Start a Subspace

Chapter 246: black hole signal

"Start a Warp(

With the full cooperation with the Blue and Gold Era Alliance, the pace of mankind is rushing forward!

"New Human Society", a brand new society of 30,000 children.

Thousands of experts from all walks of life, all human beings in Kunlun Mountains, will be responsible for the construction of the "new human society".

This long-standing and fresh social experiment will continue for decades.

The "21-month" incubation of 30,000 children alone has attracted the attention of everyone in the Kunlun Mountains society, and overwhelming news reports have introduced the advantages of the "21-month" incubation technology.

Since none of you want to believe in science, let these 30,000 children do the first step.

The main purpose of the "new human society" is to create a set of social and cultural systems that are more suitable for future life. Everything will be completely new, from the culture, to the social system, to the ideology of social citizens, all artificially constructed.

A large part of the cultural system of the past earth era will be discarded. Except that the genes are still human, this is no different from the artificial race!

The phenomenon of war of words caused by the "new human society" has been going on for more than 10 months, and more and more people are now making suggestions.

What should the cultural system of the new human be like? The concept of no parents, the cancellation of traditional families and the establishment of new families is a major trend.

But what should a child's sexuality look like? Liberalism or Conservatism? Sexual needs are the basic needs of human beings, and sexual openness is the natural animal tendency of human beings. How to avoid this trend?

In the past, there was parental discipline, but now the new human society does not have the concept of parents, so can we only choose liberalism?

How can I find a job when my child is an adult? Are they creating a new social system on their own? How to build? Or join the Kunlun Mountains system?

If joining Kunlun Mountains, how should the intermediate process transition?

How should some children who are born with inferior roots be educated? There are always lazy and stupid people in the world, how to deal with this kind of people? Can robot parents have more power than parents, can they beat and scold their children, and where is the line of power and responsibility for beating and scolding?

"As a mother of two, I think a certain amount of punishment is inevitable! There are many kids who get caught up in their emotions and get stuck thinking they're right and trying to get to the bottom of things. In this case Controlled violence is the easiest and most effective way to deal with it.”

Not only parents, but some single dogs also expressed various opinions there: "Can robot parents really replace parents? Of course, this is a technical problem. Since the technical problem is not big, I will not say more."

"Let's talk about ethical issues first. Will robot parents raise a new generation of children when their children become adults? Will 'they' be destroyed after they are scrapped, and will repairing these robots format their memories?"

"I even feel that robots must be given certain human rights. I'm not kidding, when humans have feelings for robots, it is necessary to enrich robots with certain human rights. So 'they' cannot be destroyed indiscriminately, attacking robot parents will bear legal responsibility."

It's all complicated, and it's a topic that can be fought for a lifetime...

Zhang Ran watched it with relish, and there was an inexplicable joy in brainstorming.

Since Lin Qiuyue as the representative put forward the "Code of Conduct for Human Philosophy", related research has already begun. Can the new human society follow the new system? He was looking forward to it.

No way, this step is so difficult, everyone is making suggestions, everyone is paying attention.

Moreover, it is a perennial concern, which is equivalent to a kind of national social supervision, and it is not necessarily a bad thing.

These 30,000 newborns start from a blank sheet of paper, which is equivalent to "the children of all mankind".

The pressure on the government is also very great. Under the watchful eyes of so many people, so many people are staring at it. If the "new human society" this time messes up, it needs to bear a huge historical responsibility. Even his Highness, who was hiding behind the government, had to bear some of the responsibilities.

But in the next second, his contactor rang, and when he opened it, he found that it was a communication from the observatory.

"His Royal Highness, we have received a signal from a black hole 0.42 light-years away!" Professor Huo Dong appeared on the screen with a serious face.

"It may be that an unknown civilization transmits special signals by disturbing Hawking radiation. The amount of signals is very small, only a dozen KB."

"This weak signal appeared six months ago and was not taken seriously at that time. After all, it is too weak. Any disturbance will bring about distortion of the signal."

"It was not until today that we officially discovered the Hawking radiation signal when we turned on the large radio telescope and re-observed the black hole 0.42 light-years away."

Zhang Ran was shocked, knowing that humans are now in a special universe, and suddenly found some black hole signal, what does this mean.

A sudden thought flashed across like lightning, making his heart beat wildly!

Has the final war begun? !

He quickly asked: "Can this black hole signal be deciphered? Is it some kind of connection between silicon-based civilizations?"

The current universe, as the remains of the "ultimate war" of the past, looks very strange. The number of cosmic strings here is very rare, but the number of black holes is quite large, and the density of black holes is much higher than that of the carbon universe where humans used to live.

However, the space here seems to be stable.

This fact alone makes people very confused. In theory, this universe, like the carbon universe, has died, but judging from the current situation, it does not seem to have died? It appears fairly stable, with absolutely no signs of space collapsing.

This has also been proved according to long-term tests of physical constants.

Huo Dong quickly replied: "This black hole signal is very easy to decipher."

"Because of its encryption method, it is similar to cosmic string broadcasting. The ciphertext is stored in the form of graphics... It may be sent by a high-level civilization in a carbon universe, and of course it may be sent by a powerful silicon-based civilization, We don't know yet."

"All in all, this piece of signal conveys quite important information."

Some data appeared on Zhang Ran's computer screen. With deep excitement and surprise, at the first sight of these materials, he realized the importance of this matter, to the point that human beings must change their journeys!

It was originally planned that after the curvature engine was repaired, human beings would return to the high-dimensional universe, looking forward to the next space turbulence that would “blow” the Oriental Rock to a place with a little more material.

Of course, this plan has great risks. Humans cannot predict the direction of turbulent flow in space. What if it blows into a more open place and can't get out again?

And now...

He immediately pressed the emergency notification button and convened the relevant parliament.

About half an hour later, a large number of government officials and experts from all walks of life came to the large conference room of the Oriental Rock.

"Everyone, our observatory has observed a black hole signal 0.42 light-years away." Zhang Ran has always been straight to the point, and said bluntly, "Let's first see what the deciphered content is, and then make the next decision. "

"First of all, everyone needs to be mentally prepared that the final war is coming soon. Yes, we are still just a little shrimp. We can't wait for more time, but time waits for no one."

"This is a faction war. According to the known information, once the faction fails, we will be completely eliminated."

The images displayed on the screen are really shocking.

The first picture depicts the Big Bang phenomenon that occurred at a singularity in the energy that created the universe.

This picture seems to want to show the steps in the generation of a new universe in the qubit sea: on the Planck time scale, a massive singularity of a high-dimensional universe suddenly appears some kind of "abnormality": the singularity It has cooled to the point where gravity can be separated and begins to exist independently. There are gravitons that transmit gravitational interactions. At this moment, the energy that opens up the world is generated.

The second picture, 10^-35 seconds after the big bang: the temperature of the universe is as high as 10^27 The newborn universe has entered an inflationary period, gravity has been separated, and quarks, bosons, and leptons are formed. At this stage, the universe has cooled enough that the strong interaction can be separated, while the weak interaction and electromagnetic interaction are still unified in the so-called "electroweak interaction".

A cosmic string like a cobweb was created at this moment!

At this stage, the universe is very small, but the cosmic strings are highly dense.

And the universe experienced inflation in the next time period, and the inflation lasted only 10^-33 seconds. At this moment, the universe experienced 100 doublings of 2^100, and the obtained scale was 10^30 times the previous scale.

The next pictures are scenes of the universe at 10^15 degrees Celsius, 100 billion degrees Celsius, 30 billion degrees Celsius, 3 billion degrees Celsius, 300 million degrees Celsius...

A new universe is being born not far away!

This signal quickly made everyone in the conference room realize something. A new universe, a new universe younger than human beings!

Due to the ebb and flow of space tides, universes are born in singularities almost every moment, but they are all in very distant and inaccessible places.

And this newly born universe is not far away, it is nearby, and it is precisely because of its birth that a time-space turbulence is triggered, which blows mankind down to this ghost place.

More critically, it appears to be... a very rare carbon universe?

The civilization that sent the signal, with quite a few pictures, described the fact that it was a carbon universe, painted a mess of neural networks.

There's even an atomic image of a carbon atom being painted, what could it say other than showing that it's a rare carbon universe?

Even if this universe is very young, so young that there is not much matter yet, so young that there is not even a single star!

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