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Chapter 1398: Pass an appraisal (as expected, I can’t

Chapter 1398 Pass the appraisal (As expected, the action game can’t be played anymore)

 “In other words, is there really a monster in our school?”

Sha Jiuye's voice coming from the phone seemed quite surprised.

"That's pretty much it. That thing is really difficult to deal with. The most troublesome thing is that it can't be seen..."

Duanmu Huai leaned against the wall, holding his phone in one hand and scrolling through the system prompts in front of him with the other. Although Duanmu Huai has the ability of Thousand Eyes, he doesn't know if one of his own attributes is not high enough. All previous attempts to see through those monsters ended in failure. This is also the reason why Duanmu Huai used a lot of methods, but still couldn't lock the opponent's true identity.

"Is Mianmei-san okay?"

"She was slightly injured. After being bandaged in the infirmary, she went back to the dormitory to rest."

Mianmu Zuoniao's injury was not serious, so Duanmuhuai took her directly to the infirmary to find a doctor for disinfection and bandaging. According to the health doctor's description, Mianmu Zuoniao's shoulder seemed to have been bitten by some animal. Of course, both sides The man was fooled by the excuse of being bitten by a wild dog.

"Did those monsters escape?"

"No, I think they are still in school."

Before coming to the school, Duanmu Huai had already set up a barrier of the Tribunal around the school just in case. If those transparent monsters really left the school, Duanmu Huai would definitely notice it. After all, they are just transparent in shape, but that doesn't mean they can hide from Duanmuhuai's senses. Since everything is normal in the barrier so far, it means these guys should still be hiding in the school.

...I hope they don't go to the girls' dormitory, otherwise they will be in trouble.

However, Mianme Saotori didn't seem worried. According to her, the dormitory was guarded by the Five Swordsmen. If such a monster really appeared, it would definitely not be hidden from them. Duanmu Huai had no doubts about this, after all, Mianmu Zuotiao had fought with the invisible monster before, although she couldn't see the monster either. But the direction and angle of the opponent's attack can still be judged... Well, okay, it seems that although this so-called five swordsman is a bit of a mid-range player, he still has real abilities.

As for the magic circle on the ceiling, Duanmu Huai also checked it. It was a magic circle with a long history. Someone should have carved it on it during the digging of the air-raid shelter. As for that book, for some reason it was completely burned into a pile of black ashes and had no value at all.

"What if those monsters attack Qianyuanliao?"

It seems that Shajiuye and Duanmuhuai also want to go together.

"I will watch and if something happens, I will take action as soon as possible."

Of course it was impossible for Duanmu Huai to spend the night in the girls' dormitory, but he didn't have to worry. In fact, there is already Duanmuhuai's internal agent in Qianyuan Residence, and that is the shadow of the girl named Sasaki.

That's right, when Duanmu Huai first took pictures, he copied all the information of the Guard girls. Then he took the opportunity to print out Sasaki's shadow, and ordered her to sneak into the dormitory building disguised as a student and observe inside. After all, the attributes of shadows are much stronger than those of humans. It might not be difficult for the shadow version of Sasaki to deal with Wu Jian. If those transparent monsters are really hiding in Qianyuanliao and trying to launch an attack, then Sasaki's shadow will take action immediately. Control them and send a warning to Duanmuhuai.

Duanmuhuai can rush in directly when the time comes.

Although in terms of strength, printing the shadow of Mianmu Saotiao is the strongest, but he is a big boss with a SAN value of 0. Duanmu Huai is not sure whether the one he prints will be obedient, in case it is also a person with strong self-awareness. Mental illness, then... isn't this nonsense?

So he settled for the next best thing and chose Sasaki's shadow. At least as a member of the Guards, the opponent was somewhat powerful.

"Then... please, brother."

"Well, leave it to me."

Putting down the phone, Duanmuhuai also let out a breath and silently looked at the sunset in the distance. At the beginning, he thought it was just an ordinary commission and thought it would be completed soon. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be related to those things again. Shionji Yuko had already investigated and found that this school was not on the address list of the Cosmic Light Sect.

In other words, this time I was just unlucky?

Am I so unlucky?

Hey, it would be great if I could bring Bunny.

"Teacher Duanmu?"

Just when Duanmu Huai was breathing heavily, a familiar voice sounded. He turned around and saw a girl standing not far away, looking at him timidly.

"Oh, Meijia, what do you want from me?"

Speaking of which, Duanmuhuai had forgotten that his sister's best friend was a boarder.

"Um...I came here on behalf of everyone to find out what happened..."

Looking at Duanmu Huai, Bai Fanmeijia also looked very uneasy.

"Ms. Satori was injured, and just now she ordered the entire dormitory to be closed, and even the night patrol was canceled... everyone is very uneasy..."

Satori "Sir"?

Hearing this, Duanmuhuai glanced at Meijia with a strange expression, "You are in a girls' dormitory, and you are still having so much fun?" What kind of adults are you giving orders to? If you don’t know, you might think this is some kind of special organization.

However, Duanmu Huai just complained in his heart. This was much healthier than riding a motorcycle outside like a bosozoku, and he didn't plan to say anything more.

"We were attacked."


"Yes, when we were investigating the air-raid shelter, we were attacked by a wild beast..."

"Wild beast? Is it a wild dog? Or..."

Hearing Duanmuhuai's answer, Meijia turned pale, while Duanmuhuai waved his hand.

"It's more ferocious than a wild dog. You see, Satori is also injured, right? So after you return to the dormitory, close the doors and windows. Don't go out casually if you don't have to. If you want to go out, don't go alone. It's best to work in groups. Understand me. Do you mean?"

"I, I understand, Teacher Duanmu, thank you."

After hearing what Duanmu Huai said, Meijia hurriedly bowed her head respectfully and saluted again, and then planned to turn around and leave. At this moment, Duanmuhuai seemed to have thought of something and called out to Meijia.

"By the way, when I called you before, you said this place was haunted?"

"Ah, yes... several times at night we heard laughter coming from the woods outside. It was very scary... although some people said it might be the sound of wild cats or something..."

"About when did it start?"

"Oh...just these few days..."

"Is it after those two people disappeared?"

"Yes... eh? Could it be that they have... turned into ghosts?"

Upon hearing Duanmuhuai's inquiry, Meijia nodded subconsciously, and then her expression suddenly changed.

"..." There is definitely no way to survive. I don't know if he has turned into a ghost. However, Duanmu Huai's suspicions were also verified. After all, when they were attacked in the air-raid shelter today, they heard snickers like "Eat, eat, eat". When seeing Meijia just now, Duanmuhuai suddenly remembered what she said before about being haunted. That's what happened, and then I asked.

Now it seems that it is really connected.

"Okay, you should go back to the dormitory quickly. I will watch from outside tonight."

"Ah, okay, please, Teacher Duanmu."

Meijia also bowed to Duanmuhuai again, then turned and returned to the dormitory. Duanmuhuai stared at the woods next to him, but gave up after a while.

Forget it, I can’t see anything.

Next, Duanmuhuai stood outside the girls' dormitory all night...

Why does it feel so perverted to say it?

However, despite standing there all night, Duanmuhuai found nothing. Maybe those monsters were frightened by Duanmu Huai and Mianmu Zuotiao, but everything was normal last night. Duanmuhuai didn't hear the strange laughter coming from the woods that Meijia said. Maybe those monsters were hiding somewhere and didn't appear.

Until school time the next day, Duanmu Huai could not find any trace of the monster. On the contrary, the fact that a beast entered the school made a fuss - after all, Mianmu Zuotiao, one of the Five Swordsmen, was injured, although she herself She acted like she was fine and should go to school, and with Mezuna's unpredictable temperament, it was hard for everyone to ask her.

Because of this, the rumors became more and more outrageous, so much so that Duanmu Huai was called by the principal to inquire about the situation. Fortunately, he found the mobile phone left by the literary girl, otherwise this would be really troublesome.

"This is not okay."

Walking out of the principal's office, Duanmu Huai looked depressed. There's no point in being a thief for a thousand days and preventing a thief for a thousand days. We must find a way to find those monsters and kill them!

But how to find those monsters...

"elder brother?"

Seeing Duanmuhuai walking out of the principal's office, Shajiuye also ran over in a hurry.

"Are you okay?"

"It's a bit troublesome. The principal wants me to resolve this commotion as soon as possible. After all, some students have been injured... um..."

Having said this, Duanmuhuai seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes lit up as he looked at Shajiuye.

"Sakuya, do you know a student named Yotsuya Miko?"

"Yoshitani-san? I know him. He's from the next class."

"Then please call her here. I need her help with something."


Although Duanmuhuai didn't know what he was looking for Yotsuya Miko, Shajiuye didn't ask any more questions. Not long after, Shajiuye brought Yotsuya Miko to the counseling room.

"Brother, I brought her."


Duanmuhuai nodded to Shajiuye, and then looked at Yotsugamiko - the latter still had a poker face, seemingly expressionless. But Duanmu Huai could notice that her eyes seemed to be avoiding his.

Of course, if you just don't look at the face, then Duanmu Huai can still understand. But the problem is that not only did Yotsuya Miko's eyes avoid her own face, she even avoided his shadow!

What did she see?

Duanmu Huai is also curious - after all, as the ruler of the old days, he himself doesn't feel much has changed, but others may not necessarily see it that way...

"Hello, Yotsuya-san."

Duanmuhuai didn't bother to play riddles with the other party and went straight to the point.

"I came to you because I hope you can do me a favor."

"Help, help?"

Hearing Duanmu Huai's words, Yotsuya Miko was stunned for a moment, and a trace of doubt appeared on her face. Apparently she did not expect that Duanmu Huai would actually ask her for help - even Shajiuye next to her was quite surprised.

"Yes, I know you can see things that don't exist, so I hope to borrow your power."



Hearing Duanmuhuai's simple and straightforward words, not only Shajiuye was shocked, but even Yotsuya Miko was startled.

"No, I, this..."

"To be honest, I think you should also know that the disappearances in this school and the injury of one of the Five Swordsmen, Mianme Saotori, are all related to those monsters, but I can't see them, so I can't deal with them. . So I need someone to observe their existence...and your power may be able to help me."


"Of course, I know there will be danger, so I can promise you that I can fulfill one of your wishes. No matter what, how about it?"

Duanmuhuai finished his request in one breath, and then looked at Yotsuya Miko. He was originally not interested in those roundabout words. Anyway, he had given up talking. So Yotsuya Miko agreed? Or refuse?


Facing Duanmuhuai's gaze, Yotsuya Miko lowered his head and thought for a long time. Then, as if he had made up his mind, he raised his head and looked at Duanmuhuai and nodded.

"I, I understand... may I ask Teacher Duanmu... what kind of monster are you looking for?"

"...Which kind?"

Duanmuhuai was stunned for a moment when he heard Yotsuya Miko's inquiry.

Could it be that there are many kinds of monsters in this school?

Sure enough, I can’t play the action genre anymore. I didn’t buy the Ring of Law DLC before, which was the right choice. I couldn’t react anymore. I bought Black Myth to support domestic 3A, so just forget about it. I really can’t beat it.

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