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Chapter 1374: Cheating Detective (I’m too fat to roll

Chapter 1374: Cheating Detective (I am too fat to roll)

 After this, Duanmuhuai spent an ordinary and busy day.

It's ordinary, because after three consecutive failures, the sect called Cosmic Light seemed to feel that it was unlucky this year and did not continue to cause trouble. And busy - Duanmu Huai's activity as a detective is increasing.

Shionji Yuko did what she said and applied for the detective status for Duanmu Huai, but in fact she planned to see Duanmu Huai make a fool of himself at that time. After all, from the previous cooperation with Duanmu Huai, Ziyuanji Youzi found that Duanmu Huai had a bad temper, his personality was out of character, and his observation was not sharp enough. Apart from his strange powers, it can be said that he had no detective qualities at all.

Therefore, in Shionji Yuko's view, even a simple case can make Duanmu Huai make a fool of himself - she has classified Duanmu Huai into the ranks of those with well-developed limbs and simple minds.

However, the result was beyond Shionji Yuuko's expectation.

Detectives in this world have certain rights, but they also have obligations to complete cases handed over by the Detective Association. Of course, these cases all come from clients. The Detective Association will rank these cases according to difficulty level, and then let other detectives apply. If a certain amount of tasks are not completed within a year, the detective license will be demoted or even stripped.

In Ziyuanji Youzi's opinion, if Duanmu Huai is not needed for a year, he will have to get out of here.

However, the reality was beyond Yuuko's expectation.

At the beginning, as the lowest-level detective, Duanmuhuai received low-level commissions such as searching for kittens and puppies, or photographing evidence of suspected cheating. These commissions were not worth mentioning in the eyes of Ziyuanji Yuzi, but they were very troublesome for Duanmuhuai - this was what Ziyuanji Yuzi thought, but the fact surprised her.

Duanmu Huai's commission completion rate is actually 100%!

Not to mention finding lost kittens and puppies, even if it is tracking and filming, he can do it all in one go, and he can even get additional evidence of the other party's cheating for the client. Although customers were a little afraid of Duanmuhuai at first, after Duanmuhuai perfectly completed their commission, they were naturally satisfied and gave five-star praise.

So soon, Duanmuhuai's level was upgraded again and he was qualified to assist in investigating theft cases. Originally, Ziyuanji Youzi thought that this would be enough to stump him, but unexpectedly, Duanmuhuai once again broke her imagination. Generally, detectives collect evidence through various clues and then call the police. This is actually a very difficult matter. Although catching a thief is not harmful, it is very difficult to investigate. After all, detectives are not police officers yet. Even police officers would need a search warrant to search a thief's home.

In this case, there is little the detective can do except assist the police in keeping tabs.

However, Duanmu Huai is different. He can find the thief who is committing the crime every time, and then directly seize the other person's stolen goods. Of course, in this case, no search warrant is needed, and the process can be followed directly.

This had already puzzled Shionji Yuuko, but what happened next was even more incomprehensible to her.

Duanmuhuai's level has been improved again and he can investigate murder cases. Of course, with his skills, catching those vicious gangsters is just like catching chickens. No tricks are needed at all. Shionji Yuuko can understand this. After all, Duanmu Huai originally gave people the feeling that he was particularly capable of fighting, the kind that he would not be afraid of hitting a hundred enemies.

But then Shionji Youko couldn’t understand.

That is, Duanmu Huai was able to find the murderer!

Duanmuhuai received an unsolved case before, and the police could not find any clues. After Duanmu Huai arrived, he just chatted with a few suspects and then directly pointed out the murderer. Based on his explanation, the police found the murder weapon and the victim's belongings in the other party's house, thus solving the case.

Although Duanmuhuai was very clear about the method of committing the crime, Ziyuanji Youzi couldn't accept it. She couldn't understand how Duanmuhuai knew that the man was the murderer.

By eloquence? Duanmu Huai can make others angry to death with just one sentence, who will be persuaded by him?

By observation? He usually doesn't care about anything at all. He doesn't look like the kind of person who pays attention to details.

By a sharp mind? This man is usually too lazy to use his brain and only relies on his muscles to think!

Can this solve the case?

What the **** did he do!

Ziyuan Temple's son was almost going crazy, but he didn't know that Duanmu Huai was cheating.

Indeed, just as Ziyuanji Youzi thought, Duanmuhuai did not have the patience, nor the eloquence, and was too lazy to play brain teasers with the prisoners. Logically speaking, people like him are indeed not suitable to be detectives.

But... Duanmu Huai will cheat if he can't stand it!

Looking for a lost cat or dog? What's so difficult about this? Duanmuhuai's [Animal Taming] will find it for you right away, the kind that can see people alive and dead and corpses.

Cheating or anything like that is even easier for Duanmu Huai. You have to know that the stealth he inherited from the Raven Guard means that he can stand behind a telephone pole and can't even see his shadow. There were even several times when Duanmu Huai set up a camera and filmed directly when the opposite party was doing business, and they were unable to notice it.

If he wasn't worried about the client's difficulty in explaining things, Duanmu Huai could just slap them in the face and take a close-up shot.

Petty theft is even better. Duanmuhuai can go back in time by reading the surrounding environment. Therefore, the police may need to stick their **** out and look for clues. But Duanmuhuai only needs to stop there and then rewind to connect the other party. You can clearly see people stealing things. If you can't catch them, then you are mentally retarded.

As for those unsolved cases, it is the easiest for Duanmu Huai. He only needs to find the suspects and ask them one by one, then take the opportunity to copy their information, then go back and summon the shadows of these suspects, and ask them directly. If he's the murderer, that's it.

That's right, it's that simple and rude, with a hammer's reasoning, I asked him to surrender directly!

If you don't have the ability, you have to use your brain. Isn't this too idle?

If Shionji Yuuko knew about it, he would be so angry that he would just pass away.

Of course, this series of cases also made Duanmu Huai gradually famous. At least on this street, he was already a celebrity. But for Duanmu Huai, this is just a disguise. It's not that he doesn't know how to think with his brain, but Duanmu Huai is too lazy to waste his brain cells on a battle of wits with stupid murderers - as a judge, the only people he has to use his brain to deal with are cultists.

And with Duanmu Huai's current reputation as a detective, even if he appears on certain occasions, he will not make those cultists doubt his identity... Well, to put it bluntly, this is just a disguise after all.

But it's also quite useful.

When Duanmu Huai walks on the street now, people will already say hello to him. At the beginning, everyone was afraid to avoid it.

It's like this.

"Ah, Mr. Duanmu!"

Just as Duanmu Huai was walking across the street as usual, planning to return to the office, he heard a voice. Duanmuhuai turned around and saw a girl with blond hair in a side ponytail running out from the ground and waving to him.


"Hey, Hongxia, what do you want from me?"

Duanmu Huai nodded to the blond girl. After staying in the shopping street for so long, he was already relatively familiar with the people around him. For example, Duanmuhuai knew that the blond girl in front of her was called Yiji Zhihongxia, and her sister ran a LIVEHOUSE underground next to her. And Ichichi Hongka formed a band with three friends and has been practicing.

However, among the four people, the one who impressed Duanmu Huai the most was not Ijichi Hongxia, but the girl named Gotou Du. It's not that she always attracts attention in sportswear, but every time Goto Dokki sees her, the expression on her face becomes extremely wonderful, as if her SAN value has been cleared and she has gone completely crazy and unconscious. So much so that every time he met her, Duanmu Huai had to subconsciously turn on the system to see if he had turned off the fear aura...

Unlike her sister, Yijichi Hongxia is a lively and cheerful child, and she is quite well-known in this street.

"Ahaha, actually...there is something wrong."

"Oh? What's the matter?"

"It's like this. The band we have finished is about to hold its first official performance, and we are selling tickets, so...if it's okay, would Mr. Duanmu and Miss Shajiuye want to come and have a look?"

"The band..." Duanmuhuai couldn't help but sigh after hearing Yi Jihongxia's explanation. Although it was completely different, Duanmuhuai couldn't help but think of the wind band back then. To be honest, before this, Duanmu Huai never thought that he would be related to music, but now it seems that he is somewhat destined.

"All right."

Duanmuhuai recovered his thoughts and nodded.

"Give me two tickets and I will talk to Shajiuye."


"But is it really okay?"

Seeing Idizhi Hongxia who was about to jump up with joy, Duanmuhuai reminded him.


"Isn't that person named Goto afraid of me? If I were to show up, would she be so scared that she would faint and even forget to play?"

"Ah ha ha ha ha..."

Hearing Duanmuhuai's reminder, Yidizhi Hongxia seemed to have reacted and couldn't help but scratch his head.

"I believe Porchi-chan should be fine!"

"I hope so."

Anyway, this is not a problem that I should worry about. After all, this is not a club activity, and I am not a club consultant.

Duanmu Huai bought two tickets for the concert, and then returned to the office. He said that he was puzzled as to why Yiji Zhihongxia named the band Ending Band - at least in Duanmu Huai's view, this was extremely unlucky. As a result, Yi Dizhi Hongxia told Duanmu Huai that this was to commemorate the bond that connects everyone, so it was named this.

But from Duanmu Huai's point of view, this name seems like the group is about to break up.

Forget it, as long as they like it.

"I'm back."

Duanmu Huai pushed open the door, and was greeted by the cold air from the air conditioner, which made Duanmu Huai frown. He personally doesn't like air conditioning and prefers fans. To Duanmuhuai, the cold air from the air conditioner didn't look like the cold wind of nature at all. Instead, it had an unnatural feel, like the unique touch of a cold machine.

Duanmu Huai doesn't like it anyway.

However, there is one I like here.

"How many times have I done it? At least knock before you come in. This is a girl's room."

The petite girl sitting on the bed with her back to Duanmuhuai complained loudly without looking back. Her slender black hair hung down like silk and scattered on the bed. There were a lot of empty cans sitting nearby - well, a perfect example of unhealthy living.

"Is it just you, a brat?"

Duanmuhuai, on the other hand, didn't care at all about Ziyuanji Youzi's complaints and walked in with a soft hum.

"Looking at your stunted body, who would be interested in you? No one would ask for it if you took it off and threw it on the street...Here, your report card."

As he spoke, Duanmuhuai threw a document to Ziyuanji Youzi. As a detective, she naturally has to solve cases, but because Shionji Yuko is a person who never goes out unless absolutely necessary, and she has thin arms and legs and is not good at frontal combat, so basically Shionji has Duanmu Huai cooperated with her to complete all of Zi's commissions.

To put it bluntly, Ziyuanji Youzi is responsible for reasoning, Duanmuhuai is responsible for arresting people, and then reporting them together.

Frankly speaking, Duan Muhuai was quite happy doing this kind of mindless work.

"I read the report. You probably said something you shouldn't have said at the end."

"I'm just stating the facts. Whether the other party wants to hear it or not is none of my business."

Duanmu Huai spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders, looking indifferent, while Ziyuanji Yuzi turned her head and glared at him dissatisfied.

The so-called detective is, from a certain perspective, a voyeur. They will peep at the facts that others are trying to hide, and then discover the truth. This is actually the gossip mentality that everyone has. For example, when most people see a man and a woman fighting on the street, they will gather around to watch out of curiosity. At the same time, he was very interested in deducing why they were fighting from the words they yelled at. It would be more interesting if he could know the story behind these two people.

Of course, for most people, their mobility is not that strong, and the fight ends when they eat the melon. Only those who want to satisfy their burning desire for gossip will investigate further - that's who the detective is.

However, after learning the truth, everyone's attitude is different whether to make it public. Shionji Yuko appears to be more cautious in this regard and will not easily tell others the secrets of her investigation. But Duanmu Huai is the complete opposite and cold. He doesn't care whether these boring secrets will affect the person involved, he will only expose them all ruthlessly.

Of course, whether he would become a mess in the future was not his concern.

"Forget it, don't talk about this. Is there any news over there?"

Duanmu Huai looked familiarly at the monitors placed on the side, which contained information on several other addresses.

"There is nothing that can be used. For now, the other party may choose to remain silent for a while."

"I hope they won't waste too much time and just get out and die as soon as possible."

Duanmuhuai retracted his gaze and then glanced at the ticket in his hand.

"By the way, Yijichi Hongxia's band is going to have a concert soon. Do you want to go and listen to it?"

"I'll just watch it from here."

No need to ask, you know that this guy is planning to hack into LIVEHOUSE's monitoring system, and then come directly to watch the scene... without even paying for it.

No, at least the money still has to be paid.

"Then let Shajiuye and I go watch together."

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