Start a Subspace

Chapter 189: life and death, the fastest update to start the latest chapter of a subspace!

In front of the signal transmitter, Karta talked eloquently: "Even, I can identify with your culture and give you a certain right of autonomy! We Green Stars are a magnanimous race with rich experience in the management of interstellar civilizations. As a third-level civilization Civilization, we have enough potential to be promoted to the fourth-level civilization, and may even become the fifth-level civilization, entering the real singularity era!"

"It is lucky and happy to be a vassal of our Green Stars, because both of us can enjoy a bright future together."

"Such luck is rare in the universe! Gah!"

His voice became more and more high-pitched: "Now, I allow you to resist, and allow you to resist with all the weapons you can. In 12 hours, we will not slaughter at will, resist as much as you want. You will know both sides. How big is the difference?"

"But in 12 hours, if you have not surrendered, we will not rule out the use of military means."

In the end, he also made his iconic voice: "Gah!"

After hearing their leader "quack", the rest of the Green Stars "quack" one after another, and they like this big spaceship more and more. .

The "quack" sound in the earphones came and went.

Yes, the Green Stars have such great confidence, they are invincible with the existence of the four shields!

Let the other party resist to the fullest. Only by recognizing the gap can the other party surrender willingly.

As the electromagnetic wave signal was sent out, all the Green Stars began to discuss.

One of the wise men said worriedly: "It's been so long, the other party should decipher our words, right? They shouldn't pull their hips so much!"

"Gah! It's impossible, but we gave them 12 hours... No matter what, it's deciphered."

"Come on, let's enter this spaceship first."

The power armor where Karta was located, activated the recoil jet device, and moved a step forward. Immediately, the area covered by the four maintenance hoods also moved a small step forward.

The "bubble" touched the edge deck of the Eastern Rock.

At the moment of contact, these decks all evaporated, revealing the spacious and bright metal corridors in the spaceship!

"Ah, lights, this is also a race that yearns for light. I can't help but think back to my former hometown, a beautiful star, we lost our star forever."

Karta likes this huge spaceship more and more. As a result, he was completely unwilling to destroy the facilities inside.

A large amount of air escaped, forming a violent whirlwind.

But whether it is air or anything else, the moment it touches the "bubble", it will all "disappear".

"This should be an observatory, the area is empty enough, let's occupy this area first. Don't shoot, we have to abide by the 12-hour promise! Our purpose is to conquer each other, not slaughter each other!"

"Hey, the opposing army has appeared."


Zhang Ran was in the captain's room, staring at the one-sided war...

The other party didn't know what was going on, but suddenly jumped to the vicinity of the Eastern Rock... This scene alone is incredible enough.

Then he used a strange protective shield like a bubble to capture the important parts of the Eastern Rock one by one.

In just 20 minutes, the observatory and two weapon control rooms were taken over by these aliens!

Of course, this civilization has no way to crack the human electronic protection system in an instant, and temporarily cannot use human weapons.

But it is clear that the war is in a one-sided state, and the moment any material touches this protective cover, it will immediately decompose.

Humans... are overwhelmingly inferior!

The military even fired a high-dimensional silicon crystal the size of a mung bean through the electromagnetic gun, but it still had no effect, and even the high-dimensional silicon crystal was decomposed! Aside from the slightly larger scale of the explosion, that didn't change the war's one-sidedness. can this be fought? !

Looking at the scenes in the surveillance, cold sweat soaked through the clothes.

If it weren't for these creatures wearing power armor who wanted to **** this spaceship, and hadn't wrecked the Eastern Rock, mankind would have been defeated at the fastest speed!

"His Royal Highness, this is a kind of material decomposition. It is a decomposition at the level of physical rules. What kind of technology is this? Technology from higher dimensions... We simply cannot fight against such an enemy!"

Dr. Xia Yu of Gaowei's laboratory shouted hurriedly in the contactor.

He was on duty at the observatory at the time, and he immediately saw these light clusters appearing several kilometers away. Even if he was extremely panicked, he subconsciously used various detection devices to detect them for a while.

Yes, this kind of strange shield is to use the decomposition of substances caused by different physical rules. Unless you can find substances that are compatible with physical rules, you can attack the enemies inside.

But how to find it? This is obviously a higher-level technological weapon, a type that is completely unmatched by human level.

"His Royal Highness, you can only throw the No. 2 or No. 3 microcosm to escape! Even if this mothership is given to them... it is a loss that can be afforded." Speaker Zhou Chengfeng's anxious voice came from the contactor, "Flee now. You still have time!"

No one thought that the war would be so one-sided!

Although there were few casualties, anyone with a discerning eye could see that this was the most dangerous event in human history. The other party invaded, and there was no resistance in his mind.

Humans... may have to abandon their motherships!

However, after abandoning the Oriental Rock, there is no curvature to sail. Just the small universe is sailing in the high-dimensional universe alone, and it is easy to be recaptured by the opponent...

Yes, the movement of the small universe is slow, nothing compares to the curvature of the Eastern Rock.

If they are captured, they will die.

Zhang Ran was sweating anxiously, and the think tanks around him were constantly thinking about various plans, remembering that even their brains were about to come out.

Even in the face of the planetary fortress built by the Devourer, it did not bring them such huge pressure.

Even if the Devourer's weapon is dangerous, it is not so one-sided.

At this time, the deciphering experts from the Warp space once again sent information.

The leading translation expert said sweating profusely: "His Royal Highness... We translated the electromagnetic wave message just sent by the other party, saying that we should surrender, and the other party claimed that they would not massacre our people, as long as we accept the other party's rule, we will willing to live in peace with us.”

"They said they didn't kill a single person... What they destroyed were just some resisting machines."

"The other party is willing to give us 12 hours... After 12 hours, the other party will take military measures!"

This is equivalent to an ultimatum!

Many people in the captain's room held their breaths. What kind of confidence is this? Giving humans 12 hours is an idiot except for the strength to crush them. There are only two possibilities! Obviously, the other party is not an idiot.

"You will send the translation documents in their entirety."

"Okay... The other party claims that war is futile, they have the means of protection given by god-level civilization, and war will only bring more damage, and the coexistence of the two sides will lead to a better tomorrow... Probably this is what it means... …”

Guo Weiqiang sneered: "I think they didn't massacre because of insufficient labor force? They do have a lot of war robots, but obviously the population is not large. There are only about 6,000 people wearing power armor?"

"What can this person do, not even control the Eastern Rock."

"As soon as we surrender, we will accept the fate of lifelong slaves!"

Zhang Ran wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with a wry smile, "Are you sure all the weapons are useless?"

"'s of no use. That shield can wipe out all matter, and may only allow electromagnetic waves with lower energy density to enter..."

Someone else asked: "Is there an electromagnetic wave with a frequency just enough to enter the shield and then cause damage to it?"

"You mean... infrasound weapons? But the opponent's protective cover does not allow air to enter, and vibrations cannot penetrate it. Electromagnetic waves with energy density cannot be lethal." There is no reliable way to discuss it.

If it really doesn't work, we can only abandon the spaceship and let the little universe escape alone. There are great risks to this scheme.

Zhang Ran suddenly thought of an idea, and said loudly in the earphone: "Is it feasible to bring them into the subspace, and then throw them back into the high-dimensional universe through the teleportation ability of the subspace?!"

There is only one space door in the real world. If you want to transfer it, you need Zhang Ran's touch.

But the portal in the warp can be changed at will, as long as you think about it, you can throw things out through the space gate.

The captain of the staff, Zhao Weichao, was stunned for two seconds, and then quickly said: "Your Highness, this method is very risky. If you fight in the warp, you may be discovered by the other side of the Kunlun Mountain..."

"And the other party's protective shield seems to have the ability to teleport in groups and can directly enter the Kunlun Mountains."

"Even if we succeed in throwing these enemies into the high-dimensional space, the protective shield may not have a shelter function. If these aliens can be teleported back, they will not be able to eat and leave!"

The 50 million people in the Kunlun Mountains are the hope for the final rise of mankind. The loss of the Eastern Rock can only be said to be a serious loss of, but there is still a chance to rise.

But once the Kunlun Mountains fall, they will really have to accept eternal enslavement.

"By the way, wait!" Suddenly, engineer Lu Qiming thought of something and shouted in the contactor: "Your Highness, can you create something in the void inside their shield? Since our weapons can't penetrate this shield , so is it possible to create objects in the void directly? Create a hydrogen bomb directly inside, and you can blow them into ash!"

Lu Qiming almost shouted out the possibility: "Create a creation in the void directly inside the protective cover!"

Zhang Ran was stunned for a moment, then took a deep breath: "I'm not sure, but it's possible..."

Time seemed to stand still at this moment.

God knows whether this protective shield can block the creation of the void.

This uncertain decision can only be made by Zhang Ranlai. Others have no power or even dare to make any suggestions. Because once the choice is not good, it is a matter of human life and death!

The moment this pressure was placed in my heart, it seemed that even standing was difficult.

Zhang Ran racked his brains thinking about all the options.

The battle in the warp is extremely risky. If the opponent really jumps to the Kunlun Mountains, it will directly hold 50 million hostages...

At that time, everything will be extremely bad, and it is impossible not to surrender. Population is everything in a civilization.

But if you can really create something in the void inside the shield, this war will have the possibility of victory.

Relying on human beings, it is almost impossible to break through from the outside of the protective cover, and it seems that there is a little possibility to break through inside...

"What should I choose next..."

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