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Chapter 1370: Secret Detection (I have become addicted

Chapter 1370 Secret Detection (I have become addicted to playing Seven Day World recently)

 Duanmu Huai is not a sensitive person.

To put it bluntly, he doesn't know how to read people's words. In other words, with Duanmu Huai's strength and appearance, he doesn't need to watch other people's words. On the contrary, others often have to watch his words. After all, if Duanmuhuai is unhappy, the consequences will be disastrous.

But even so, Duanmu Huai could sense that the atmosphere here was not quite right.

Strictly speaking, it was normal for them not to be enemies. After all, everyone saw the hanged body with their own eyes. It was fresh and hot, and it was the body of someone they knew. There must have been some mental fluctuations, but seeing the director and the staff almost starting to fight made Duanmu Huai alert. Because he found that something was not right between these two people. How should I put it? If this was not the world of Cthulhu, Duanmu Huai would wonder if they were going to shout "Blood sacrifice to the blood god, skull sacrifice to the skull seat" next. "Yes.

That's right, in Duanmu Huai's eyes, the reaction of the two people just now was the same as seeing the followers of the God of Violence.

Could it be said that the enemy this time is spiritual?

If this is the case, Duanmu Huai will be in a bit of trouble. He is most annoyed by such invisible and intangible things, not to mention that Duanmu Huai is not good at mental attacks.

The only mental attack he could think of was to sing Sunshine and Rainbow Little White Horse while driving Qian Roar.

However, Duanmu Huai is not without options, but he doesn't really want to use this method.

Thinking of this, Duanmu Huai sighed inwardly, and then he stared at the unconscious director with a glint in his eyes.

【Quality Judgment】!

This is the first and only skill Duanmu Huai acquired when he became the God of Joy. It is mainly used to judge the opponent's quality.

Of course, this quality does not refer to talent, but... forget it, I understand everything.

At least after Duanmu Huai got this skill, he mainly used it on the girls around him. Generally, Duanmu Huai didn't use this skill often.

After all...some things are better not known.

For example, this is the information displayed on the director in front of me.

[Ability: Obey LV3 Desires LV3 Skills LV3A Feeling LV7M Qi LV5B/L Poisoned]

[Engraving: Pain Engraving LV3 Happy Engraving LV3]


To be honest, just looking at these makes Duanmu Huai feel irritated.

Really, some things are better not known. This is especially true when the other person is a short, thin old man in his late fifties.

But this is not what Duanmu Huai wants to see, he only wants to see the following line.

[Quality: high self-esteem, depression, pessimism, madness, hate of women]


Duanmuhuai turned his head and looked at the other staff member.

[Quality: Resistance to pessimism, madness, virginity A]

Duanmuhuai looked at the other people carefully. Although everyone's XP was different, they all had two things in common in their qualities.

[pessimism] and [madness].

This is definitely not normal.

At this time, Duanmu Huai also quickly discovered the problem. This [quality] does not refer to a person's physical quality, but to his emotional characteristics. [Pessimism] and [Enthusiasm], as the names suggest, mean that it is easy to think the worst about everything, and at the same time, the mind is distorted and easy to go to extremes.

If you say one or two people are like this, that's okay, but if everyone in the entire film crew is like this, could it be that a group of crouching dragons and phoenix chicks have gathered here?

It’s impossible for the entire film crew, including the guests, to be insane!

And they are all pessimistic and extremely neurotic?

Duanmuhuai felt that he might have found the reason why people always commit suicide here.

Obviously, there is indeed something here that cannot be detected with the naked eye, and the other party can also affect the human spirit through some special ability, turning their emotions into pessimistic, negative and radical - so that once stimulated, They can easily take the extreme path of self-destruction. And those who dare to come here mostly come here to commit suicide, so they are naturally more easily influenced!

Mad, I’m most annoyed by this kind of disrespectful attitude toward you!

Duanmu Huai also cursed secretly at this moment. Although he had guessed it now, he didn't know what to do. Even if the opponent has an entity like QB, it's okay, but if you don't have an entity, Duanmu Huai will have no options. You can't really let him have a battle of wits and courage with the air. What's the point of winning?

However... Duanmu Huai is not completely helpless.

The reason why this guy kills people in this way means that it definitely needs humans. Maybe it's emotions, maybe it's soul. With so many humans gathered here, it must be a big meal for it. If I seduce the other party a little, maybe it will come out on its own if it can't help itself? can try it.

Time passes minute by minute, and a mere night is nothing to most people. It passes as soon as the eyes open and close. But for some reason, the night seemed extremely long to the film crew, and they wanted to close their eyes and just take a nap. But I was also afraid that after I closed my eyes, I would never wake up again.

But it's not without good news, that is, the heavy rain outside gradually subsided, the heavy clouds dispersed, and the bright moonlight emerged from the night, illuminating the originally dark mansion. But this cold pure white moonlight did not bring any comfort to the people. On the contrary, they felt as cold as if they were in a cemetery.

The crosstalk actor sighed, then reached out and touched his pocket. Then he frowned, cursed secretly, then stood up and walked towards the door.

"where did you go?"

Seeing that the cross talk actor was about to leave, Duan Mu Huai stared at him and asked. The cross talk actor trembled when faced with Duan Mu Huai's question, but soon he plucked up the courage and stared at Duan Mu Huai. .

"I'm going to stay in the car! This place is too weird. I don't want to stay here and wait to die!" "I advise you to stay here until dawn."

Duanmuhuai gave a faint warning, but in the face of Duanmuhuai's dissuasion, the crosstalk actor instinctively flinched. But soon, he stared back again.

"I'm not staying here! I'm safer in the car! This place has been cursed. If you stay here, you will all die! Believe it or not! The rain has stopped now and we should get out of here immediately. !”


Hearing what the comedian said, the staff began to hesitate. After all, just like the comedian said, it was obviously not a good idea to stay here. It was because of heavy rain that they had to stay in the mansion for safety reasons. But now that the heavy rain has subsided, perhaps taking advantage of this moment to leave this weird house quickly is the best thing to do.

"Is anyone else leaving with me?"

The crosstalk actor looked at the others, and at the crosstalk actor's call, most of the staff stood up.

"I, I don't think we should stay here anymore."

"Me too...this place is so weird."

Soon, almost two-thirds of the staff were on the side of the crosstalk actors. Only the actress, the old professor, the unconscious director, another staff member, and two female makeup artists remained.

"Aren't you leaving?"

"I, I think it's safer to stay here."

The actress secretly glanced at Duanmu Huai, and then spoke to the crosstalk actor.

"It's so dark outside now, and it's just rained. The mountain road is not easy to walk on. What if an accident happens..."

"Yeah yeah……"

The two female makeup artists also nodded vigorously. It wasn't that they didn't want to leave, but they were worried when they thought about the mountain road outside and the weather.

"I'm too old to run around at night, so I'll just stay here until dawn. I think this young man is quite capable. Nothing should happen to him as long as he's here."

The old professor also laughed and answered.

"Then you stay here, let's go."

The crosstalk actor was too lazy to waste time here. He snorted coldly and left the mansion with the other staff. Duanmu Huai and others stood at the gate of the mansion, watching them walk to the car parked not far away.

"Mr. Duanmu, don't we really want to leave together?"

The actress stood next to Duanmu Huai, looking ahead uneasily. To be honest, she actually wanted to leave. But in the hearts of actresses, Duanmu Huai is more reliable. After all, he is a professional bodyguard and he even saved himself once. The choice he made must be reasonable. As for the cross talk actor... whether he has this ability is a question mark.

"Let's see and then talk."

Duanmuhuai stared at those people without trying to stop them. He wanted to see if his guess was correct. If my idea is correct, then the thing entrenched in this mansion will definitely not let so many delicious food leave voluntarily, and it will definitely take some measures.

When the previous staff member committed suicide, Duanmu Huai was not here at all, so there was no way to find any clues.

And now...let me see what you are capable of!

Duanmuhuai folded his arms and leaned against the gate, watching coldly as the group of people got into the car. At the same time, he quietly expanded his perception. At this moment, everything around him, including every plant and tree, was under Duanmu Huai's control. He wanted to see what tricks that thing had up to this point!

Under Duanmu Huai's gaze, everyone got into the car, started it, turned on the lights and drove outside. Seeing this scene, several other people felt a little regretful, but they still stayed here obediently. They could only watch the car lights in front of them silently as they turned the corner and drove towards the exit.


However, at this moment, suddenly, a strong wind blew, causing the surrounding trees to sway. This place is located in the mountains, so it's not surprising that the wind blows. But what no one expected was that as the strong wind blew by, a towering tree behind them suddenly broke with a "click" and fell forward.

The huge and thick tree trunk hit the ground, and underneath it was the vehicle driven by the crosstalk actor!


The thick tree trunk hit the car like a hammer. The next moment, there was a flash of fire in front of me. The car exploded and burst into flames. The person inside was naturally cremated into a dragon.

"Oh my god——!"

"How could-!"

Seeing this scene, the others also turned pale, stretched out their hands to cover their mouths in fear, and screamed. They didn't expect that such a thing would happen in front of them!

However, Duanmu Huai was not in the mood to care about other people's thoughts at the moment. On the contrary, his eyes narrowed slightly and stared at the darkness in front of him. Duanmuhuai could feel that when the gust of wind blew just now, a strange spiritual power suddenly emerged, which caused the big tree to collapse. Not only that, when the big tree collapsed, Duanmuhuai discovered through perception that the crosstalk actor responsible for driving tried to speed up and escape. However, the car suddenly broke down at this time, and then the big tree fell down, and those people died.

Not only that, the moment these people died, Duanmuhuai felt that their souls were swallowed up by that weird spiritual power, and then that power quickly withdrew and disappeared into the air again.

Although the opponent was very fast, Duanmuhuai, who was prepared in advance, had already locked the target before the force left!

Got you!

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