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Chapter 1359: Secret sect (I lie down and don’t want t

Chapter 1359 Secret Sect (I lie down and don’t want to get up)

Tokisaka Satoshi is a detective. Not long ago, he received an investigation commission - a girl died unfortunately. Her body was found in the woods not far from the school. When it was discovered, the girl's body had already been discovered. Torn to pieces. According to forensic identification, this was the work of some kind of wild animal.

Of course, the official classified it as an accident, which means that the girl encountered a bear in the woods and was killed.

Well, it’s not uncommon for bears to maul people in Japan, so on the surface, this doesn’t seem to be a problem.

But the girl's brother obviously didn't think so. He insisted that it was a murder, and he had his own reasons.

According to her brother, before the girl was killed, she used to associate with a group of mysterious guys, and she was always talking about strange religions. The elder brother once discussed this matter with the girl. At that time, the elder brother thought that the girl was bewitched by some new religion - after all, in Japan, cults are legal, so that in this place, except for mainstream religions, what kind of religion is there? The Flying Spaghetti Cult or the Tramway Han Cult can be considered legal sects. And these cults always like to preach everywhere and win over people.

At that time, the elder brother just thought that his sister had been deceived because they were also from a wealthy family. Perhaps these cult members thought that his sister was easy to deceive and wanted to defraud her of money. So he reprimanded her and forbade his sister from interacting with this group of people again.

At that time, my sister agreed obediently, so my brother didn't pay attention.

It wasn't until after his sister's death that he was packing up her things and found out from his sister's cell phone text message records that his sister had been in contact with those guys!

And it was also the same woods they asked their sister to go to! And I’ve been there more than once!

Now that my sister is dead there and she says it has nothing to do with this sect, my brother will not believe it even to death!

But my brother is not stupid. He knows that it is impossible to catch those cultists just by relying on these, especially if it is handed over to the police, it will be difficult to alert the snake.

So he found the detective Tokisaka Satoshi and asked him to investigate the cult secretly.

"Oh? A cult?"

Hearing this, Duanmu Huai became a little more interested. After all, dealing with cults was one of the tasks of the Tribunal, and he also had to deal with cultists.

"Tell me, what does this cult believe in?"

"The teachings of this cult are actually not complicated, but they are a bit strange."

Tomoya Tokisaka explained.

"They call themselves the 'Cosmic Light Sect', and the main content of their teachings is that in this universe, there are countless huge existences that are unimaginable to humans, and humans are like ants in front of them. Therefore, they claim that in order to fight against these terrifying existences, humans We must believe in a great god, and as long as we obtain its protection, humans can survive in this dangerous universe.”


Hearing this, Duanmu Huai's hand playing with the wine glass paused slightly.

Well, he still can't say this is wrong?

After all, the outer gods are different from the subspace evil gods. The subspace evil gods attack humans because they need human souls to strengthen their own power. Therefore, humans and the subspace evil gods must fight to the death.

But the Outer Gods are different. They are completely their own to play with. For the human race, the Outer Gods basically look down on them, don't care about them, and don't care.

But the problem is that the power of the outer gods is too powerful.

So much so that even if they rub against humans casually, it is enough to cause a crisis of annihilation level to humans.

There is a mission in the expansion pack, which is a record of a person on a certain planet who obtained the Black Goat from unknown sources. It happened that this man's daughter was seriously ill and had only a few days to live. So that man was so obsessed that he finally decided to use a ritual to summon the descendants of the black goat to restore his daughter to health.

Sabu Nicholas' attitude was indifferent to this, and he directly gave his daughter a black goat seed and cured it.

People really don't care, but the problem is - that is the black goat of the forest that gave birth to countless evil gods!

As a result, after the daughter recovered, her physique began to mutate. Eventually, she transformed into a huge piranha-like thing and sprayed spores on the entire planet. As a result, the entire planet was destroyed. Infected, all living things were transformed into the Sons of the Black Goat.

Well, in this way, everyone is a family that loves each other.

Faced with this situation, the Inquisition could only issue an extermination order, right?

And all this is not because Shub Nicholas has any grudge against humans, it is simply that humans cannot bear this kind of power!

The other party just threw a seed, and the result was a planet-level destruction, and it was unintentional! There wasn’t even any plan or conspiracy, it was just that you used a ritual to summon me, and then I just happened to be able to do it, so I just helped out. I’m afraid Shabu Nicholas himself didn’t even take this nonsense to heart. .

As a result, a planet was destroyed.

Even the scale of corruption can't reach this level!

This shows how terrifying these alien gods are.

If most of them weren't outside the Milky Way, where would it be the evil gods' turn to run wild? The evil **** has no subspace, and the star **** can only affect the material universe, while the outer **** controls both the material universe and the dimensional universe!

Although there are many investigators who are questioning the deeds of the past, it must be clear that they are questioning the rulers of the old days, not the outer gods!

The Old Ones, as the name suggests, are former rulers, just like Cthulhu. They used to be free and glorious for a period of time, but later they were either sealed or beaten to death. In this case, it is not very difficult for humans to repel them at a small cost.

It's like the kind in martial arts novels, like the leader of some gang, who has extremely profound skills, but when you are beaten to death, a random boy passing by can stab you to death. For the Old Ones, this was pretty much it.

Take the Mountains of Madness as an example. When the Ancient One was once powerful, it had a head-on confrontation with Cthulhu and even beat Cthulhu into isolation.

But what now? There are two or three kittens, should they run or should they run?

This is the ruler of the old days. If he were an Outer God - hey, let me see which position is more comfortable.

The only good thing is that because the alien gods basically don't care about humans, everyone stays on the same page. As long as no one wants to die, everything will be fine.

But if you can’t stand it, there will always be someone seeking death!

Duanmuhuai cursed silently in his heart and looked at Tomo Tokisaka again.

"Then what?"

"I have been following this group for a while and found that they are very difficult to deal with. These guys only communicate online, just like those netizens, and do not meet each other at all. But I also found some clues, that is, this sect is not Like many sects, they preach in public, and they mainly start from those who are keen on weird stories or mysterious legends. They will look for people who meet their requirements on those forums and BBS, and then invite them to join.”

According to Satoshi Tokisaka's investigation, the girl who was killed was a very enthusiastic paranormal enthusiast, and the investigation of her computer records also revealed that the sect was found because the girl had been active on the paranormal BBS for a long time. They met her and invited her to join their organization.

"It's pretty accurate."

Duanmu Huai frowned and complained silently. I have to admit that this church is really good at finding people. After all, if they are really believers of alien gods, then it would be right for them to find paranormal enthusiasts. After all, for humans, there is basically no way to obtain intelligence information about alien gods.

Well, anyone who knows too much is either crazy or dead.

Hey, this is an endless cycle. Ordinary humans cannot accept intelligence and knowledge about alien gods, and it will drive them crazy. So they don't know anything, but because of their ignorance, they will unconsciously pursue it like moths to a flame. Once they discover the truth, they will not be able to leave all these warnings to future generations, because they will either go crazy or die due to mental trauma. Then the ignorant newcomers will repeat the foolish behavior of their predecessors...

"But what does all this have to do with me? How did you find me?"

"Because of this." Tomo Tokisaka pointed to the document in Duanmuhuai's hand.

"The organization of this sect is very strict. I once wanted to sneak in, but I couldn't sneak in anyway. And the only thing I found from the victim was this book. In fact, strictly speaking, I didn't know these addresses. What does it mean, but when I learned that something happened in two of them, and you were in the core..."

"You mean I'm from that cult?"

"No, sir."

Tokisaka Satoshi shook his head.

"Theoretically, this is indeed possible. But I have conducted a careful investigation on you, and according to my judgment, you should have been inadvertently involved in their conspiracy and destroyed it - so, I I just said that you may also become the target of this cult. This is why I came to you, hoping that we can cooperate."

"But, those are all natural disasters, how could there be any conspiracy..."

However, before Duanmu Huai finished speaking, he suddenly stopped.

Is it really just a natural disaster?

It has to be said that when Ban Zhi proposed his guess to Duanmu Huai, Duanmu Huai also started to think about it.

Indeed, both Minakami Village and Baihan Residence looked like accidents at first glance. But - think about it carefully, how do these accidents happen?

The outbreak of the earth-boring insect occurred because the construction team building a road "accidentally" dug its nest and then alerted the earth-boring insect.

As for the curse on the Baifan family, after investigation, it was because the girl named Saeki took the initiative to break the rules, so the curse was triggered, and then this series of things happened!

Duanmuhuai always thought that this might be just an accident, but what if it wasn't?

According to Satoshi Tokisaka, that sect likes to recruit paranormal enthusiasts most, and Saeki is obviously a paranormal enthusiast. As for Minagami Village, although it is said that the hole was dug by the construction team, there is one very important question - who dug it?

Someone has to take action, right?

If this is really what the cult did, then their purpose expose the Old Ones to the world and cause chaos in the world?

Indeed, if you think about it carefully, who could have dealt with the earth-boring demonic insect if he hadn't met him? And if it can't be done, the whole place will definitely be destroyed. Even if the government blocks the news, some thoughtful people can use it to spread rumors, especially groups like paranormal enthusiasts, which are the source of conspiracy theories. Just for one missing person, they can give you all kinds of bizarre plots such as a mysterious disappearance, an alien abduction, and so on.

So these **** are planning to mess up the world?

In the final analysis, Tokisaka Satoshi is just a detective and lacks experience. But Duanmu Huai was a judge. He would visit a cult to pass the time when it was raining or something. He knew very well what those cultists were thinking.

It's just that Duanmu Huai is not very good in terms of insight. If Ling Nu is around, he will definitely not let go of these clues. But Ling Nu is not here, so Duanmu Huai might let some clues slip away.


Duanmuhuai shook the wine glass and stared at the ice cubes inside with narrowed eyes.

What a cult...

"Mr. Duanmu?"

Seeing Duanmuhuai's appearance, Tokisaka Chi became curious.

"Do you know something?"

"Maybe, maybe not."

Duanmuhuai stood up and glanced at Tomo Tokisaka.

"I have some things that need to be investigated. I will contact you later."

"Of course no problem."

Tokisaka Satoshi didn't expect to convince Duanmuhuai with just a few words, so he also took out his business card and handed it over. Duanmu Huai also took the business card, nodded, and then left the bar with Mimi.

After getting back into the car, Duanmuhuai did not go home immediately. On the contrary, he picked up his mobile phone and made a call. Soon, a cheerful voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Hey, brother Duanmu, why do you have time to call me?"

"I have something to ask you. How is the road construction over there?"

The person Duanmu Huai called was none other than the boss of the construction team. When Duanmu Huai rescued them from the cave, these workers were naturally very grateful to Duanmu Huai, and the leader of the construction team even stayed with Duanmu Huai. He also gave his contact information and said that he would need to call him anytime if there was anything in the future.

So Duanmuhuai made this call.

"Hey, this road still needs to be rebuilt, but fortunately, the insurance is in place, and the brothers didn't suffer much loss. The town also said that it can be postponed... In short, we have to be careful this time, so as not to dig anything else A mess of holes.”


Hearing the other party take the initiative to mention this topic, Duanmu Huai also asked.

"Speaking of which, I have something to ask you. When you said that the construction team dug that hole, who dug that hole?"

"Who dug it? Hmm... let me think about it, oh, by the way, it's the guy with the excavator. Speaking of which, you've seen it too."


"Yes, didn't you bring us his work badge? If it weren't for you, his mother might not even know whether he is dead or alive."

Hearing this, Duanmu Huai remembered that when they went up the mountain to the camping site, they did encounter the body of a worker. I remember it was named Miki Jun...

"He didn't go into the cave together?"

"I scolded him at that time, saying that he was digging without understanding, so he was not allowed to go in again, but stayed outside. This kid had just joined our construction team not long ago, and this was his first time. I'm really working, I didn't expect to get into such trouble..."

You just joined the engineering team not long ago? First time working?

Duanmu Huai raised his eyebrows.

"Then get busy. I won't disturb you anymore. I'll treat you to dinner later when I have time."

After saying nonsense casually, Duanmu Huai hung up the phone. Then he squinted his eyes and stared at the phone in his hand, while touching the red panda lying on his shoulder.

This is really interesting.

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