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Chapter 1385: Open the door, Inquisition! (He rolled over and fell off the bed)

Chapter 1385 Open the door, the trial court! (He rolled over and fell off the bed)

Where does human adaptability come from?

If you want to talk about Duanmu Huai, it is very simple, it is forced.

Duanmu Huai has rarely used the priesthood of the Old One, except occasionally, so he is not particularly concerned about the Old One's ability. To be honest, if Magnus, the idiot, hadn't been stupid enough to take the initiative to deliver food, Duanmu Huai wouldn't have been forced to start the enhancement trial of the Old Ones.

If Duanmu Huai had to choose, he would rather choose the Sixth Heavenly Demon King as the second enhancement. After all, this priesthood is extremely effective in dealing with followers of the evil god.

Unfortunately, in this world, Duanmu Huai could only use the priesthood of the Old Ones, so he had to go against his normal behavior and force himself to start exploring the potential of this priesthood.

In the end, Duanmuhuai actually found him.

"I didn't expect it to actually work."

Looking at the weapon in his hand, Duanmu Huai couldn't help but sigh. What was in Duanmu Huai's hand at this moment was a huge long sword in the shape of a chain saw. This weapon was no stranger to Duanmu Huai. After all, he had used this chain sword not once or twice.

Of course, there are more convenient ones.

Duanmu Huai's right hand moved slightly, and then he saw the chain sword in his hand quickly turned into a pool of black shadow, then re-condensed and turned into Thor's hammer. At the same time, a dark shadow emerged from Duanmu Huai's body and wrapped it up. Not long after, the Tribunal's power armor appeared on Duanmu Huai's body.

"It feels much more comfortable now."

Wearing power armor and waving the thunder hammer in his hand, Duanmu Huai nodded with satisfaction.

This is of course not Duanmu Huai's original set of power armor. In fact, Duanmu Huai's set of power armor is still lying in the inventory and cannot be used at all.

The reason why it became like this was also because of Duanmuhuai's whim.

To put it simply, Duanmuhuai suddenly had such an idea while monitoring the spread of his shadow infection.

Since when the shadow copies the other party's information, it also copies things like clothes, does that mean that the shadow can also copy the information of inorganic objects?

Shadow's clone can do this, which means Duanmu Huai himself can also do this. So Duanmuhuai opened the inventory with the intention of giving it a try, and then scanned his chain sword.

As a result... he actually successfully copied it!

In other words, as long as it is information, everything can be scanned, copied, and then printed out for use!

It's a pity that this printed item also has shortcomings, that is, the copied items can only be used within a radius of fifty meters from the printer. For example, Duanmu Huai printed a bolt gun and then fired a bullet in front of him. The bullet flew fifty meters and disappeared automatically.

In the same way, Duanmu Huai cannot print things larger than fifty meters, such as emperor-level titans... that is definitely not possible.

For Duanmu Huai, this shortcoming is hardly a problem!

It wasn't him who blew it, let alone fifty meters, he couldn't even hit it at ten meters! When I was a kid, I went to the temple fair to play balloons, and it was all to give money to the boss!

But the boss didn't take any money from him and kept giving him prizes. He was really a good person.

Okay, the memory is over.

Duanmuhuai took his thoughts back from the lively balloon stall at the park temple fair when he was a child, and then looked at the mansion in front of him.

It's time to take action.

Nine clans.

This family is almost insignificant in the whole of Japan. To be honest, even the status and popularity of the Baifan family are much higher than that of the Jiumen family. The latter are more like the local emperors of March City. Perhaps here, everyone knows about them and everyone knows about them. But after leaving this area, no one took them seriously anymore.

Even if you go to cities like Tokyo or Kyoto, even the patriarch of the Jiumen family will only be regarded as a "bumpkin from a remote area."

For the Jiumen family, this is naturally a humiliation. The more they make trouble locally, the greater the sense of loss they feel when they go to other places. In this area, there is nothing that the Jiumen family cannot solve with money. Even those idiots in the city council are just yes men and puppets of the Jiumen family.

But that's all.

As long as they leave here, they will be just unknown bumpkins from the countryside. No matter how they try to attend the banquet, they will not be treated differently by the upper class.

For the Jiumen family, this is a humiliation, and it is also a goal that inspires them to forge ahead.

After all, everything is close at hand.

Standing in the luxuriously decorated study room, the leader of the Nine Sects stared at the map in front of him, holding a glass of red wine in his hand. The plan has been carried out, and what he has to do next is to play his role in the drama and wait for the arrival of that great being. As long as it comes here, everything in this world will change. The common methods used to measure status will no longer be common, and wealth and connections will be abandoned. At that time, they will stand up and become the real upper class in this world.

But... things have changed recently.

The leader of the Nine Sects turned his attention to the TV next to him, which was reporting on the explosion in the mental hospital. Although it was claimed to be a gas explosion, the leader of the Nine Sects knew that the matter was not that simple.

What happened?

He had contacted the mayor, but the latter said nothing, which made the leader of the Nine Clan very unwilling. You must know that almost all the funds needed to implement the plan come from the Jiumen family. However, the mayor's attitude is obviously not the reaction he should have towards a financial sponsor, and all this is just because the role he has to play in the script is more important than himself...

Thinking of this, the leader of the Nine Sects clenched the goblet in his hand. It's just temporary. As long as he can be appreciated by that adult, his "role" will also change. Although the current Nine Gates Clan is only a supporting role in this drama, as long as his performance is good enough, he will have the opportunity to go one step further and become the dazzling protagonist on the stage!

But for some reason, the leader of the Nine Sects felt a little uneasy, as if something bad was about to happen...


Along with the violent explosion, the Nine Sect Clan Leader felt the floor beneath his feet suddenly trembling, almost knocking him to the ground. He staggered to his feet, then looked around. At this moment, the chandelier above his head began to flicker, and gunshots, roars, and screams came one after another. The head of the Nine Clan clan walked to the window and looked out uneasily. But he couldn't see anything, everything was dark -

Then, his room also fell into darkness, with only the pure white moonlight passing through the window, illuminating the room with cold, pure white.

What happened?

The leader of the Nine Sects took out his mobile phone and tried to make a call, but he couldn't make any calls at all. What came from the phone was always a disconnected blind tone.

He threw the phone to the ground angrily, while comforting himself not to worry. There is a team of well-equipped bodyguards here, who are enough to drive away any enemies who try to break into this place. Moreover, he also has those gifts from the darkness, which are so twisted and terrifying that even the army will retreat in front of the figure full of terrifying aura.

No matter who it is, he must pay the price for his stupid behavior!


The vibration sounded again, and the leader of the Nine Sects trembled. He carefully lay on the ground, put his ear against the solid wood floor, and listened down. He heard gunshots, screams, and...

"Death! Heretic!"

Duanmu Huai raised the chain sword in his hand high and rushed towards the bodyguards in front of him. The latter raised their pistols and desperately pulled the trigger at Duanmu Huai. The sound of gunfire echoed in the corridor. But none of these bullets can penetrate Duanmuhuai's power armor. The copy printed with shadow is as strong as the original body. The only flaw is that it requires Duanmuhuai's old power.

But for Duanmu Huai, the magic power left by the magic little mag is enough.

He strode forward, and the jetpack behind him burst into a roaring airflow. Then Duanmuhuai jumped up and rushed from one end of the corridor to the other like a comet. At the same time, he waved the chain sword in his hand. After a while, all the bodyguards blocking Duanmu Huai were cut into pieces, and the intensive gunfire stopped abruptly at this moment.


When Duanmu Huai's heavy body fell heavily on the ground, there was no living thing except the splattered blood. The bodyguards responsible for resisting had now turned into pieces of flesh.

Sure enough, as the famous sayings of the Inquisition say, excessive use of force is the most reliable way to achieve victory.

Duanmuhuai walked up the stairs, and the entire mansion was filled with dead silence. For ordinary people, it was a wrong decision to break into this dark, cold, and unclean mansion alone. But for Duanmu Huai, everything he saw in front of him made him feel as friendly as returning home. The thick power armor, the blood and soul wails of the cultists, and the ubiquitous corruption, and what was about to completely destroy it all. Destroy yourself...

Well, it turns out that this is more effective.

Duanmuhuai walked up the stairs to the second floor. There was a corridor in front of him, with portraits hanging on the walls on both sides. Duanmu Huai stood there, the searchlight on his shoulder lighting up the corridor. At the same time, I saw twisted, turbid, purple-shimmering monsters crawling out of those portraits. They had ugly features and bodies that could not be described in words. Eyes emerged from the bodies of these monsters. Appearing on the surface, staring at the enemy in front of him.

"Come on, monster."

Duanmu Huai raised the chain sword in his hand.

"In the name of the Inquisition, I want you all to die!"

Then, there were screams, roars, and screams.

The leader of the Nine Clan clans hid behind the locked door tremblingly, holding a book in his arms. He heard the sounds coming from outside, the angry, miserable, violent roars, screams, and screams.

But now they are all gone.

There is no sound.

The leader of the Nine Sects felt as if he was the only one left in the world for a moment. He leaned against the locked door tremblingly and began to hesitate whether to go out to see what was going on. Although he was very confident in his watchdog, what happened in front of him still made him feel uneasy.

At this moment, he was still holding the book in his arms and whispering to himself.

"No one can see me, for I am invisible in the lost Carcosa. The ragged mist hides me, and those who pass by me are blinded..."

The leader of the Nine Clan clan repeated the incantation again, then he walked to the door cautiously and put his ear against the door. Just then......


The heavy door suddenly burst open, and a thick arm covered with steel stretched out, grabbed the nine-sect clan leader, and lifted him up. The latter's eyes widened in horror, staring at the steel monster that broke through the door. His eyes were glowing with scarlet light, and the pitch-black steel was filled with a cold and disgusting twisted aura.

"Hey there, man."

Staring at the nine clan leaders, Duanmu Huai showed a cruel smile.

"You don't mind if we talk."

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