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Chapter 1346: Missing? (If you can’t eat watermelon, y

Chapter 1346 Missing? (If you can’t eat watermelon, you should drink water)

 “Meika! Meika!”

When Duanmuhuai returned to the second floor, he saw Shajiuye knocking anxiously on the door, but to no avail. This door seemed as thick as a fire door and could not be opened at all. Moreover, Meijia's room was located at the innermost part of the east side, so Shajiuye's shouts could not be heard at all.

At this moment, Huang Mao also rushed over panting with the hot girl.

"No, Mikawa's mother-in-law is not in the servant's room, and neither is Ayabe. Really, where have they been at this critical moment?"

"Maybe they were the murderers and absconded after the murder."

At this time, the social man also came over and said calmly, while Huang Mao frowned.

"Murder? Do you think this is a murder? Besides, where can they hide? I've searched almost every room here!"

"Maybe they are hiding in here."

The social man snorted coldly and stared at the heavy door in front of him, while Huang Mao was stunned for a moment, and then became speechless.

"What good does this do to them? Forget it, it's not important. Now how do we go in and find Meijia? That's the most important thing! There is only one key, and it's in the hands of Granny Sanchuan. I've looked for it just now, and there's nothing there. We found Granny Mikawa and Ayabe is not here, what should we do now?”

"How about calling the police?"

"There's no signal on the phone right now!"

"What about driving?"

"It's raining so hard and the roads are full of water. You might as well ask me to drive the boat faster!"

"Then let's sail the boat."

"Where did the boat come from? Are you kidding me? Believe it or not, I will kill you!"

Seeing the social man's indifferent expression, Huang Mao was furious and wanted to take action if he caught the social man. However, at this moment, Duanmu Huai stood up.

"Don't bother me. I have an easier way."


Everyone present was stunned when they heard Duanmuhuai's words. Then they saw Duanmuhuai take off his coat and hand it to Shajiuye, and then walked to the door. Seeing this scene, the social man sneered.

"You shouldn't be planning to break through this door directly. It's useless. This door is made of steel. It's difficult to blow it open even with explosives!"

Duanmuhuai didn't care about what the social man said. He just turned his head and said something to Shajiuye and Huangmao.

"Cover your ears."

Sha Jiuye naturally obeyed the instructions, while Huang Mao and his hot girlfriend, although a little confused, also covered their ears. Only the boy with glasses looked at Duanmu Huai in confusion, and the social man did not hide his feelings at all. Contempt.

"It's really stupid. No matter how confident you are in your own strength, it's impossible..."

However, before the social man finished speaking, Duanmu Huai raised his right hand, and the muscles on his arm suddenly bulged. Then he clenched his fist and punched the iron door in front of him!


A dull sound like a bell broke out. Sha Jiuye, Huang Mao and others who covered their ears suddenly trembled, while the glasses and the social man who did not cover their ears felt as if their chests were hit hard. It was like being hit, and I felt like I couldn't breathe with my mouth wide open, and I almost fainted. They also stumbled back, raising their hands to cover their ears. The big dog next to the social man was so frightened that he huddled on the ground and shivered, not daring to move.

At the same time, Duanmu Huai punched out again.


After two punches, everyone saw in horror that the large iron door, which was dozens of centimeters thick, had actually been blasted by Duanmu Huai to make a huge dent!

Then, Duanmu Huai punched for the third time!


This time, Duanmuhuai finally made a huge hole in the dented steel gate. Then I saw Duanmu Huai put his hands into the hole and grabbed the gaps on both sides.


With a heartbreaking sound, the door, which was dozens of centimeters thick, was torn open by Duanmuhuai like a piece of kraft paper! Then, Duanmuhuai walked straight in without looking back!

Seeing this scene, almost everyone was dumbfounded. They stared at Duanmuhuai's back in stunned silence. Shajiuye was the first to react and hurriedly followed in with his coat in his arms.

"Hey you……"

Huang Mao was also surprised when he saw Sha Jiuye entering, but he also scratched his head and then said something to his hot girlfriend next to him.

"Wait for me here."

After saying this, Huang Mao also walked into the gap. He stretched out his hand and pinched the torn steel in the gap... He took a breath of air, and then hurriedly followed.

The entire east corridor was dark, and he didn't know where the switch was. Duanmu Huai didn't bother to look for it. He just raised his phone as a flashlight and walked quickly towards the end. At this moment, Sha Jiuye and Huang Mao also came behind him, and they also showed uneasy expressions. You must know that the sound of Duanmu Huai hammering the door just now was so loud that even Meijia should be able to hear it in her room.

But now it's still quiet here... Is something going to happen to Meijia?

"Meijia! Meijia! It's me! Shajiuye, did you hear it?"

Shajiuye couldn't help calling Meijia's name, but there was still no response. At this moment, the three of them also arrived at the door of the guest room at the end of the east corridor. From the outside, this seems to be no different from other guest rooms. Duanmuhuai stretched out his hand to open the door - well, of course it was locked.

So he grabbed the door handle and pulled it out hard!


Looking at the door that had been removed directly from the door frame, both Shajiuye and Huang Mao expressed their emotional stability, which was no surprise.

After all, the heavy steel door was blown open by Duanmu Huai. How could a mere wooden door stop him?

Although everyone had previously held the idea that Meijia might have been frightened by the movement of Duanmu Huai's hammer door and hid in her room, this guess was quickly overturned when they entered the room.

Because...the entire guest room was empty!

Just like Meijia said, although there is only one guest room in the east corridor, this guest room is exactly the same as the double bed room where Duanmu Huai and others live. Not only is the layout the same, but the size is also similar. There was only one bed and bathroom. The three of them went in and walked around, but saw no one at all. Not under the bed, not in the closet, not in the bathroom, not anywhere else - certainly not.

Only the messy quilt on the bed proved that someone had slept here, but other than that, Meijia just disappeared!

No, she just disappeared!

In a detective novel, this is a proper disappearance in a secret room!

But what does this have to do with Duanmuhuai?

This is not a detective world.

Murdering in a secret room is nothing. To the evil **** and his followers, killing in a secret room is just a shame. Murdering in a secret room without even leaving a body is even more classic. Duanmuhuai really wanted to see how many cases SAN could hold on to if Conan came to a place like this.

However, Duanmuhuai was certain that Meijia was not dead, because he could sense that his pendant was still functioning. If Meijia was attacked by something, then the corpse lying here could only be that thing.

But she is indeed gone now...well, at least it's okay anyway. However, Sha Jiuye and Huang Mao were obviously not as calm as Duanmu Huai. After discovering that Meijia was missing, they were extremely anxious and kept spinning around. Duanmu Huai still couldn't stand it, so he stopped the two of them.

"Okay, now that no one is here, let's go back first. We will analyze the specific situation in detail at that time."

"All right……"

Although the two of them were also in a hurry, they also knew that it was useless to be anxious here. They had no choice but to suppress their uneasiness and followed Duanmu Huai out of the room and back to the corridor.

However, when the three of them got through the gap in the iron door, they found that there was only the hot girl and the boy with glasses, but the social man was missing.

"Ah, that fool?"

When Huang Mao curiously asked his hot girlfriend, the latter curled her lips in disdain.

"After you went in, the dog he raised was so frightened that he broke away from the collar and ran away. He turned around and went to find the dog. Couldn't that dog be his wife? She's so precious?"

"Ignore him, that's what that guy is."

Huang Mao had obviously long expected that the social man was unreliable, and scratched his hair unhappily.

"Forget it, it's not important now. What's important is that Meijia is gone!"

"Huh? No way? Is the little sister really missing? I watched her go in with my own eyes yesterday."

The hot girl was also a little surprised.

"Is there any secret passage? Or a secret room? I remember that some movies have plots like this..."

"Maybe, maybe not, who knows, but no matter what, Meijia is missing... Damn it!"

Having said this, Huang Mao suddenly became furious. He grabbed the bespectacled boy by his collar and pulled him up.

"If it hadn't been for the woman you **** brought here, this wouldn't have happened! You bastard! Why can't Meijia forgive you? Do you insist on causing trouble on her birthday?"

"I-I didn't mean it either!"

At this moment, the boy with glasses was also struggling desperately to defend himself.

"I also want to investigate the truth of this ritual for the sake of Sister Meijia..."

"Fuck you!"

Before the boy with glasses could finish his words, Huang Mao punched him in the face and flew him away.

"You want to investigate the ceremony, why don't you do it on your birthday? What's the matter? Meijia is nice to you, so you think she's easy to bully, right? I can't stand you, a useless idiot! If you can, go die on your own! "

Hearing this, Duanmu Huai also rolled his eyes. As Huang Mao said, these glasses are really indifferent. You want to investigate the truth, and you do it on your own birthday. But it turns out that you want to investigate, but you are afraid that you will die if you violate the ritual, so you let others suffer on your behalf... What a waste.

Well, why not just find an opportunity to kill him.

"Dude, what do we do now?"

Huang Mao was too lazy to waste time on that waste. He turned around to look at Duanmu Huai and asked directly.

When Duanmu Huai heard Huang Mao's inquiry, he was also stunned.

"you ask me?"

Brother, this is a ceremony for your Baifan family, you ask me? I asked who to go?


Seeing Duanmu Huai looking at him with a speechless expression, Huang Mao also knew what he was thinking and could only helplessly smile bitterly.

"Don't think it is a ritual of the Bai Fan family, but what we all know are those three strange rules. We don't know anything else. If you want to ask us why we have these rules, these We don’t know when the rules started. Maybe only Grandma Sanchuan knows, but... we can’t find her now.”

"...Shajiuye, what do you think?"

Facing Huang Mao's answer, Duanmu Huai also had nothing to say. He himself was not used to using this brain, so Duanmu Huai decisively looked at Sha Jiuye, the humanoid circuit external to his brain in this world.


Faced with Duanmuhuai's inquiry, Shajiuye was silent for a moment.

"Let's go to Ms. Saeki's room first. A paranormal enthusiast like her will definitely collect a lot of information. If she came here this time to investigate the rituals of the Baifan family, then she should not fail. Make any preparations. I think she should bring some information on this."

Sounds pretty reasonable?

"Then let's go take a look first."

Duanmuhuai had nothing to say about Shajiuye's proposal, so the group went to the guest room on the west side again. There are six guest rooms in total, including one room each for Duanmu Huai and Sha Jiuye, Huang Mao and Hot Girl live in the same room, one room each for Glasses and the deceased, and one room for the social man and his dog.

The dead girl lived in the guest room next to Shajiuye. Of course, the door here is also locked, but...

"Click it."

Seeing Duanmuhuai remove the door again, everyone's mood was very stable.

After all, they don't have time to find the keys now.

The girl's guest room was very neat and tidy, with no rummaging around. There was only a schoolbag on the table. Duanmuhuai remembered that when he met them yesterday, the girl was carrying a schoolbag, and now it seemed that her things should be put in it.

Duanmu Huai and Huang Mao were not easy to get started with, so Shajiuye stepped forward to open his schoolbag and carefully rummaged through the contents. Basically, they are some women's supplies, including a change of clothes, a makeup box, etc., and then...

"found it."

Soon, Shajiuye took out a notebook from the mezzanine of his schoolbag and opened it. He saw that the notebook was filled with various newspaper clippings, most of which were about various mysterious disappearances and strange deaths. Case reports like this. It's obvious that she is really good at this. It seems that Shajiuye is right. If you want to find clues, you may have to start with the intelligence held by these outsiders.

Although the notebook was very thick, Shajiuye did not spend too much time searching - because the victim had thoughtfully put a bookmark in his notebook, so when Shajiuye opened the notebook, a line of information immediately appeared. In front of everyone.

However, this information surprised everyone.

"...Secret treasure?"

(End of chapter)

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