Start a Subspace

Chapter 173: New trip!, the fastest update to start the latest chapter of a subspace!

The high-dimensional universe is a very dangerous place. According to the tips given by the cosmic string broadcast, the first major risk is the special space structure called "black domain".

They are equivalent to one by one low light speed traps. Objects entering the "black domain" will be fixed in time, and there will be no way to get out.

It sounds a bit similar to a black hole.

Since humans have never encountered this thing before, I don't know what it is for the time being...

The second is "space-time inflation", that is, a universe is suddenly created somewhere, producing super energy that opens up the world. This super energy will destroy everything around you.

However, the possibility of space-time inflation is very low. So far, human beings have not observed the creation of a new universe.

The third is "space-time turbulence", that is, suddenly, the fluidity of space changes.

All spatial structures will change to some extent.

According to experts' speculation, the "space-time turbulence" may be generated by the inflation of the universe.

The high-dimensional universe may give birth to a new universe at any time. Even the inflation of the universe in a very distant place will bring fluidity, which will lead to "turbulent flow of time and space".

Of course, there is a fourth danger, and the biggest one—silicon-based life!

According to the knowledge of advanced civilization, the number of silicon-based universes is far greater than that of carbon-based universes!

This is a very frightening point again.

In addition, even encountering carbon-based "compatriots" is not necessarily a real good thing.

Whether these civilizations have good intentions or malicious intentions cannot be predicted and can only be left to fate. In a world where resources are scarce, if the strength gap is too large, it may not be a very good thing.

However, humans still have to go back!

Because the high-dimensional universe has resources, it can also make transitions.

The speed of human spacecraft is 500 kilometers per second, which is pitifully slow on the scale of the three-dimensional universe. It can only jump to a more distant and safer area by means of high-dimensional transition!

Therefore, after repeated meetings and demonstrations, human beings are ready to return to the high-dimensional universe.


"The government's first work report in the sixth year of the Daxia Kingdom pointed out that in order to solve the problem of lack of resources, the exploration of the high-dimensional universe will be restarted soon."

"We are about to start a new phase of travel..."

For the civilians in the warp, no matter where the mothership flies, it has little impact on the Kunlun Mountains.

But many people still expressed their nervousness on the Internet.

The last interstellar war did bring great benefits. People are slowly getting used to the addition of realistic robots, and are slowly adapting to the new era of intelligent survival.

But...isn't it too fast? Even if it develops for another ten years, there is no problem.

Later, the government directly released the latest astronomical report.

Hundreds of experts signed at the end of the report, arguing that the area of ​​space would collapse within three months, quelling civil discussion.

Since the space is about to collapse soon, the only option is to leave.


Just like that, Dongpang Panshi slowly unfolded the curvature bubble and was about to head to the high-dimensional space.

Before the captain gave the departure order, people looked at this piece of starry sky affectionately...

Especially the direction of the cosmic strings.

Humans are leaving their hometown again...

Perhaps, this universe is more moral than we think? Or, it's darker than we thought.

Zhang Ran looked at the busy people, all the workers who repaired the spacecraft all came back. The large and small war gaps of the Eastern Rock have also been repaired as before, and most of them are filled with titanium alloy materials. After being filled with a lot of metal, the mothership is full of high-tech feeling, not like a pure stone as before.

"Your Highness, the work on Jelly's side is almost finished."

"It seems to have some ideas about cosmic strings, and is willing to stay and help us get some information." Sakurai said softly beside him.

Since Zero Sleep, Jelly has been raised by her.

Jelly usually doesn't eat, that is, after eating a large wave of nano-clusters in order to save Zero last time, it seems to have enlightened and become a little bit smarter.

It began to devour high-dimensional silicon crystals again, and even though the amount it ate was not too much, it still ate something.

One day later, Jelly suddenly became interested in cosmic strings not far away...

This magical life has indeed brought great surprises to scientists on the human side.

After discussion, the experts quickly came to a conclusion: the small universe in the jelly body should be transformed from the cosmic string.

That is, it has a tendency to devour cosmic strings, and it is a special kind of "small cosmic symbiotic life form".

It may have to evolve this time!

Of course, it is not swallowed by the body. No matter how strong the body of jelly is, it is only biological material, and the huge weight of the cosmic string cannot be moved at all.

Instead, it uses the small universe in its body to devour the cosmic string. What is the process of it is worth studying.

"But... what if it is lost?" Sakurai said, and became a little worried, "It has no way to break the cosmic string, and can only wait for it to break naturally, and there will definitely be danger at that time. ."

Zhang Ran began to play with the slightly swollen "jelly" little comrade, and patted it like a basketball. He really liked the soft and gentle latex feel.

"It's nothing, since it agreed with itself, it should be sure. We will wait for it in the high-dimensional universe, not too far away, it can sense us. We also gave it a small universe, it can live, Believe it."

Jelly was eager to try, jumping frantically, and even jumped on Zhang Ran's head, indicating that she could complete the task.

Since his IQ has improved slightly, he gradually realized that Zhang Ran is the one who talks here.

In the end, she even flew to Lin Qiuyue's head and bounced.

"It doesn't make any sense for you to please me... Unless you come back and sleep with me at night." Lin Qiuyue slowly stuffed some scientific instruments into Jelly's body.

It seems that she knows that this "third mother" with a complex personality is the real powerhouse to save the "big mother", but Jelly did not resist.

After these instruments are stuffed into the body, its transparent and flexible body expands in a large circle, but it is not too big. Some miniature cameras and some special detection instruments can better observe the three-dimensional space. How did it collapse and how the jelly swallowed the cosmic string.

These data are very important to humans.

"The 7th universe is yours... Come on, Jelly, remember to go home!"

Jelly hid in the No. 7 microcosm and stayed here alone.


Just like that, all preparations were done, and the Eastern Rock returned to the high-dimensional universe.

It's dark here, and it's so complicated that humans don't even know how many dimensions there are.

Only the gravitational wave telescope can barely spy on the outside world...

a month...

two months...

three months...

According to the observation results of the gravitational wave telescope, the original space channel collapsed and disappeared in the next second!

That is, as expected, the cosmic string could not be supported, causing the surrounding space to undergo a vacuum decay phenomenon, and the surrounding area of ​​several light-years all collapsed.

"I don't know what happened to the jelly. It has a small universe to protect it, so it should be able to survive..."

Zhang Ran occasionally thinks of Comrade Jelly who went out to explore, and misses the softness of his body.

Without this comfortable pillow, I couldn't sleep well for many days.

"And the collapsing cosmic string... should it be swallowed by it?"


In the past three months, human beings have not been completely idle. Once again, they searched for 6 three-dimensional fragments in the surrounding area, but they did not find any good results.

Almost all of these three-dimensional fragments are inaccessible universes.

Once inside, the detector explodes directly, disintegrating from the atomic level.

People are becoming more and more experienced in this search, and some scientists have come up with a whole set of theoretical systems based on the results of many explorations.

The approximate value of the fine structure constant is 137.03599976, and the deviation value is within one billionth of a billionth, which is called the first type of universe.

That is, to the universe in which humans themselves live.

Carbon-based life can survive and reproduce normally in this kind of universe.

The subspace, the small universes No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3, are the first type of universes.

If the deviation value is within 1 in 10 million, it is called the second type of universe.

In the second type of universe, carbon-based life is prone to illness, premature aging, dementia, and inability to reproduce. Humans can barely survive for a period of time after entering, but it is not suitable for long-term living.

The three-dimensional debris where the Sibadi civilization is located has evolved from the first type of universe to the second type of universe because of the phenomenon of lanking.

Small universes 4 to 16 are all of the second type of universe.

If the deviation value is less than one millionth, it is called the third type of universe, and human beings cannot survive in it. Only the detector can enter and explore, and even the detector is easily damaged by physical degeneration.

But it is possible to find the desired matter in the third type of universe.

For example, the silicon-based small universe is the third type of universe.

The curvature generators on the void amoeba are basically the third type of small universe.

As for the fourth type of universe with a larger deviation of the fine structure constant, it is very likely that only hydrogen atoms are allowed to exist, and even hydrogen atoms do not exist. Many three-dimensional fragments are empty, and there is nothing in them.

Experts speculate that it may be that the rules of these universes do not allow the formation of complex atomic nuclei; it may also be that at the moment of the big bang, the same positive and negative matter was produced, causing all these positive and negative matter to annihilate.

I have to admit that the number of parallel worlds is simply too many. The carbon universe in which humans live, is a relatively rare category of universes.


The Western Digital Laboratory is also a laboratory that has become famous in the past two years. The number of researchers is about 130, and the soldiers are not too many. They mainly focus on the research of electromagnetics, lasers, and robot applications.

Two engineers, Lu Qiming and Lin Lei, are experiencing a virtual world experience device. This device is about the size of a car. After wearing a virtual helmet, it will bring people an immersive virtual experience.

The seat under the **** can also rotate with the gaming experience.

Naturally, they are not playing games, but a certain course in the university - cosmic astronomy.

College students in this era, more or less, regardless of major, must understand some astronomical knowledge.

As presented in the form of virtual courses, the courses will naturally be richer and more interesting.

A model of the sea of ​​stars appeared in front of Lu Qiming's eyes, from the solar system, to the Milky Way, to galaxy clusters, presented in the form of a film, he couldn't help but let out a "wow", "It's really cool, this technology actually uses Come and study...why didn't I catch up with this good time?"

A narration of a magnetic voice came from the starry sky: "Our world is so delicate... Even the expansion of the universe is delicate, and it seems to be expanding at a 'just right' speed."

The picture is constantly evolving.

"As long as it expands a little faster, the matter from the Big Bang will be scattered and unable to condense into galaxies and planets."

"In turn, if it were a little slower, gravity would pull all the matter together into a hodgepodge of amazing densities and temperatures. That's a black hole."

"Due to the precision of the expansion rate, this makes it possible for various complex structures and the birth of life in the universe. How accurate is this rate? It is about 1/10^55, what is this concept? From the universe's Aiming at one end and hitting a fly at the other end requires only 1 in 10^30 accuracy."

The picture changed again.

A mosquito appeared on the other side of the universe.

The male narrator continued: "If you slow down the speed of light, just a little bit, there will be no carbon in the universe."

"If you speed up the speed of light just a little bit, there will be no oxygen in the universe."

"Even if the strong interaction force is 1% lower than the current value, elements above the iron atom will not be able to form, carbon will become unstable, and the basis for human generation will no longer exist!"

"In the three-dimensional fragments of parallel worlds we encountered in the high-dimensional universe, we discovered a universe with a different speed of light than ours."


The first class is over here.

A few people were still unfinished, staring blankly at the starry sky.

This experience is really unsatisfactory.

It's just like playing a game, fun and vivid.

Lu Qiming said, "So the speed of light in the silicon-based universe is slightly slower than ours?"

Dr. Aidin smiled and nodded: "Yes, in the silicon-based universe, most of the parameters are almost the same as ours, but the speed of light is a little slower, which causes the carbon element on their side to be extremely rare. Of course, on their side The stars may not be the same on our side.

"Their universe is very weird, I really want to see it."

"The magical high-dimensional universe has endless possibilities. It's like building blocks. The underlying mechanism is slightly different, and the building blocks are completely different!"

Edin said, and seemed to think of something, "Oh, by the way, there is a new course, learning to fly a spaceship through the virtual world, do you want to experience it?"

"Of course! Let me experience it!"

"This time there are enemies."

The parameter performance of the spacecraft is "Haiyan" level, which is the smallest single-person shuttle. It is naturally not too difficult for a few engineers. After all, they have built it themselves.

Immediately afterwards, there were densely packed enemies, including Zerg-shaped, Protoss-shaped, and Void Amoeba, etc.

After a while, the spacecraft's sensors sounded an alarm, and the spacecraft couldn't avoid it and was directly destroyed.

"Come on! I'm a bit dizzy..." Lu Qiming took off his virtual helmet, his face was pale, and the whole person was about to vomit under the violent screen rotation.

Grabbing a bottle of mineral water, he poured it into his mouth.

There are actually quite a few similar virtual games in the Xibaddi civilization, and they can be used by humans with a little improvement.

Anyway, it is impossible for the Sibaddi people to come over and ask for copyright fees.

However, these devices are a bit cumbersome to produce now. If you don't use the ability to create, you can only produce 2,000 units a month.

Even the military only has a share of 50,000 sets, which is obviously not enough, let alone the civilian population.

Ai Ding and Lin Lei were happy to drive the spaceship.

Aidin shook his head and said: "War in the universe should be like this. Death is only a momentary thing, don't take it lightly."

"I remembered a Star Wars game I played before. I finally saved money for half a year and bought a Titan spaceship. As a result, it was blown up the next day when I drove it out. I was so angry that I had afk that day. ."

"Oh, by the way, these virtual devices should be sent to the school. After the device is debugged, these games have to be deleted. The students in the province are addicted to virtual games."

Lu Qiming said carelessly: "Hey, it's actually nothing. When I was in school, there were computers in the classroom, and people often wanted to play games or something secretly after class. There are many things, and it's very difficult to guard against them."

"Especially some parents, who blamed their children's poor academic performance on games, obviously the parents' poor teaching."

Lin Lei thought of his daughter Lin Wenwen: "Ha, it's true... My daughter doesn't seem to be interested in video games, and people's hobbies are very different."

"But how's your relationship? Are you on base?"

Lu Qiming hesitated, unable to speak: "Every day... make a call."


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