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Chapter 1364: Entertainment program (meow holding its

Chapter 1364 Entertainment Program (Meow holding his tail and rolling over)

House of Death.

This foreign-style mansion located in a suburban forest has long been dilapidated. But today, the originally dead area was once again filled with noise.

"This is the House of Death."

After getting out of the car, the host frowned slightly and stared at the huge, dilapidated mansion in front of him. As the host of "Exploring Suicide Lands", she has been to many suicide sanctuaries. But the feeling given to her here was obviously weirder than those places. It was not just pure darkness, but also an indescribable strangeness...

The host shook his head and then looked at his assistant.

"Is everyone here?"

"Everyone is here..."

Facing the host's question, the assistant replied in a low voice, and at the same time she glanced around uneasily. Seeing his assistant's uneasy look, the host also frowned dissatisfied.

"What's wrong? Is there a problem?"

"No, that...who is that person?"

The assistant whispered and pointed to the side. The host looked in the direction of the assistant's finger and saw a tall and burly man standing next to the director. The latter was wearing a black windbreaker and sunglasses, and he looked fierce. Just standing there makes people afraid to approach.

"I, I don't know either."

The host was also shocked when he saw that man. As a senior TV host, she certainly knows the unspoken relationship between the entertainment industry and gangs. But this variety show is not very popular, and it has never been related to gangs, right?

"Could this be the territory of some gangster?"

"It's not impossible... I'll ask the director."

While talking, the host took out her mobile phone and sent a text message to the director - the director was obviously not far away, but she would rather send a text message here than dare to lean over.

"Ding dong."

It didn't take long for the director's reply to come, and the host breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the reply text message.

"'s nothing. The director said this is a bodyguard specially hired to ensure the safety of our filming."

"That's it."

After hearing the host's answer, the assistant also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Indeed, we should have a bodyguard, otherwise we would always be on tenterhooks. How terrible."

Although the program "Exploring the Suicide Land" is very popular with viewers because of its novelty, it can also be regarded as a permanent variety show on TV stations. But the crew members all know that this job is not easy to do. Going deep into no man's land and dealing with corpses might be a little scary at first. But if you do it for a long time, you will become numb.

But the problem is that the places they go to explore are places where others choose to commit suicide.

We often encounter people who commit suicide or commit collective suicide.

Then the problem comes. Faced with such people, the film crew dare not provoke them.

After all, people are not even afraid of death, why are they afraid of killing people?

In fact, when the film crew first started working on this program, they encountered something similar. The host at the time even stupidly approached the office worker who committed suicide and asked, "Why did you commit suicide? How are you feeling now?" Have you ever considered what your family will think after you die?”

For the film crew, these problems are not a problem in their eyes. After all, entertainment programs require this kind of attack. In addition, when the Japanese face the camera, no matter how much they hate in their hearts, they will maintain the minimum appearance on the surface. of decency.

But they didn't expect that the office worker was directly stimulated by the host and went crazy. He took out a knife from his briefcase and stabbed the host!

The film crew was so frightened that they almost ran away, and the unlucky owner was stabbed several times. Later, after the incident was exposed, he was also fired. Even the show was about to be banned for a while, but fortunately it was saved later. Then a new host was replaced and the show became more of an exploration and decryption style.

But after that, the film crew finally discovered the most terrifying part of these suicide shrines.

That is - there is no law!

Although these places are all within the country, logically speaking, they must be under the jurisdiction of the law. But as mentioned before, if a person is not afraid of death, should he still be afraid of the law?

In fact, the film crew even discovered a village in the sea of ​​trees. The people in it came here after trying to commit suicide. However, after arriving here, they did not die for various reasons. Instead, they gathered together and became A group of lawless thugs!

The film crew had a narrow escape that time, and they almost died in it!

Since then, the film crew has known how cruel humans can become after tearing off the cloak of civilization.

To be honest, some people want to quit their jobs, but they have no choice - the money given is so much.

Stop when you've made enough!

This is the thought of many crew members, including the host. Of course, as for when you’ve made enough to stop, that’s another matter.

In the past, I complained about being stingy and not sending a bodyguard for such a dangerous job. But this time I actually got a bodyguard, and he looked like he could fight well... Well, now I felt more at ease.

The bodyguard was naturally none other than Duanmu Huai. Through Huang Mao's extensive social network, Duanmu Huai successfully infiltrated the crew as a bodyguard. At this moment, he was also standing behind the director, carefully looking at the dilapidated house of death in front of him.

Judging from the appearance, this mansion has been around for a long time, but it is not as dilapidated as everyone thought. Instead, it looks more like an abandoned mansion than the suicide shrine known as the House of Death.

However, the strange thing is that when Duanmu Huai used his own power to test this house of death, he was surprised to find that there was no atmosphere of the old rulers here at all, as if it was just a simple abandoned house.

What's going on?

Duanmuhuai couldn't understand, but he didn't think too much. All in all, he would only know what the situation was when he went in.

At the same time, outside the House of Death, the film crew was ready.

Like every program, the film crew of this episode also invited several guests, including an old professor who specializes in local history, an actress and a crosstalk actor. Among them, the old professor will be responsible for the introduction, while the actresses and comedians will go into the depths of the mansion to explore the secrets with the camera crew.

Of course, strictly speaking, there's nothing to explore. I just took pictures of the rooms in the mansion, and then took pictures of the actors' frightened looks - if any corpses were found, the ratings would naturally be higher.

Yes, this is also one of the highlights of this show. If they capture a body, they will film the entire process from discovery to calling the police, which satisfies the curiosity of many viewers. At the same time, this approach has also been recognized by some viewers, who believe that the program team is a good choice to allow those who were originally deceased to be buried properly.

As for whether any of them are self-directed and self-acted - just kidding, you are filming a variety show and you have to use corpses to direct and star in it?

This is too hardcore!

After getting ready, everyone walked into the mansion, and the host faced the camera and started working.

"Dear viewers, what you are seeing now is a mansion located on the outskirts of city N. It is called the House of Death. The reason why it has such an unlucky title is because of the mansion itself. According to records, the first owner of this mansion committed suicide by taking poison with his family not long after the mansion was built. Because of this, the mansion was vacant for a long time. In the 1980s, it was bought by a wealthy businessman. However, not long after that, the wealthy businessman and his family were also found dead in this house. Only then did the name of the House of Death spread. Even known as the cemetery for the dead, many people are attracted by the rumors and come here to commit suicide..."

At this point, the host paused and then turned to the old professor.

"Sir, what do you think of this?"

"Well... as far as I'm concerned, this is actually just an unfortunate accident."

Facing the camera, the old professor also gave his own answer.

"Unfortunate accident?"

"Yes, according to historical records, the first owner who built the mansion had conflicts with his family because of money issues. In order to seize the family property, his son conspired to poison him, but he didn't know Why did something go wrong and everyone was poisoned, which resulted in a so-called mass suicide? But in fact, it was not a suicide, but an accidental murder."

"I see."

After hearing the old professor's explanation, the host nodded.

"What about its second owner? This is why everyone thinks that the House of Death is cursed. Moreover, the cause of death of the second owner is clearly recorded, and it was indeed suicide."

"Hehehe, this is easier to understand."

Facing the host's inquiry, the old professor chuckled.

"Because of the financial environment at that time, everyone knows that at that time, many capital tycoons lost all their money, and there were many people who committed suicide by jumping off buildings and burning charcoal. This family was just one of them. At that time, their The company went bankrupt and owed a lot of debt, and he finally committed suicide in desperation, so I said it was just a coincidence.”

"I see. It seems like this is an unfortunate coincidence."


"Okay, CUT!"

After the conversation between the two was completed, the director raised his hand to signal that the filming was over.

"The next step is the exploration part, the preparation of the second group, and...Mr. Duanmu."

As he spoke, the director looked at Duanmu Huai.

"Please keep an eye on them so that nothing happens."

"Okay, I get it."

Duanmuhuai nodded, then he narrowed his eyes and looked at the mansion in front of him.

Indeed, if what the old professor said was correct, then everything that happened in this house was just an unfortunate coincidence.

But the question this really a coincidence?

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