Start a Subspace

Chapter 136: The enemy hidden in the ground (4,000 words)

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Zhang Ran took a deep breath, he knew there was no way to hesitate at this time.

Moreover, it is impossible for human beings to give up this opportunity rashly, otherwise, where to find the next planet.

He patted the table hard: "Everyone, this is a challenge and an opportunity!"

"A lot of our materials are almost exhausted, and most of the lithium has become batteries, and we can't make more batteries."

"There are other industrial metals, which are also very lacking... Forget it, I don't want to say more, we lack a little bit, but trillions of tons of resources!"

"There is a legacy of scientific and technological civilization here. We don't know what the strength of this civilization is for the time being... Maybe their technological level is very low, but it is equivalent to the end of the 20th century, when there were already satellites, right?"

"If that's the case, their hard-to-fight foe, we might be able to."

"Or maybe they're so tech-savvy that we can figure out a way to access their legacy. Either way, we're earning it."

Many experts and scholars smiled bitterly. Whether the level of technology is high or the level of technology is low, can human beings benefit from it?

It's a very emotional statement...

"So, please use your brains to investigate the situation of this planet as much as possible!"

"Regarding the status of the unknown civilization, whether there are major risks on the planet, and whether its technology can be obtained, all are questions that urgently need to be answered."

"And... the question of how to mine!"

"Whether there are risks or not, and whether there are unstoppable aliens, find a way to dig some mines back as soon as possible!"

"These things are extremely important!"

Erwin and Simonson naturally do not need to attend relevant meetings.

These two guys, once the ability is overused, will fall ill, epilepsy, hallucinations, depression and the like all come up...

So they don't have too much work.

Most of the time, they will be free to arrange.

Recuperate from mental problems at Lily's Bar, eat delicious food, gag with girls, participate in community activities, show their singing in front of community aunts, this is their day-to-day life.

Simonson is okay, playing the guitar, playing cards with the girls, living a happy life, living in the subspace is very comfortable, and his mental symptoms have naturally improved a lot.

But Erwin is not so happy. His observation ability is sometimes more useful than his precognition ability, and it is impossible to be idle.

Since the Eastern Rock entered the high-dimensional universe, scientists once wanted to invite him out - to "see" the outside world with their own eyes.

Zhang Ran also agreed with this matter.

I don't know if I don't see it, I just got epilepsy at first sight!

Erwin foamed at the mouth and collapsed to the ground.

He even suffered a serious illness because of this, and as soon as he recovered, another year passed.

If you think about it, it is normal. In the three-dimensional universe, there are only three dimensions. The human brain is very adaptable to the three-dimensional environment. The nerve center and the motor center are all evolved according to the three-dimensional space.

In the high-dimensional universe, scientists have not yet known how many dimensions there are...

Some people think it is 11 dimensions, just like what is revealed in string theory, and some people think it is 13 dimensions. After all, some string theories believe that the universe has 13 dimensions; Infinity gives birth to everything.

With the increase of dimensions, the amount of information will naturally increase, and there are even parallel worlds. It is strange that Erwin wants to know a lot of information in the high-dimensional universe without fainting directly.

But today, these two mentally ill patients who have been cultivated for a long time have to leave the subspace and come to the Eastern Rock to participate in the work.

"It's really a three-dimensional world. It's a familiar sense of security. It can't be said to be safe... It's a familiar sense of unease. Compared with the high-dimensional universe, this ghost place is much safer."

"Come on, our painter."

"I know, I know, in order to replenish resources and for the happiness of human beings, I can only do this thing, who makes me great, ahaha."

The great painter Erwin shook his head and joked with the hotel owner, Emily, who had been taking care of him.

The blond Emily joked: "Don't you faint on the ground again, and then say that you saw a white brain, a large intestine full of feces, and a serious joke is not interesting."

"Brain or something... I lose my sense of fear after seeing it too much." Erwin's face was very pale.

After all, this kind of thing is very burdensome for him...

A group of people came to the space port of the Eastern Rock, and the darkness came from all directions...

This is the universe, but it is only a part of the universe. Its diameter is only 1.79 million kilometers. Beyond this, there is a vague unknown.

But this is the only three-dimensional world that humans have found in more than ten months.

In the future, whether another three-dimensional world can be found is still unknown.

There is no light source, no sound, everything is silent, only the huge mothership can give a little sense of security.

"Your Excellency Erwin, are you ready? We need your abilities now." Lieutenant Colonel Guo Weiqiang stood on the spaceport and received these people.

In a zero gravity area, everyone uses electromagnetic devices to immobilize their bodies.

"Do you need flares, or other support?"

"No, no need. It's just that this environment is really frightening..." Erwin aimed his eyes at the planet.

Activating one's own abilities requires some inspiration.

My greatest inspiration is pain, loneliness, and... unimaginable loneliness.

Therefore, his ability has another name - "Crash Artist".

Erwin recalled the pain he experienced, the death of his mother, the death of his father, a happy childhood, a car accident that took the lives of both parents...

No, inspiration is not enough.

He recalled the girl in high school who had leukemia and lost her hair due to chemotherapy.

In the impression, she has blond hair, but every time I see her, her hair becomes thinner and thinner.

"Erwin, I have a wish, you can paint a picture on my grave, okay?"

"I can only wear a hat now, please paint a portrait of my old blond hair."

"...Haha, future great painter, thank you! Actually, I'm also very afraid... I'm afraid of being forgotten. A little transparent like me will be forgotten after two or three years of death."

"Ten years from now, will you still remember me?"

I don't remember much, my face is blurred.

It takes two or three seconds to recall the girl's name. Maybe...that's life.

These sad past events caused his heart to collapse at once, the whole world has undergone great changes, and endless hallucinations have emerged in front of him.

A huge amount of information poured into my mind once again.

His body temperature began to rise slowly, and in the blink of an eye, the whole person became hot and hot, the temperature rose to 40 degrees Celsius, and fever symptoms appeared.

A lot of things like lines and light spots poured into my mind, forming abstract pictures. The muscles all over his body trembled, trying to analyze more information from these pictures.

Wait, there are some spots of light that seem to move!

Reproducing, multiplying!

At this moment, Erwin's face changed greatly, he bit the tip of his tongue suddenly, and under strong stimulation, he gradually recovered from that chaotic state.

A feeling of loneliness, loneliness, and fear hit his heart, causing him to fall straight forward.

Halfway through, he was caught by Guo Weiqiang on the side.

Erwin was sweating profusely, and before he passed out, his voice hoarsely shouted: "...There is life, and there is a lot of life on the planet!"

"These lives are still multiplying!"

In the captain's room, Zhang Ran was exchanging opinions with several reconnaissance teams.

When this unimaginable news came, people's faces were even more frosty.

"Erwin thinks that there is still a lot of life hidden in the planet?"

"Yes, he saw life hidden deep in the ground."

"Hey, big trouble... big trouble! Unknown technological civilization was wiped out by these things."

There was a slight lively sound in the conference room, and words such as "alien mining machine" were faintly heard...

Yes, that means... war!

"Everyone, please be quiet for a while."

On the stage, military staff officer Zhao Weichao was speaking.

The former truck driver is now a captain.

His ability is indeed very outstanding. Soldiers in this era no longer need to shoot. The most important thing is their brains, especially the ability to collect intelligence.

"Let's temporarily assume that the information provided by Mr. Erwin is correct..." Zhao Weichao said, "Combining it, we have already learned that there is a high probability that a technological civilization has existed on this planet."

"Two different results can be drawn."

"First, this civilization has undergone some kind of degradation, so that they can no longer use electromagnetic waves, and they are all hidden underground, using geothermal energy to live their own lives."

"In this case, we wage war against it, and the possibility of winning is very high. Our Eastern Rock is located in space, and space has a great advantage in hitting the ground. Of course, negotiations and peaceful coexistence are possible. Yes, it doesn't have to be a war."

"All in all, as long as this technological civilization still exists, it is equivalent to the best news for us."

"Of course, I personally think that the probability of this happening is very low..."

"The second possibility is that the life hidden underground has wiped out this technological civilization."

"It may be a mining machine created by a higher civilization, or it may be something else that we don't understand at all."

"From a probabilistic point of view, I'm leaning towards the second."

"There are no artificial electromagnetic waves on the surface of the planet, nor any lights, which is really abnormal... Our satellite has found many large artificial buildings, all of which have collapsed for a long time. It means that this place was once the mother star of scientific and technological civilization. ."

After Zhao Weichao finished speaking, he took a deep breath and paused for a while.

Zhang Ran frowned, and the discussion in the conference room gradually became louder.

If the void amoeba is ubiquitous, something as ubiquitous as bacteria in the higher dimensional universe, then...the discovery of this planet is not surprising.

The adult Void Amoeba exterminates an unprepared technological civilization, it can be said that it is easy and does not take too much effort!

With the development of the Oriental Rock, killing a Void Amoeba with a high-yield hydrogen bomb is no longer a big problem.

But if a hundred thousand and a thousand come together...

I can't imagine that picture, the Eastern Rock may not even be able to escape the pursuit!

Zhang Ran couldn't help but feel a kind of anger in his heart. He finally found a planet, but now he has encountered such a dilemma. It is really unwilling and quite helpless.

A planet...a planet where humans can live for a lifetime!

He looked at the geography team leader who was waiting to speak. The middle-aged woman seemed a little nervous. Holding a thick stack of reports, her face was anxious, as if she had made a major discovery.

So he immediately walked over and talked to the other party.

"His Royal Highness... Our satellite has found some deep craters in the northern hemisphere of the planet. There is still a small amount of nuclear radiation in the craters."

"Most of the craters were submerged by snow, and only a few craters in the geotropics survived."

Zhang Ran was stunned for a moment, this news...

Confirmed that a large-scale war once broke out on the planet!

"But I don't think it's a void amoeba." The geography team leader said quickly.

"The size of the Void Amoeba is too large, the adult body has a diameter of more than ten kilometers, and we can easily find it. And the adult Void Amoeba is not afraid of cold, and the small universe in their body can generate a lot of heat. They only It will start mining from the surface, slowly swallowing the entire planet, rather than digging into the ground."

"What's more, the growth of the void amoeba requires the support of a large number of small universes."

"Small universes are only naturally produced when the universe is torn apart."

"Since this piece of space has formed three-dimensional fragments, the number of small universes should not be many."

"So I think that the life hidden in the ground is not a void amoeba, but other life things."

Zhang Ran nodded silently: "Are there any traces of monsters found on the surface?"

The female professor said immediately: "No, the surface is too cold. Except for the frozen city, no living creatures have been found."

"On the contrary, the geothermal activity is very active. Yes, it is far more active than we imagined. It may be more than 100 times the earth's geothermal heat, but there is no volcanic eruption at all. This is a very abnormal phenomenon in itself. The information provided by Mr. Irwin , with a high probability of being correct.”

Void amoeba or not, it doesn't matter too much...

The most terrifying thing is the unknown, no one knows what terrifying things will be born in the high-dimensional universe!

(ps: Today, two chapters of 9000 words are updated, which is enough! Ask for a recommendation ticket!)

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