes away from? Isn’t that cool?

However... this is a world of evil gods!

In addition, what I have enhanced this time is still the old priesthood, so this "charm" will be a question mark.

What is this that you are seducing?

So what do you mean by the system? I can only add an indescribable charm with these 3 points of charm, right?

Where are you charming? Is this a charm? Or brainwashing?

Duanmuhuai remembered that she had encountered a similar task in the game. At that time, her husband suspected that his wife was cheating on her and asked the player to investigate. The player then followed his wife to investigate and found that she had indeed cheated on her because she was charmed by Naija, and the two hooked up. But when the player rushed in to catch the rapist, he saw the woman with a confused face holding an indescribable, twisting thing like a white earthworm...

Would you say women are obsessed?




But do you want it?

Then... let's think about it again.

Duanmu Huai felt that he was not as shameless as Naiya. At least he still had to fight for it. He could not lower himself to the same level as Dabai Earthworm!

After all, the "charm" of the evil gods of the past was basically this kind of indescribable brainwashing thing. Duanmu Huai felt that he was not in a state of despair to be on the same level as these monsters with faces like shoehorns.

It's just a pity that if the charm is removed, there are few numerical bonuses above 90. If you want to talk about the numerical values ​​of skills such as fighting and melee weapons, Duanmu Huai itself is already 100%, and there is no need for bonuses at all.

As for that [prosthetic limb strike]... just pretend you didn't see it.

In fact, Duanmu Huai originally wanted to take the opportunity to enhance his shooting skills, but perhaps because these skills were based on his original values, even using the old essence shooting skills only added 10, which was a complete waste.

With Duanmuhuai's shooting skills, there is basically no difference between having these 10 and not having them.

Similarly, skills in the science department, such as anthropology, archeology, and astronomy, were also abandoned by Duanmu Huai, and the bonus was less than 20. Let me state in advance that he is just too lazy to use his brain!

Duanmu Huai looked around and found that there were only a few skills that could increase the value of his skills to above 90.

One is [Animal Taming], which can be upgraded to 90 and used to tame animals - well, as for whether those animals are obedient because they like it or because they are afraid, Duanmuhuai doesn't even think about it.

Next is [Photography]. Perhaps because Duanmu Huai’s background setting this time includes photography, his initial photography skill is 60, and with a bonus of 30, it can reach 90. But in Duanmu Huai's opinion, this skill is basically useless, unless, perhaps, it can be used for secret filming or something?

But I have a thousand eyes. Wouldn’t it be more convenient to just look at what I want?

In terms of interactive skills, Duan Muhuai's [Persuasion] and [Talk Skills] are both 0, and [Intimidation] is 100, so there is no need to add them at all. [Charm] gave a bonus of 95, but out of pride, Duanmuhuai decisively gave up.

After all, it’s hard to say whether this charm is serious or not.

The scientific skill bonuses are too low, so all of them will be abandoned.

Except for photography, the arts category has nothing to do with you, and the bonus is less than 20, so you can give up.

The next third skill that can reach 90 is [Explosion], probably because Duanmu Huai likes to blow up with melt bombs the most... although he just blows them up and doesn't bury them...

[Driving] was originally a good skill, but with Duanmu Huai's size, he couldn't drive most vehicles. Like a yacht or a helicopter, it would be great if Duan Muhuai could squeeze in. How about driving?

As for [lock-picking], Duanmu Huai thinks that it is an unnecessary skill. He can open no door without being hammered open! If you have time to unlock the lock, it would be more convenient to just blow it up!

Then there is [Hypnosis]... Well, just like [Charm], this [Hypnosis]... well, don't think about it, it must be unorthodox. After all, hypnosis and brainwashing are standard equipment of evil gods.

Duanmu Huai has also appreciated many works in this area, such as "The Art of Worry", "Hypnosis Garden", "Hypnosis Game", "After-School Sleep Club", "Hypnosis of the Giant Mother" and so on...

Hmm...why don't you order?

For a moment, Duanmu Huai really wanted to click on it, but luckily he stopped.

Phew...I almost fell for it. This must be the temptation of the evil god.

...No, I am the evil god?

That's okay.

Duanmu Huai hesitated for a long time between [Explosion] and [Hypnosis], and finally chose [Explosion]. After all, this was one of the few hobbies Duanmu Huai had after traveling through time. Seeing everything being destroyed in the explosion, That feeling is really refreshing, especially considering that the explosions destroyed some cultists or evil gods, it's even more satisfying.

And in Duanmu Huai's judgment, it's always right to blow up when something happens.

[Sacrifice the essence of the old gods to increase the explosion skill to 95]

As the system's information flashed by, Duanmuhuai felt that a lot of knowledge suddenly appeared in his mind, including how to assemble, disassemble, and make homemade bombs, as well as the ratios, raw materials, and wiring. It seems that this should be the benefit that the system brings to him. If it were scientific knowledge, it would probably be the same - but Duanmu Huai did not regret it. The reason is very simple. He usually doesn't like to use his brain, and even if he learns it, he won't necessarily do it. use.

It's like everyone has learned geometry, but who will use it unless necessary?

Duanmuhuai is even less capable.

Therefore, even if he was given some knowledge of anthropology and archeology, Duanmuhuai would not use it. Over time, he was like a college student tutoring primary school students in their math homework, and completely forgot all about it.

Those are quite suitable for Mary. Although Duanmuhuai can't see Mary's panel, he thinks Mary's archeology should be above 90... Although it is useless to talk about these now.

On the contrary, this skill of being able to blow anything up to the sky anytime, anywhere is very practical for Duanmu Huai.

After all, just explode if you don't decide.

After Duanmuhuai clicked, the next line of system prompts soon appeared.

[Please select a background reward]

[A: Good luck opening (your photo studio has been renovated and will open soon)]

[B: Fame has risen (the heroic deeds of your brothers and sisters have spread and attracted the attention of interested people)]

Photo studio......

Duanmu Huai really wants to open a photo studio. After all, he has heard the stories that photographers and photo studios have to tell. But unfortunately, considering his situation, no matter whether it is serious or not serious photography, he will not be approached. Come and help.

So... Duanmu Huai silently chose B.

Next, let’s see which rabbit comes to the door.

After solving the problem, Duanmuhuai stood up, stretched, walked to the window and looked out at the scenery. This trial is completely different from Journey to the West. Maybe it's because of his priesthood. As the God of Destruction, he naturally wants to destroy. It's simple and crude. But the old days were obviously not that simple, and Duanmu Huai was not sure when his time in this world would be over. After all, everyone in Journey to the West knows that as long as you get the sutra, you will pass. It doesn't matter how you get it.

But here......

Forget it, it depends on the situation.

Duanmuhuai shook his head and yawned again.

Take a rest first and see what happens next.

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