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Chapter 233: Ascetic Lifestyle (2 in 1)

Next, with the continuous announcement of news reports, the cooperation between the two parties has set off a big wave in the internal society of human beings!

[At 6 o'clock this morning, a reporter from the Deep Space News Agency learned from the front line of the war that the ghost body disaster caused a total of more than 2 billion casualties, and the post-disaster rescue work is continuing...]

[The high-level human civilization and the Blue Gold Era Alliance have reached a comprehensive cooperation agreement, and related rescue operations have been launched one after another...]

[The first batch of aid resources, through a large shuttle, arrives in the other party's small universe...]

【Video about interstellar war...】

Whether it is the scale of the ghost body disaster or the power of the Blue Gold Age Alliance, it has deeply shocked all mankind.

2.1 billion people died on the other side, and there are still nearly 1 billion people!

The Kunlun Mountain sanctuary, which humans are proud of, is like a small ant compared to the opponent's central sanctuary.

The gap at the scale level is a bit exaggerated.

This also led to many people's minds, because the construction of the Universal Factory was completed and the little pride that entered the third-level civilization completely disappeared.

A very real question began to be discussed on the Internet: "What should we do if the ghost body invades the Kunlun Mountains and the Universal Factory on a large scale?"

Consider human software and hardware, weapon systems and manning.

The answer is...there is no way. (Most people don't know jelly exists.)

Is it to abandon the robot revolution, abandon the universal factory, and degenerate into the era of the first industrial revolution?

Obviously not possible.

Humanity... can't resist this kind of disaster!

Another problem is the population. The population of human civilization is too small, and now it is only a little over 50 million.

Even at the third-level civilization level, the population does not represent productivity, but the level of intelligence represents productivity.

But the more the population, the more outstanding geniuses, this is an undeniable mathematical law!

But how to solve the population problem? Throughout history, mankind has never solved this problem. No matter how to encourage fertility, the fertility rate has been declining year by year... Human civilization is not strong enough, that is the responsibility of everyone, not just the government!

Therefore, the more you know about the Blue and Gold Age Alliance, the more people have a very strange mood...

This kind of mood is not sympathy or jealousy, but human beings should do better and take bigger steps...

Otherwise, it is very likely that they will be stuck at the level of the third-level civilization forever, until an unimaginable catastrophe occurs and all human beings are wiped out.

The foundation of social public rearing was quietly born under huge external pressure. Socialized parenting is a way to give birth to a large number of people in a short period of time, and it is also the only way that can be reluctantly accepted...


Half a month later, Natasha, as the first batch of reporters, followed more than 300 experts from all walks of life to the small universe of the Blue Gold Age Alliance.

Her most important task this time is to understand the basic structure of social parenting.

An octopus diplomat warmly received them: "Hello friends! Welcome to our central sanctuary..."

"Unfortunately, we are in the process of post-disaster reconstruction, and there is no way to bring VIP-level treatment."

"No no no, we are honored to be able to visit your culture."

At the first sight of entering the shelter, people saw a pale green sky, white clouds, sandy beaches and the sea.

The gravity environment is slightly higher than the earth's gravity, about 1.2 times, and there is a feeling of internal organs falling.

But this scene still made the visiting group feel deeply envious and really rich. With such a beautiful sanctuary, what parent star is there to look for?

The diplomats of the Blue and Gold Age Alliance introduced their civilizations. The headed octopus said: "The fusion of our three races has been a full 3,000 years."

"We adapted to each other's microbial environment and formed a stable symbiotic society. We should continue to symbiotically live in the foreseeable future."

The octopus man added: "Our poison weave civilization is a god-created civilization that has been recognized. Our ideology tends to be conservative, and we are mainly engaged in industries such as medical care, teachers, engineering, and biological sciences."

He also said to a lizard: "The ideology of the lizard civilization itself is relatively common, and their social and cultural systems and genetic philosophy are very easy to fall into the utopian trap, so they are willing to change their own ways and integrate into our alliance. , achieve long-term development.”

The lizard opened its mouth and laughed, looking a little simple and honest. So much energy along the way made them understand that they are indeed a very ordinary second-level civilization, if not for a cosmic disaster, they would live in their own planet, indulge in material enjoyment, and never set foot on the starry sky... …

Natasha's professional instinct came up, and she quickly asked: "Have you started to study the content of genetic philosophy?"

"It's just preliminary research. Gene determines a lot. Although the most important content of genetic philosophy is reproduction, and even survival is only better reproduction, but the details are still somewhat different. Some species are lazy, and some species are diligent. Some species have a high desire to explore, and the cultures of civilizations are very different due to the differences in the underlying details."

The octopus said eloquently, "Like our poison weave civilization, it is a very hard-working civilization, who created our creator and defines us as extremely hard-working. Hard work can bring us happiness. But the price is ours The desire to reproduce is relatively low, so artificial hatching must be used to increase the birth rate.”

"In addition, the etiquette system and ascetic culture of the Yayan civilization are the main current social thoughts, and indulging in material enjoyment is considered an immoral behavior."

The leader's brief introduction to the internal division of labor is nothing short of novel. Three races with different ideologies are mixed together, and there must be a compromise at the cultural level. The weakest civilization compromises the most, which is also emotional.

After a while, the human reporters were asking all kinds of questions.

"What is a god-creative civilization?"

"What is the Utopian Trap?"

"Isn't there any running-in problem with the coexistence of the three civilizations?"

So many novel questions!

The octopus answered: "In short, we are creatures created by a higher civilization."

"Our formation time is very short, and in just a few years, a native species has generated intelligence, and the genetic material has undergone fundamental changes.

"We can't find our ancestors on the planet, which is equivalent to appearing for no reason. In addition, the remains of high-level spaceships have also been found on our planet..."

The octopus did not have any embarrassed mentality, and calmly accepted the fact that he was "created".

It's no big deal, even silicon-based species may have been created.

Technology development has reached a certain level, and creating carbon-based classes is not as difficult as reaching the sky.

"Why is this? They...why created you?" Natasha squeezed in front. "Where did they go?"

The octopus waved his eight arms and said with the same emotion: "Maybe it's for research, maybe it's for war, maybe it's just to prove that they can, or maybe it's other reasons. In short, we thank them for creating We, at least for this moment, we are free."

"They didn't make too many demands on us, and they also presented the wreckage of a discovery spacecraft. Otherwise, as a species of ocean planets, we may never develop science."

"The only requirement is for us to understand our own form of existence in order to better break through ourselves and gain greater freedom."

"What is the acquisition of greater freedom?"

"Maybe it's not limited by ideas at the genetic level. As we all know, all ideas of carbon-based life are limited by genes. Why do we feel joys and sorrows, the answers have been written. This may be a manifestation of unfreedom, We think so."

Octopus people are really very good talking species. They are very patient and know almost everything. Their endurance is also extremely amazing. The sleep time of the brain is very small, about every 231 hours, only 10 hours of sleep.

This is also the superiority of this race. The god-created civilization has bypassed a lot of shortcomings in the evolution process, and their physique is also very powerful.

"...As for the utopian trap, it is a common problem faced by second-, third-, and fourth-level civilizations."

"This trap is divided into two types. The first is the era of extreme wealth in the second-level civilization, which will cause the civilization to be lazy and no longer have development potential. This category is very common."

"The second is that virtual reality technology has developed to a peak level, connecting with each other through the host to create a virtual world, that is, a virtual thinking society, in which each individual 'lives'. They can decide this All the laws and material forms of virtual society completely get rid of the absoluteness of time to complete virtual immortality.”

"eternal life?"

"Yes, we have encountered a utopian civilization whose level is unknown and has achieved immortality at the racial level."

"They no longer exist as 'individuals', all individuals are in the virtual world, and their main body is a planetary computer."

"And the lizard claw civilization, before encountering us, may also fall into the trap of utopia. Their civilization lost the motivation to move forward when it was too rich, so it was divided into two parts, and one part joined us to experience Ascetic culture; the other part is still wandering alone, and they don't know how their life is going."

"Is that so..." Natasha was surprised and recorded the information in the small notebook, "Is such civilization a bad thing?"

And the lizardmen around opened their mouths, they no longer thought about the original civilization...

The current ascetic lifestyle may not be bad, just get used to it.

The leader Kachajin took over the conversation and further explained the question: "We don't know the quality of this direction, and we can't evaluate it. Perhaps, good and bad are just a step away, and there is no clear dividing line. "

"It's not necessarily a bad thing to put an individual's thinking into a computer. Because this approach can produce a higher level of intelligence, and may even be the next form of civilization evolution. Pursuing the comprehensive freedom of individuals is also common to most civilizations. wish."

Humans cannot evaluate such civilizations either.

Because human beings don't even dare to enter the era of extreme wealth... Now the government is still worrying about the problem of reemployment of the unemployed, and most of the population cannot keep up with the times.

Thinking of this, Natasha sighed.

As a reporter, the best way is to convey the news report to the audience as truthfully as possible in the most objective way.

Personal subjective factors do not matter.

Next, the press team fully visited the talent training method of this alliance. They adopted the social public support system.

The children of the three races are raised by the same robotic mother, for a total of four people in each family system. Usually, there will be one more Ayanite.

Due to the complementarity at the level of racial personality, coupled with good educational methods, they can often get along well, and a small team of 4 is equivalent to the existence of relatives.

The government has carefully nurtured infants and young children until they graduate from college, and then let individuals pursue their full freedom.

Without the institution of marriage, marriage is completely unnecessary in this age.

The economic system is very prosperous, and the government pays directly!

Calculated according to the human economy, it is equivalent to the government giving individuals about 900,000 yuan a month, allowing you to pursue all-round personal development.

If you want to be in any industry, you can be in any industry. If you want to start a business, start a business.

If you don't want to work, let the government support you for the rest of your life.

If you are judged to be a high-level talent at the civilized level, you will earn hundreds of millions of dollars every month!

This kind of talent is generally impossible to indulge in material enjoyment, and they often need more resources to realize their dreams.

Of course, because of the "ascetic culture" advocated by this alliance, money is just an inexhaustible number for most individuals, equivalent to redundant productivity.

In addition, the small team of 4 people is equivalent to permanent relatives, and there are still some ties, and there are not too many degenerate individuals.

"If there is a large-scale degeneration, what should I do?" Natasha asked again, "It's hard to refuse a colorful world based on personal self-control alone."

"How can we cultivate outstanding talents?"

"Culture is very important, material consumption is a shameful act for us, we only consume necessary materials. In order to perpetuate this culture in the long run, the number of Ayanites is more, and the number of the other two races is less... You can understand that the Yayan people are grass eaters, their favorite entertainment is meditation and adventure, and they are naturally resistant to the indolent thoughts that material abundance brings."

"As long as the proportion of Yayan people is relatively large, it can affect our poison grain civilization and let our natural diligence play a role, and there will not be too many lazy individuals."

"Of course there are still some lazy people who don't want to make progress, so we will isolate these individuals from the main civilization and use them as negative teaching materials, allowing them to spend their lives in mediocrity."

This whole set of social systems simply made the human culture delegation do not know how to ask questions.

So shocking!

It was really shocking!

If the Kunlun Mountains make 900,000 yuan a month, Natasha can't imagine what human society will become... It must be that everyone is lazy, playing games and bragging. It sounds wonderful, but once a disaster occurs , Humans are killed in minutes!

"This approach seems to be very good..."

"If education is successful, it can fully mobilize the individual's subjective initiative, and work with interest is actually very powerful."

"But if education doesn't work, it'll just raise lazy people with high welfare," commented one sociologist.

"Well, many excellent jobs are indeed created out of interest."

"We humans... don't seem to have such a genetic philosophy. We're not born to eat grass like the Yayan people."

Animals that eat grass are not born to worry about food, so their genetic philosophy tends to pursue spirituality; human beings are actually quite picky and are born to worry about food, so they pursue material things at the genetic level.

When people think about it carefully, they still don't dare to do it. If 10% of people are depraved, what will other people think? The entire human society may collapse.

Is such a civilization really comparable to human beings?

Can't compare.

After a long time, someone asked: "The individuals in your alliance can do whatever they want, how should some super projects be completed? Where does the cohesion of civilization come from? If there is no pressure and no elimination mechanism, really Will it promote the development of technology?"

"In the era of comprehensive pursuit of freedom, how to find millions of like-minded people for a project that needs to be completed by millions of people."

The octopus man in charge of the answer laughed and said: "In fact, the cohesion of the government still exists. Most of the individual intelligence is mediocre, they can only do some ordinary work, and have no spiritual pursuit. Government work, turned into a sublime honor, our culture is guided in this way."

"Working for the government is equivalent to working for the entire civilization. As long as it becomes a glory, it forms a cohesive force."

"As for most people, they can't actually spend the money they send each month, so it becomes a number, and they accumulate there and don't move."

"As for your question, it is also our worry for the future. Even if our current ascetic culture can limit lazy thinking to a certain extent, nothing can be done once and for all... There is no elimination system, which is a big hidden danger and can only be used as a negative teaching material. , but some people will envy those negative teaching materials, resulting in the continuous increase in the number of negative teaching materials."

"The only way we can think of is, internal competition and external pressure. At present, the external pressure is very large..."

Hearing that the other party still hasn't completely solved this problem, for some unknown reason, the human delegation breathed a sigh of relief.

The elimination mechanism in the era of extreme wealth is really a cosmic problem.

"Yeah, internal competition and external pressure... that's the only way."

"The existence of silicon-based enemies is not necessarily a bad thing."

During the following visit, people gradually discovered that the racial value of the Blue and Gold Age Alliance was higher than that of humans to a certain extent.

The Lizardmen of the affiliated civilization were almost as expected. They were immersed in the grief of the death of their relatives and friends, their morale was low, and the speed of recovery was not fast. Their IQ is also mediocre, and the number of negative teaching materials is the largest.

This is understandable. How many other races can recover as quickly as no one else?

The octopus, a god-created race, performed somewhat beyond expectations. They quickly recovered from their injuries and built their homes conscientiously.

The post-war performance of the third-level civilization Yayan people also exceeded the expectations of the human delegation. Whether it was spiritual temperament, folk morale, or post-war production recovery, they all greatly exceeded human expectations.

This strange race that promotes the "ascetic" culture has shown great resilience.

So a more grand topic was born: "Does the racial value determine everything? Has the fate of the race already been written by genes."

"If human beings encounter such a disaster, can they do the same as the Yayan people?"

The answer may be no. Humans are not bad at the level of Lizardmen.

"Does any third-level civilization have its own natural superiority? The ability to resist disasters may be the common symbol of third-level civilization."

At present, there are two third-level civilizations that humans have come into contact with. The first is the Green Star people, and the second is the Asian people.

The innate genetic memory ability of the Green Stars has brought about an innate rational division of labor, and the racial value is not known how many times higher than that of humans...

Their brain circuits are also different, and people still think that the Green Stars are a magical species.

In the mothership of the Green Stars, there used to be a population of 100 million. During the process of passing through the wormhole, due to the small universe, the population dropped sharply to 6,000.

But the Green Stars with only 6,000 people still have the courage to fight with humans and want to **** the mothership of humans!

This kind of inexplicable brain circuit is actually beyond human imagination.

If human beings encounter such a super disaster, they may have a mental breakdown long ago. But the Green Stars actually want to rise again? !

Even... it can be said to be a unique kind of courage!

The Yayan people are The "ascetic" culture derived from this is a set of systems rooted in their genetic core, which is caused by the nature of advocating spirituality and morality.

Humans cannot learn by forcibly learning the "ascetic" culture. At most, they can only learn some "ceremony systems".

Because in the ancient times of the great eastern countries, some sages also put forward the idea of ​​"restraining oneself and restoring rituals", restraining one's own desires, making words and deeds in line with etiquette, and doing what one should do, the world will be more perfect.

Of course, due to the underdeveloped productive forces in ancient times, even survival could not be guaranteed, and this whole set of systems naturally failed.

But from the current perspective, it seems to have a certain degree of feasibility... But can this system really be maintained spontaneously and for a long time? Many experts view this matter with a negative attitude.


(PS: Two in one!)

Chapter 233 Ascetic Lifestyle (2 in 1)

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