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Chapter 1354: Spider God (I was caught in the rain whi

Chapter 1354: Spider God (I got caught in the rain while riding a bike today)

 The earth began to tremble.

The surrounding darkness gradually deepened, and Miyuki's body melted and disappeared like mud. At the same time, the land under Duanmu Huai's feet and everything around him began to change, forming spider webs that spread toward the surrounding area. And beneath the spider web is a bottomless abyss.

And in the middle of the spider web, a crouching human-like figure was lying there. Its appearance is like a spider, with slender legs and feet. However, at this moment, this spider **** is facing away from Duanmuhuai, concentrating on weaving its own spider web, just like the aunt at work is knitting a sweater at work. Attentive, meticulous and don't care about anything else.

"Oh, what a waste of time..."

A small, sharp and biting sound came from the direction of the Spider God. It seemed to be quite dissatisfied with someone disturbing its work.

"A stupid decision, a stupid contract, I shouldn't have..."

While complaining, the Spider God turned its head, and then looked at Duanmuhuai - the next moment, the voice was filled with screams and fear.

"Damn, what are you!"

"go to hell!"

Duanmu Huai naturally had no obligation to answer the Spider God's question. He had been constricting his breath before in order to elicit the existence behind it. And now that the mastermind behind the scenes has been revealed, Duanmuhuai is no longer polite. He waved his hands, and a dark shadow as thick as oil erupted from Duanmuhuai's feet and roared forward. Duanmu Huai also jumped up, clenched his fists and rushed towards the old ruler in front of him!


Upon noticing the aura bursting out from Duanmu Huai, the Spider God suddenly became nervous at this moment. Its forelimbs kept swinging, and soon, spider webs that were tougher than the hemp ropes on the sea ships flew from all directions and blocked Duanmu Huai's face. Duanmu Huai, on the other hand, did not adjust his direction at all and rushed straight in like a bug that crashed into a spider web!

The web of the Spider God is naturally extremely tough. Unless one can defeat it in terms of strength, it will be caught by the web and entangled to death.

However, it happens that what Duanmuhuai is not afraid of the most is the competition of strength!

"Get out of here!"

After rushing into the spider web, Duanmuhuai grabbed the spider silk with both hands and pulled hard. Following his movements, the surrounding spider webs suddenly shattered and scattered. Duanmu Huai suddenly accelerated and continued to rush towards the Spider God!


Seeing this scene, the Spider God was also shocked. It was very confident in its own spider web. However, what the Spider God did not expect was that its own spider web was completely torn apart by Duanmu Huai in just a moment. Got it!

This is a joke, run away!

The Spider God now wants to grab Miyuki who summoned him just now and tear it into pieces, but right now it just wants to leave here as soon as possible and return to the dream world!

In fact, Atrak Nakoa is not an old ruler who likes to cause trouble. It spends most of its time busy weaving a web that connects the dream world and the human world. And in this world, there are basically not many believers of Atrak. When Atrak signed a contract with Miyuki, it was because it thought this place would be a good anchor point for fixing the "net". That's why the Spider God took a break from his endless web-weaving business and helped Miyuki.

The reason why it accepted the call this time was because it did not want this anchor point to be destroyed.

But...but...what kind of monster is that!

Looking at Duanmu Huai rushing toward him, Atlak could not contain the fear in his heart. It was an unexplainable, more instinctive fear!

[You saw Atrak Nakya, the Spider God]

[Will Assessment—Success]

[Lost 1 SAN point]

[Spider God Atrak Nakya sees you]

[Will Appraisal—Big Failure]

[Atrak was greatly shocked]

[It cannot understand why there are such creepy and terrifying existences in this world]

[Atrak loses 10 SAN points]

[Atrak fell into temporary madness]

[Atrak gets immediate symptoms - escape behavior]

[Atrak is trying to stay away from you]


Duanmu Huai was stunned for a moment when he saw the system prompt that jumped out in front of him, and then he became furious.

I'll blame your ancestors! Who is shocked!

Do you think your broken spider on horseback looks better than me? !

Don’t even look at what you’re like! A large spider body with a human face without eyeballs embedded in front of its head. Still hairy!

Is that what you look like? Are you still shocked?

I must be shocked!

"Stop! Don't even think about running away if you step on the horse!"

At this moment, Duanmu Huai's heart was filled with murderous intent! If I don’t kill you, I’ll write your name upside down!

At this moment, the spider **** was very fast, galloping towards the other side of the darkness. Duanmuhuai knew where it was going. Although he was not very familiar with this spider god, Duanmuhuai knew very well that from the depths of the darkness, Duanmuhuai knew where he was going. The breath that came - the breath from the dream world!

The so-called dream world is a dimensional world that can only be entered through dreaming. There are many monsters and powerful old gods living in it. In the game, the Dream World is also one of the places that players often go to after the expansion pack is opened. However, Duanmu Huai does not plan to go to the Dream World. After all, there are too many ghosts and snakes there. It is somewhat dangerous for Duanmu Huai to be alone, and there are also Nai. Aratotip's servants are... Duanmu Huai feels that his current strength is not enough to directly face the evil **** at the level of Yu Sanjia. However, he couldn't just watch the Spider God run away!

But fortunately, Duanmuhuai also has his own way!


Looking at the Spider God running in the distance, Duanmuhuai waved his hands forward. With his movement, hundreds of thick and huge shadow tentacles burst out instantly and rushed forward!

Duanmu Huai is not stupid. After his previous fight with the Earth-Drilling Demonic Insect, Duanmu Huai has been studying how to use his old ruler ability.

But strictly speaking, the situation is not good.

Because the abilities of the Old Ones are actually a bit confusing. To put it bluntly, they are just a waste of brains, and Duanmuhuai doesn't really like those weird and brain-teaser-like abilities.

After all, he doesn't like using his brain very much.

So after thinking about it again and again, Duanmu Huai decided to focus on one of the abilities at the moment.

That is N'Zoth's "Thousand Beards".

This ability is actually very simple, it means that you can have many more tentacles, or it is more convenient to say tentacles.

In fact, N'zoth's ability is also an auxiliary ability for it. N'zoth is better at nightmare invasion and mental corruption. Qiansu is just an auxiliary ability used to let it invade nightmares.

But Duanmuhuai was too lazy to keep nagging in other people's heads every day, so he especially looked down on talkative people like N'Zos. Wouldn't it be better to just use a corrupted hammer and smash it to death with one tentacle?

Is it fun to hide behind the scenes all day long? Isn't it shameful to waste your saliva?

So Duanmuhuai simply put aside N'Zos's nightmare erosion and corruption abilities, and decisively used this 'Qianxu'.

Duanmu Huai's idea is also very simple. It is difficult for two fists to beat four hands. In other words, as long as I have enough hands and strong enough fists, any of you will be defeated.

So, if I hit you with a thousand tentacles, can you resist?

You must know that Duanmu Huai has been focusing on strength and physique since time travel. Now his strength has reached an astonishing 700, which is considered quite powerful among evil gods.

In a real competition of strength, Duanmuhuai said that he didn't take anyone seriously except Azatos, okay?

So the fighting method Duanmu Huai designed for himself was very simple.

Summon countless tentacles and then smash them hard at the enemy!

Big is beautiful! More is better!

As long as the tentacles are big enough, numerous enough, and strong enough, he doesn't believe anyone can stop them!

Yes, this is what Duanmu Huai finally came up with, the fighting method of his old ruler.

Don’t worry about anything, just do it and it’s done!

The thick, huge tentacles were like towering trees, slamming forward and directly hitting the spider web woven by the Spider God. Then they stretched out their tentacles to wrap around the spider web, and then pulled it suddenly. The next moment, the entire spider web fell apart and turned into a lot of fragments.

At this moment, before Atrak could even escape, he was directly hit by the vibration of the tentacles and flew up. It struggled desperately in the air, spitting out strands of spider silk in an attempt to fix its body again. However, before Atrak could regroup, he saw countless tentacles attacking it from all directions, and then... with a "snap", like swatting away a fly, the spider **** was directly caught in it.

Duanmu Huai stared there, then raised his right hand and grabbed it hard.

Following his movements, the tentacles suddenly rolled up and then spun around——!


Along with a shrill scream, the surrounding shadows began to gradually dissipate, and at the same time, the entire space began to shake.


At this moment, Huang Mao had already carried Meijia on his back and ran out of the mansion with Shajiuye and Hot Girl. It's strange to say that they couldn't get out before, but after Duanmu Huai asked them to leave, everyone walked out of the tunnel and immediately found the warehouse door opened at the end of the corridor, so the four of them hurriedly walked out. Then they left the mansion without stopping at all.

Although the rain outside was much lighter at the moment, it was still pouring heavily, but few people could care less about it at the moment. After all, Duanmu Huai asked them to leave the mansion, so they naturally obeyed. Under the leadership of Huang Mao, they left the mansion and came to a storage room next to the nearby garden - this was originally a place used to store some tools for planting plants, but now it is barely used to hide from the rain. no.

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

Following the violent shaking, everyone watched dumbfoundedly as the mansion not far away in front of them completely collapsed, turning into fragments on the ground like building blocks that had lost their supports.

"Brother Duanmu, is he... okay?"

Seeing this scene, Huang Mao took a breath of air and asked uneasily. After doesn't look normal no matter how you look at it. Why did the mansion collapse now?

"It should be fine..."

Although Shajiuye was a little worried, he was not as worried as Huang Mao.

After all, Duanmuhuai escaped from such a strong earthquake on the mountain before without any injuries. Now even if the mansion collapses, there will be no problem!


I went out for a bike ride today and it suddenly started to rain. Oops. I came back in time and took a shower. I hope I don’t catch a cold.

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