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Chapter 1381: The bottom of darkness (this cat is fluf

Chapter 1381 The bottom of darkness (this cat is fluffy and soft)

After killing the monsters guarding the door, Duanmuhuai rushed into the second floor with the two detectives. It must be said that this rough method made both detectives very happy. You have to know that in the past, they were very careful when conducting searches, just like thieves. Where is the comfort of breaking in like a bandit? Well, it's a pity that they still can't do this when facing ordinary people.

But when it comes to monsters, there is no such concern.

There are about thirty wards on the entire second floor, but unlike ordinary psychiatric wards where one person is per person, this one is as crowded as a sardine can, with nearly a dozen people crammed into one ward. Not to mention mental illness, even ordinary people cannot stand such an environment. However, the strange thing is that the patients in these wards are standing there blankly like dolls, with blank eyes and no reaction.

The doors of these wards were not locked, and they seemed to not care at all that the patients would escape. This was actually the case. Even if everyone went in to wake up these patients, the latter looked stupid and stupid. Although they were pulled away It will move around, but will stop as soon as you let go of your hand.

"No, these people didn't respond at all!"

The food detective sighed and looked at these patients with a complicated expression.

"They have all undergone surgery, which means that the monster called Shoggoth has probably been implanted in their brains..."

The idol detective flipped through the files next to him, his expression equally ugly.

"In that case, let them stay here to die."

Duanmu Huai made a decision decisively, and when they heard what he said, both of them were stunned.

"Do you really want to do this? Maybe... maybe we can take them to the hospital for treatment... At least it's not something unscientific like evil spirit possession. Maybe it can be cured..."

"Then let's talk about it based on the situation."

Duanmuhuai shook his head.

"Okay, since these people are hopeless, we'd better turn to our own jobs."

Although Duanmu Huai's judgment was a little hard to accept, the two detectives also knew that there was no other way. So they didn't say anything more, but followed Duanmu Huai to the emergency exit. According to the architectural drawings investigated by Shionji Yuko, It seems that there should be a passage leading underground, but...

"There's nothing here."

Duanmuhuai stretched out his hand and knocked on the wall, making a dull sound of "dong dong dong".

"Is it really just a disguise? Then I have no choice. There must be a hidden passage leading underground, but I can't determine the specific entrance location."

"What should we do?"

"Don't you have two detectives over there? Leave it to them."

That's right.

Facts have proved that these two detectives are indeed novices. After spending a little time, they really discovered the clues.

"Right here!"

The food detective sat down on the chair panting, took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat on his forehead. In front of him was a bookshelf in the head nurse's office. At this moment, the medical books and periodicals on it were opened, revealing the combination lock hidden behind it.

"Sure enough, I said, these people's thoughts are really simple, but that's right. They can come in here and search. Unless they are like us, it may not be easy to find these things."


The idol detective narrowed his eyes and carefully looked at the combination lock in front of him.

"Password, fingerprint, voiceprint, pretty old-fashioned and safe. What to do now? We don't even know the password, and we don't know who to look for for fingerprints and voiceprints..."

"There's no need to go to such trouble."

Duanmu Huai came over and waved to the two of them.

"You guys go aside."

After signaling the two of them to move away, Duanmu Huai stared at the heavy steel bookshelf in front of him, then raised his right hand and clenched it into a fist. Then Duanmu Huai roared angrily and smashed the bookshelf in front of him and the wall behind him with a punch. A deep hole was instantly punched out of the hard wall. Duanmu Huai stretched out his hands and grabbed the left and right sides of the smashed gap. The muscles on his arms swelled up, accompanied by the heart-wrenching sound of steel tearing, as the two detectives watched in stunned silence. Duanmuhuai actually tore a big hole in the wall like this!


"There's nothing wrong with my eyes."

The gourmet detective and the idol detective stared at this scene dumbfounded, not knowing what to say. You know, this is a steel plate!

In his hands, it turned out to be as fragile as kraft paper?

Is this guy not a human being?


Of course, Duanmu Huai didn't know what the two men were thinking. After tearing open the crack, he grabbed the steel door with both hands and pulled it back hard, forcing the heavy steel door that was more than two meters wide. He tore it off from the wall and threw it aside, revealing the elevator inside.

"Okay, let's go."

Fortunately, there are no strange things installed in the elevator. Perhaps for the people here, they did not expect that someone would tear down the door and rush in so forcefully.

"Obviously, as long as the data is connected, I can find a way to crack it."

The voice of Shionji Yuko coming from the earphones was half surprised and half speechless.

"Why waste time when you can open it directly? What I hate most is decrypting and finding the key."

Not long after, with a "ding" sound, the elevator slowly stopped.

Then, a cold electronic sound came from inside.

"Welcome, doctor."

As the elevator door opened, a clean and tidy metal corridor appeared in front of the three people. From the outside, this place seems to be no different from other places in the hospital. If the way leading to this place was not too weird, then everyone would just think that they were on another floor used to treat patients.

At least there's nothing bloody, ugly, or even twisted at all here.

Just as the three of them walked out of the elevator, soon the voice sounded again.

"Doctor, please enter the psychiatric diagnosis and treatment room."

Following this sound, a door next to it opened directly. The three of them looked at each other and then walked in.

This place also looks the same as an ordinary treatment room, and there is a computer on the desk. Duan Muhuai and others came to the computer, and then the idol detective reached out, turned on the computer, and began to retrieve the information inside. .

"Let me see...ah, sure enough, it says Dean Mihara. There are also surgery records here! It belongs to that boy!"

As he spoke, the idol detective clicked on a surgery record, and soon, the face of a gloomy, skinny man who looked about fifty or sixty years old, and looked as gloomy as a mouse appeared on the screen. Wearing a white coat, he stared at the screen with a sneer, and then spoke.

"Preparing the record, the patient... Mr. Honda, who is in the second grade of Beichuan Middle School, suddenly became ill during class, and carried out indiscriminate attacks on the surrounding area. He is regarded as a priority patient for treatment. Currently, surgical treatment is about to be performed, and we will follow the rules Process Action…”

As he spoke, the camera turned to the hospital bed next to him. On the hospital bed, a young man was tightly restrained by a belt. However, he still struggled desperately and shook his head. This face was familiar to the three of them. It was the current man. The boy's face.

But at this moment, the current young man's face was red, and he looked like he was about to get angry and he was shouting.

"Let me go! I'm not sick! They are all monsters! Don't you understand? Those monsters want to kill me! Let me go!"

"The patient suffers from severe delusions. He claims that his classmates are not him, but monsters in disguise, and he wants to kill them. We think this is a very dangerous cognition, so he is given a first-level treatment plan ...Now, start the anesthesia.”

As the doctor spoke, a nurse with an indifferent expression appeared on the screen. Then she took out a syringe and quickly inserted it into the boy's body. A moment later, the boy who was originally roaring and cursing lay there motionless like a dead pig. Then the nurse pushed the bed and walked to the operating room.

Soon, the camera turned from the ward to the operating room. There were only two people in the entire operating room, a doctor and a nurse. This is the same information that Duanmu Huai obtained from Shadow before. It seems that the two people in the entire mental hospital are really responsible for this. Of course, this does not mean that others are innocent.

Soon, the picture also showed the scene of surgery. The doctor cut open the skull with an electric saw, then picked up the scalpel and cut here and there in the patient's brain. It looked very professional. But unfortunately... I can't understand it at all.

"Ugh...I feel a little sick."

The idol detective covered his mouth and looked pale. Even the gourmet detective didn't know what to say. Only Duanmu Huai looked at the **** brain in the picture and sighed silently.

I feel like eating my brain.

"Okay, we have completely removed the frontal lobe, and then we will perform repair treatment."

Repair, how to repair? Install a CD player in there?

However, what appeared on the screen next made the three of them widen their eyes.

I saw a nurse coming over with a sterilization tray with a bottle of something that looked like black mucus on it. But that viscous liquid, and the faint purple light emitting from it... are all too familiar to the three of them!

The doctor used a syringe to extract the fluid inside, and then injected it into the removed part of the brain. Soon, these strange viscous liquids quickly began to merge with the brain after being injected. At the same time, the doctor's voice sounded again.

"They need enough space to gradually devour and digest each other's memories and emotions. I once tried injecting it directly into the brain, but due to lack of space, unnecessary accidents eventually occurred, so part of the brain was damaged. It is necessary to remove structures and provide space for their assimilation.”

As the doctor spoke, everyone saw that the black objects that originally looked like a pile of mucus began to gradually penetrate into the interior along the ravines of the brain, and it itself gradually began to change, as if it was integrated with the brain.

"This process will continue for a while, and then the surgery will be over."

As the words fell, the screen flashed, and then the young man appeared on the screen again, but this time the young man had a bandage on his head and his eyes were dull. He was different from what Duan Muhuai and others had seen on the second floor. There is no difference between people.

"This is the first stage after the operation. During this period, the patient has no reaction, only biological reactions. For example, he can eat, drink, and excrete. But other than that, he will not have any sense of self-action. We It is thought that this is because the brain is taking time to analyze and understand the information, and therefore temporarily controls the functions of other parts of the body.”

Then, the screen jumped again. This time the boy who appeared on the screen had no bandage on his head and had hair growing out. His expression was still a little dull, but he had already begun to read and write.

"In the second stage, the patient is recovering - no, strictly speaking, he is familiar with his own abilities. He is trying to integrate with this body and master the cognition of this body at a very fast speed."

Seeing this, the three people's expressions became a little ugly, and the reason was known without asking.

Then, the scene turned again, and the young man who appeared this time had completely returned to his original appearance. No matter how he was dressed, he looked like an ordinary person.

"In the third stage, the patient has completely recovered as before, and his behavior is no different from before. This is a subject worth studying. After all, the removal of the prefrontal lobe will affect the body's nerve connections to a certain extent. But now this body The performance is very smooth, and the test results are also quite perfect. It can be considered that it has completely simulated and replaced the original human body structure-it is really an unimaginable ability.”

As if to verify the doctor's words, the scene turned, and a pair of parents were seen smiling, taking the teenager out of the hospital, and bidding farewell to the doctor at the same time.

"The patient's condition is completely normal and has not even been noticed by his family. So far, the treatment can be considered successful."

The doctor's voice was filled with ridicule, and then the video ended.

Looking at the scene in front of them, everyone was speechless for a while, and then the food detective clenched his fists and banged the table hard.

"Damn it! This bastard! What did he do to those people!"

"Well, now it seems that there is no possibility of treatment for those people above."

Duanmu Huai was mentally prepared, so he was not as angry as the two of them.

"We should continue to focus on our goals. Do you have a map here?"

"Let me take a look... I found it, woo... This is the psychiatric diagnosis and treatment room, the operating room, the material reserve room... the material reserve room 2?"

The idol detective who turned on the computer and studied the map carefully was stunned for a moment and pointed to the map on the screen.

"Look, this supply room is so strange. There are two supply rooms, and they are placed together?"

"Anyway, we'll find out when we go and take a look."

As the idol detective said, the material reserve room is right next to the operating room, and the door here is of course closed - and of course it is no match for Duanmu Huai.

"To be honest, I still think this is too exaggerated."

Seeing Duanmu Huai easily remove the door of the storage room, the food detective shook his head helplessly.

"What, do you have the ability to knock on a security door with a password and fingerprint?"

Duanmuhuai ignored the alarm, threw the door aside, and walked in.

The material storage room outside looks like an ordinary material storage room. It mainly contains some medicines, as well as surgical instruments such as alcohol and gauze. On the contrary, the door leading to the second supply room is a bit strange - unlike the clean stainless steel doors elsewhere, this door is made of stone, looks quite ancient, and is locked with an iron chain and a huge lock. The painting style - well, it really doesn't match at all.

Duanmuhuai reached out, grabbed the iron chain and broke it, then he pushed open the stone door.


As the stone door opened, a fishy, ​​disgusting, and cold breath came from inside, causing the two detectives to cover their mouths and noses and push back. Duanmu Huai also frowned and strode in.

The whole room was dim. Duanmu Huai raised his flashlight and looked around. He saw that this was a room that didn't look too big. It was empty, except for a room about five meters in diameter in the middle, which looked like It was like a well, and the surrounding walls were engraved with strange, twisted patterns and patterns.

"A well? Why is there a well here?"

The idol detective doubtfully picked up the flashlight, walked to the wellhead and looked inside.

"It's so deep...I can't see the bottom at all..."

At the same time, the food detective's expression changed slightly.

"Hey, did you hear anything?"



The food detective didn't say anything and just lay down on the ground with his ears against the ground. Then his expression became more and more frightened.

"This, this is..."

"Tekeli—li! Tekeli—li! Tekeli—li!"

As if it came from ancient times and spanned the world, a sound like a demonic curse sounded. It passed through the ground, emerged from the depths of the well mouth, and spread outward. Upon hearing this voice, the expressions of the two detectives suddenly changed.


The idol detective hurriedly backed away, and the gourmet detective also quickly exited the door. Only Duanmu Huai still stood there, raising his flashlight to shine at the wellhead in front of him. Under the illumination of the flashlight, a liquid like sludge gushes out from it. They are rolling and changing. Eyes and mouths emerge from the dark and sticky surface like oil, and they are dead. Staring at the three people in front of him.

Then, those mouths opened one after another, and once again let out the wail that could only be heard when the nightmare returned.


(End of chapter)

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